Chapter 18:

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"Here?" I asked softly.

"OUCH!" He yelled, glaring at me.

"Sorry?" I asked, giggling.

"Seriously, are you blind!?" It was more like a statement rather than a question. "Can't you see the bluish greenish or whatever colour they are now?"

"Hey! I'm trying to help, okaayyyyy!" I protested.

"Sure Diana, sure. You're doing this for your own amusement!" He whined.

I cracked up, it was true..of course I was having fun doing it.

"Just cover it up fast," he murmured, "Don't you dare tell anyone I have makeup on me!"

"Sure Jer, whatever you say" I started laughing again.

When I woke up today morning, the first thing I came in contact with was Jeremy's big face. He was so shocked, I almost died laughing. Apparently his bruises were showing now, yesterday they weren't there but for some weird reason they showed today, his sp called reason was that his sister Jenny had come over to meet me, but since I was sleeping she ended up applying make up on Jeremy's face, that way she covered all the bruises yesterday.

"Let me put a little lipstick, Plleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaasseeeee?" I asked Jer with puppy dog eyes, and battering eyelashes.

He turned around with his eyes wide, "are you crazy? I already lost most of my manly hood covering up my bruises, I don't wanna give you or anyone an other reason to think I'm gay!"

"Fine!" I stomped my foot.

"Its 10, you ready?" He asked slowly.

I took a deep breath, "Lets go."

Just as I was about to leave my room, Jeremy caught my hand and pulled be back. "Listen, it doesn't matter if he responses or not, you trying matters. Yesterday could be luck or..or I don't know, him thinking about something or rather as you said someone else, so lets leave it there. Don't push yourself too much but keep high hopes, he will wake up. We're going there to try to get him to respond the chances of him getting up are near to zero. Alright?"

"Yes. Okay."

We made our way around the receptionist without being noticed, since it was that time of the day where the hospital is the most busiest, we chose to sneak out then. Lily was standing right outside Ashton's door, crap.

We have been doing this for almost two weeks now, and never have I come across Lily. But today she just had to be there.

"Go in, I'll speak to Lily, she won't mind you, don't worry."

I nodded and made my way past them, slowly entering Ashton's room. I was careful not to make a lot of noise, on second thoughts, noise would just be better. He would get annoyed and get up to yell 2-3 abuses at me.

Although, there is a very high chance of me being thrown out, lets just stick to keeping quiet.

"Hey Ashton," I whispered. "Ashton I miss you, I miss you so much. I don't care if you are being a jerk or an ass or don't even care about me, just stop this please, get up. We all are waiting for you, missing you SO much. You're the heart of our group, your jokes set us free, you takeaway all our worries. How h-how could you? Stop being so selfish and come back to us, come back to me..come back to-" I chocked on the words "-M-m-mel"

"Please? I'll take you everywhere!"

The monitor beeped, signalling his response. He did respond but not much, I need something solid, something that will make him crazy.

"Ashton, I-I-I almost g-got rapped."

Beep beep beep

The monitor wouldn't stop.

Okay okay so this is getting him to respond.

Maybe I should talk more about the incident? Give details? But how? I barely got those words out without stammering and going back to the time that happened. Yes, "that" thats what it is now, just "that" I can not think about what happened how the heck am I supposed to lay it down in front of Ashton in words?

Beep beep beep..its slowing



Okay think fast you idiot, this is your only chance.

"It was dark and I was on my way to Jeremy's on foot, since you left me and I couldn't stand the thought of being at Tony's. So I took of on foot plus I was mad at you, my phone was off, I had lost all my energy and Tony lived in a creepy area, the closest was Jer. I was almost there and-"

"Anna, come we have to go...OH MY GODS!" Jeremy was on full alert. "H-how did you do that!? This is only the 3rd or 4th time I have got you here in 2 weeks and still managed to get him to react?" His tone was more than surprised.

"I..uh, I don't know..uh.." I stuttered.

"Call the doctor!" Jeremy called back to the nurse then came in completely and stood beside me.

"What did you tell him?"

"I..uh..I was telling him about w-what happened after the party." I whispered.

"And? Nothing else?" He asked.

"I did mention M-mel though, I think thats what got him to respond.."

Jeremy looked down at me apologetically. "I know what you think but I doubt its her. She comes here to talk to him at least once a day and he doesn't respond, at least not that much. Its you Anna, I told you. Think about it."

