Chapter 40:

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“Uhhhhhh! It's such a long day!” I groaned into my pillow. And turned over, looking at the beautiful night sky. I decided to leave my curtains open because one would be stupid to skip this view. All the five bedrooms were sea-facing, and since we had our own private beach, it was beautiful and perfect. No one around, the sand shinning in the moonlight, the waves crashing at the shore, it was a dream view, but not really a dream.

I wanted to sleep so badly, but I couldn’t get myself to.

I had unpacked my entire bag, set up my toiletries, makeup, my curling iron, straighter and hair dryer. Now what? It wasn’t cold, it was a pleasant night. The fun fact in my room was that I had French windows up here too and a mind blowing balcony; just like those princesses do in fairytales.

I slipped into my shorts and a loose tee on top, I wasn’t the type to wear home slippers or cute little uggs the girls in movies do, I mean c’mon? Yeah, they are cute, but seriously? Why would you wear them at night?

As I unlocked the windows, warm summer-ocean-breeze hit my face, making me relax instantaneously. I looked up to the stars and said ‘hi’

“So, it’s been long since we have spoken huh?” I speak, “Sorry mom, sorry dad! I wasn’t too busy or caught up with life. You know how it gets? I miss you, and I know you know that but it doesn’t hurt to say it and I want to keep reminding you that your little daughter hasn’t changed, I’m still the same old Diana Summers. I know you’ve been looking out for me, if not, these wonderful little things wouldn’t keep happening in my life. All this luxury and money..

“To be honest, I don’t care about this. Sure its pretty and magical but it doesn’t replace you mom, you were my hero, you still are and you always will be, no matter what. I miss you so much, and I wish you could be here with me, beside me, guide me, and hold me. But you know what? It’s okay. You’re okay, I am okay, and everything will be okay. You haven’t left me alone; I have a brother, out of everyone, its Andrew! My best friend is my brother! How awesome is that dad? Really! I have no regrets; I don’t hate you for not telling me, I don’t detest you for hiding this from me, if anything I’m grateful and thankful.”

A tear rolled down my cheek, “Yeah, I cry, but I know I’m not weak or anything, this is one way to let out my feelings and plus, I’m a girl, of course I cry” I chuckled. “You know I love looking up at the night sky and find these two bright stars twinkling right above me. I know it’s you, and it makes me so happy!”

“HEYYYY ANNNSSS!” A voice yelled from somewhere, of course I knew this voice..But why was he yelling? We were kind of in the same house. Although, the question was: where did this voice come from? My room was locked.. I looked around behind me, my room was perfect. Okay, wait, not perfect, it was a mess but my room is always a mess so it doesn’t really matter and back to the point, well there were no signs of anyone. Especially not him.

I bent over the balcony allowing my eyes to dilate in the darkness, there were no signs of him there either, I looked over to my left and right, but there was no one?

“Anns you dumb idiot, on your left!” he called

I turned over to the left and almost tumbled over the balcony.

What. The. Fuck.

And there I saw Mason and Ashton, standing in the little space beyond the balcony walls. There was only so much space to place a foot and those two idiots were well, there...

“What are you doing!? Trying to suicide?” I yelled back, glaring at them but knowing the fact that they couldn’t see my deathly glares what so ever.

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