Chapter 51:

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"Good morning, sunshine!" Maddison sang.

I groaned throwing a pillow at her face. "Go away."

"Aww, come on! It's a beautiful Christmas morning!" she pouted.

I just groaned and ignored her. Turning my face away from her, and burying my face deeper into the cozy pillows all around me.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." She said then, before I could react her face was in front of mine and a glass in her hand. She tilted it, pouring the contents over my face. I rolled over to the other side quickly causing only some of it to land on my face.

Ugh, now my bed was all wet!

I got up, facing her. "I SWEAR TO THE GODS OF OLYMPUS, IF YOU DO NOT LEAVE RIGHT-" I began to threaten but was cut off abruptly.

"Oh please, save that for someone else! It's Christmas!"

I began to threaten her again but thought better of it. Threatening Maddison wasn't going to get me anywhere. So instead, I ran past her outside my room and into the corridor. As if knowing exactly what I was thinking Maddison followed me running. I knew she would stop me so I pumped my legs to run faster and barged into Mason and Ashton's room. I banged the door on her face and locked it.

I smiled, contently.

"BITCH! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR OR-" she shouted from the opposite side.

"Blah blah," I cut her off, "There's no way you're getting me out of this one." I sang.

She grumbled and muttered some incoherent words, however sighed and walked away.

I plopped myself in between Mason and Ashton who were sleeping on two different sides of the bed. There was enough space for me to squeeze in, so I did and shut my eyes. Finally, sleep and I are reunited.

"She woke you up?" Ashton chuckled, sleep evident in his voice.

"Tried" I corrected.

After that I slipped back into my dreamland.


"DON'T YOU WORRY, YOU WON'T BE SORRY, FOR TODAY IS A GOOD DAY, A GOOD, GOOD DAY." The same voice yelled again. It sounded like a woman's voice. What the-?

"Get the damn alarm, Mason!" Ashton groaned beside me. I tried to open my eyes and readjust to the world. Like what was happening? Who is this woman? Why is Ashton calling her an alarm?

I looked at Mason who was dead. Not literally, I mean he was dead asleep.

I thought better than to wake him up. I was already asleep beside him, and we had a slap bet which he had forgotten yesterday, but that didn't mean he wouldn't slap me.

I turned around and looked at Ashton. His arm was thrown over his eyes, his face was twisted into an annoyed one.

"What's wrong?" I whispered, leaning towards him.

"Mason's fucking alarm!" he groaned, his voice sounding sexy as ever.

I got up, and looked down at him as he slowly removed his hands and flashed me a 100 watt smile. "Morning"

"Morning" I chirped. Or wait, is it?

"What were you talking about the alarm? And who was that woman who was yelling?" I asked.

"That is Mason's famous alarm. He couldn't find a more annoying voice then his cousin Kelly's. So he asked her to record those lines and send him to her, she did and voila. Her annoying voice is his fucking alarm tone and it wakes him up every day." He muttered.

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