Chapter 16:

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Those words wouldn't stop ringing in my head! As soon as Maddison told me Ashton had an accident, the world around me faded. You know how they show in movies? Thats exactly what I was feeling.


The world started fading around me slowly. There was no white light anymore, it was dark and sad and deep. It was like falling into an endless pit of misery. I felt guilty. Guilty for feeling he would leave me there, guilty for blaming him for everything that happened with me, guilty for him not coming back, guilty for getting mad at him for not visiting me. Of course he wouldn't visit me! HE WAS LYING ON A HOSPITAL BED! Just like I am.

The nurses won't let me through, they stay I'm yet to recover. How is this possible? How did my perfect life become so messed up? How? How in the world did all of this happen? Okay now thats a little over exaggeration. Or maybe not.

But Ashton din't deserve this.

He might have been a jerk to me, but he is still the sweetest guy I have met. I remember 2-3 years ago, in around 7th grade.

-flashback to 7th-

"Oh my god! Kate, stop ruining my drawing!" I yelled at Kate.

"I was just trying to help!" She objected.

Ting ting ting ting

The bell rung, signalling the end of the first half of the day, it was break time now yay! But I still had to complete my painting, I guess I'll finish it, skipping break for one day is fine..

Kate left, and the others in the drawing room left too.

So, what I was making was a beautiful swan or a bird, I don't know! It was white and flying, so well whatever you would want to make out of it. I took part in this competition where we got to draw and give sketches of stuff that you'd want to paint related to peace, and the best artwork would be chosen. There was no first second or third here, you just had to paint to your best ability. All the good ones would be selected and our drawing would be used as sketches to pain on the walls of some park where people go to rest.

I think this was pretty damn cool.

"Woah, skipping lunch much?" Ashton asked, walking into the room.

"Yeah, I gotta complete this, tell me how is it?" I asked,

"Sucks!" He replied and left the room.

Seriously? Seriously Ashton? Way to go bestfriend!

After 5 minutes, he came back into the room.

"What now? Come here to make more fun of my drawing?" I asked, without turning to look at him.

"Sorry ya Anns, your painting is beautiful and so are you. Which is why, lets not spoil your beauty and eat something, okay?" He said, as he walked across the room and sat down beside me.

He stretched his hands forward dropping a burger, fries and a juice box in front of me.

I looked at him, surprised.

"Oh shutup, now eat."

I threw my arms around him, "I love you so much, Waters!"

"Ya ya, love you too, c'mmon eat."

Later that day, the guys started annoying me when I was trying to add some final touchups in my painting. They just kept throwing paintbrushes at me and distracting me.

"Oh my gods! STOP!" I yelled.

All I got back as a reply was their laughter.

"Guys, seriously stop it, don't annoy here." Ashton voice was next to speak.

I love you, Bestfriend.Where stories live. Discover now