Chapter 49:

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“Sorry Anns, but your gift isn’t ready yet. And I won’t hand it over to you just yet, tomorrow is going to be a great day for me to give you your gift, just trust me on this okay?”

I groaned. “I hate you.”

“You and I both know that isn’t true,” he pointed out.


“He has a girlfriend, why would he do the nasties with me?”

“You said that out loud.” Ashton pointed.


“Well it is true, now come on! I am dying of hunger.” I quickly waved of the topic before he could go further asking me all sorts of questions about why I said that and what I had meant.

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t sad or disappointed, because I was. Terribly and madly-I wasn’t being mean or a bad friend, or even selfish. I didn’t really want a gift from Ashton. It is just that I was eager and excited to see what he got me, because his gifts are never ordinary. They never have been. In the past 9 years I have got all sorts of meaning full things from Ashton-things that I might have up till date.

I remember them all, one was a giant teddy bear-that was the very first gift he ever gave me, and then came the huge scrapbook which he had made all by himself without Lily or Mom’s help. He had gone and cut out pictures from the little photo albums our moms’ had stored and used his stack of glitter pens and sharpies to make a cute scrapbook for me. Next was the first book I ever read: Famous Five, he had collected the first five books of the series and gifted me. That was the first book I ever read apart from the school books-

“I thought you were hungry?” Ashton’s voice snapped me back from my walk down the memory lane.

I shrugged, “Sorry”

“What were you thinking about? I could see your thinking face and the faint smile playing on your lips.” He explained.

I smiled, and for once I was honest to him about my thoughts, “You. All the gifts you gave me in the past years.”

His face flushed, and he didn’t make an attempt to hide it. He was shaking his head instead, smiling and we walked over to the huge table everyone was seated at.

I took my seat beside Ashton and immediately regretted it.

I was sandwiched between him and Andrew; moreover Mason was right in front of me. We had this thing where Mase and I always avoided sitting right in front of each other because we would continuously kick each other. It was like a table-tradition.

Mason smirked at me, and I did too.

Oh yeah, game on.

There was a lot of food spread out across the table: there was a bowl filled with pot roast, a plate of peanut butter sandwiches, a plate of chicken wings, a pitcher full of coke and potato chips.

I gasped, “Wow. Did you make all of this?” I asked looking at Maddison.

“Lisa and I, yes.” She nodded, proudly.

“You’ve never cooked so much for me! You always cooked mac n’ cheese or grilled sandwiches!” I exclaimed. I have known her for so many years and she calls herself my best friend, but never gives me good food.

“That is actually what I suggested,” Maddison chuckled, “but Lisa pressured me into cooking a nice meal since this was all for your birthday.”

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