"Jer please, no. Thats not it. My head is hurting really, can we go back?"

"Sure. Although you're getting discharged today. I packed all your stuff; gifts, chocolates, flowers and all those cards. I already passed by your house in the morning when you were asleep. Lily gave me spare keys to your house, I hope thats okay."

"No problem, thats really sweet of you Jer, thankyou!" I replied.

As we were about to leave, Mel entered.

Holy Hera.

I could have left just a minute ago and prevented this. But no, this is what you want isn't it? Seriously! Don't you get bored sitting up there and making my life living hell? There are other trillions of people in this world, go give them a little attention too!

"Uh, Diana? Why are you looking up?" Asked Mel, clearly creeped out.

"Talking to God, what do ya think?" I snapped.

Jeremy stifled a laugh.

"Look, whatever. Can I speak to you for 2 minutes? Alone.." She asked.


"Uh.." I turned around to Jer for help, but that ass took a step back.

"Yeah, sure."

Before leaving I made sure to give Jer my stink eye and 'you-will-payback' face.

"So, I know we din't get of to a great start and I know that I have complicated things between you and Ashton, and I'm seriously sorry. But you don't know my side of the story. I just want you to listen."

I nodded.

"As you know I'm a straight A student and academics are my everything, but when I met Ashton it all changed. I felt better, happier and independent. I got the sense that no one controls me and I started feeling special. He makes me feel special. Ashton is a lot of things, a great friend, a great boyfriend and a great person. Don't be mad at him or don't blame him for not spending time with you, the one you gotta blame is me. All me. I know its hard for you because I know exactly how you feel, I understand. And don't try to deny it. I have seen the way you look at him, I know you're in love with Ashton and you have for a very long time. I also know you don't like me much and that you have never made a move to steal him or keep him for yourself. I appreciate that. All I need is for you to give me a chance. For you to let me prove I can keep him happy. Not just because that would put you down, because he is all I have. My parents are multimillionaires, they never have time for me, currently they are somewhere in Hawaii for some project or meeting or I don't know what. I have never felt loved, never. But Ashton does that, he makes me feel loved. I don't want this feeling to go away, please understand. Think about it. Let me have this chance, please."

"I-I don't know what to say Mel? You could have told me that before! And pfft. What are you saying? I don't love Ashton, he is just my bestfriend," I choked on the words.

"Don't hide it, Diana. I promise I will not tell Ashton. Your secret is safe with me."

I gulped.

Am I that obvious?

"Go, he's waiting for you." I pushed her inside.


Things change so fast. One minute I hates Mel's guts and the other I feel sorry for her. I feel bad and guilty for everything that I said about her. When people say that hold on to what you have now, since it can disappear easily, its true. I never knew that, not until now. Change. One word. I wonder how many people have gone through this, at first enemies and then bestfriends. I was wrong here, I made a terrible mistake. I hate when people judge me. And here, what did I do? I judged Mel. A bimbo, thats what I thought of her but it turns out I was blind. She has always been the topper, straight A student. Amazing personality, the brain of our school. She isn't a slut, in fact she was the most responsible girl in out school. Love, it does make us blind. Not blindly in love with one other, just blind. Blind enough not to notice who is right and who is wrong or rather what is right what is wrong. They say you should fight for your love. I don't wanna fight. Not when it turns out to break someone else in the process. Yeah, I might break. So what? I have been for the past years, I will continue for the next. If Ashton is happy with her that I should too. Right now all that matters is him being happy.

That is what love is.

its sacrifice. Its pain. Its hurt. Its feeling miserable. Its disappointment. Love is not that wonderful feeling you get of being with someone. Love is misery. If love was being happy, being happy with that one person then how is it any different from attraction? Infatuation? There is a fine line between Love and Attraction. And you need to know where that line is. The happy feeling? Thats attraction. The part where your heart breaks, where you feel the pain, where you feel anger and jealousy. When you give your love up to someone else even though you know they will end up making a mistake, you do it. You do it to give them what they want because it made them happy. The day they come back is the day you know you were right. If you're still waiting for it to work out, it will. Eventually. If you can wait, you deserve them or someone better. If you can't; it is not love, it never was. It was just infatuation.

There is a fine line between love and attraction.


oh my gods! My reads and votes and comments are going up like crazy!


Your comments make me so happy and thats what inspires me to write more. So thankyou! You guys get the credit for my story turning how it is. ;) yes you.


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