Chapter 61:

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The night was a blast, we played truth and dare, I almost ate a brick, and no one was drunk. Surprised? Well, yeah we may be drinking when we're out but we all know our limits. We had a school day tomorrow and usually we would have bunked, but this time there would be no use. Exams were coming up and I had already missed plenty of school. I had lots of catching up to do, apply to multiple universities, submit all my reports and assessments.

There was so much to do, and time, well time wasn't that big of a problem but you could never be too careful. And anyways finals were coming up, there wasn't going to be more partying and I would have plenty of time to myself since everyone (including me) would be studying.

See, we're all fun and crazy people, but we also had some goals, some dreams to fulfill, and we knew how to achieve them, we knew when it was time to get serious. It might be a shock to you all but we're all actually Acing academics with capital A's.

I slept alone tonight.

Ashton went over to help his mom out with some work, he told her he was just getting some clothes and then come and crash over at mine, but somewhere along with way he fell asleep on his bed and I didn't think it would be right for me to move him. He looked so peaceful and tired that I didn't have it in me to wake him from his deep slumber. Yes, if you're wondering, I did go and check on him when he wasn't back for another half an hour.

So I came back home and crashed on the couch while watching tv.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry baby; I didn't realize that I was asleep!" Ashton muttered, shaking me awake.

I groaned still asleep, "mhmm,"

"Diana, wake up, we have school" He said, softer this time

I nodded and turned around to face him, which wasn't that great of an idea. I was already sleeping on the very edge of the couch, turned away from the world, so when I rolled further; I fell right off the couch and into Ashton's lap.

He chuckled, and brushed the hair off my face, "you're adorable."

I rubbed my face, "It's too early Ashton, and I'm still adjusting to the world."

He laughed at that.

"Come on, you'll be late," he offered but obviously I didn't make any move to get up, instead I snuggled closer into Ashton, burying my face into his stomach area, pulling at his t-shirt. He knew I wasn't moving anytime soon so he carried me bridal style up to my room and into my bathroom. He sat me on the sink.

"I'll be happy to undress you if you don't want to move," he said in a soft, sexy whisper.

I thought he was teasing me, and played along, "Not such a bad idea."

He took me seriously, and in a second slid my top off of my body.

My breath hitched, as his eyes travelled down the length of me, landing shamelessly at my chest. Even though I was wearing a bra, I felt exposed, and I was blushing furiously. He held my chin with his soft, warm hands and forced me to look into his eyes.

"You know, I would have much preferred it if you'd worn a shirt," He said, right above my ear.


"Could've taken my time unbuttoning each button, one by one, watching you squirm in your seat" he finished, with an evil smile.

I chuckled, "not happening buddy, I'm so not wearing shirts anytime soon"

"Oh, I didn't mean your shirt" He said.

I gave him a quizzical look.

He kissed my cheek, "I meant mine" and with saying that he walked away, leaving me blushing and frozen in my place. I shook my head and got off the sink, stripping down the rest of my clothes and stepped into the shower. The cold water hit my face, waking me up a little.

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