Chapter 52:

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“Where’s my gift, Ashton?” I sand, barging shamelessly into his and Mason’s room.

“Ugh. So, you can wake up early for gifts, and only that?” Mason groaned into his pillow, turning his head away from me.

“It’s a gift from Ashton! And, it’s my very last one. I wanna see it!” I whined.

“Well, too bad. It is 9 fucking am, and you’re annoying me by disturbing my sleep. Go away.”

“Aww Mase!” I went over, and poked his face. “It’s my buddaayyy”

He squeezed his eyes shut, then proceeded to reply. “And I already gave you your gift. What else do ya want?”


“I’m in if it’s pm. But, am? No chance.”       

“You suck.”

I stuck my tongue out at him, which he probably didn’t see, eh, whatever.

“ASSHTTOOONNN, WHERE ARE YOU?” I sang again, scanning the room for my sexy best friend. Damn, I got to stop best-friend-zoning him now.

“Oh my god, woman, he isn’t here! Go away.”

I pouted, “But where is he then?”

“I don’t know, check the lawn or the beach or anywhere else but my room!”

“Well, good morning to you too sunshine, you’re in an awful mood today.” I grumbled, walking out of the room, and leaving Mason to his peaceful sleep.

I bumped right into Jer, ah, my favorite guy!

I squealed “Jereeemy!”

He chuckled, and flashed me a smile. “You’re in a great mood today.”

“Well, yeah! It’s my birthday! And I’m finally 17!” I jumped up and down on spot.

“You do realize Andrew turns 18 in like a week…right?” He asked me, raising his eyebrows.

“Hey! It’s my birthday, no negativity!” I exclaimed, waving my hands in the air, making really, really weird motions as if to push the ‘negativity’ away.

“Oh yeah, I was just coming to wake you up. Ashton told me to tell you to meet him in like how much ever time you can, however not to let you down without letting you take a shower,” he pointed out, and my face dropped. I would have to shower? Aww, dang it.

“Wear what Madds gave you, dress pretty, and accessorize yourself. Okay, these weren’t Ashton’s words that were all Lisa. Either ways, I can’t let you go without getting you dolled up, so go right ahead, get started.”

“Okay! Okay!” I huffed, throwing my hands in the air. “But I haven’t spoken to you in forever!”

“What bullshit, we talk all day every day. I know more things about your life then you do, don’t try to change the topic and divert my mind from not letting you shower, because that isn’t happening-you disgusting pig. Go shower. Now.”

“Jesus, you suck.”

He raised an eyebrow at me. HOW DOES EVERYONE BUT ME DO THAT?

I gasped, “Oh no, no, no! I didn’t mean that Jesus sucks! I meant that, ‘Oh Jesus Christ, you suck!”

He started laughing.

“Shit.” I corrected, “I-I-I mean that you-you as in Jeremy Hastings sucks!”

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