Chapter 42:

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“Planning on sleeping here?” I asked, entering the room, looking at Ashton .

“Uh...Umm...No, I mean yes, I mean-uh-is it okay?” he stammered. “Stop stammering, idjit. Yes, of course.”

I am going to forget it, I told myself. I won’t remember, okay I will…obviously. But, it would be better if I just pretended it was all a dream, a mindless dream. Yes. We kissed, I cried over it, and now it’s over. There’s nothing he, or I or Jer or God can do. I can either rack my brains over Ashton’s stupidity and games or forget it.

I walked into the washroom, washed my face of any tears. He isn’t going to know that I cried, he won’t.

“Hey, I have to tell you something.”

“Uh, yeah?”

“Don’t be mad, please?” Ashton couldn’t meet my eyes. He was constantly fidgeting with his phone; he looked at it the screen as if he was waiting for something? Then he would put it down again. He repeated the same action a couple more times before I got annoyed and spoke, “Ashton just spill. I am tired, really.”

“No, actually. I’ll tell you after 3 days.”

“Waters, don’t annoy me, and say whatever it is.” I demanded.

“MelandIpatchedupagain!” He spoke, without any pauses. So fast that all I captured was “Melanie peaches?”

What the hell?

“Uh Ash? Could you like not speak so fast?”

“I’m sorry.” He whispered, looking down at his phone again. I was irritated and worn out, so I went over to where he was sitting and snatched his phone from him. The phone vibrated in my hand and the screen lit up, I held out the phone in front of my eyes, so that I could see what Ashton was waiting so impatiently for.

I love you too


Those were the four words that flashed on this screen. And those four words were from Mel.

“Oh,” Was all I said, as I placed the phone quietly in his hands. He looked up at me as he was genuinely sorry. And maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t but it doesn’t really matter anymore, does it? I was nothing to him; I was just his rebound girl. He does really like her, and we both knew it, he told me. I should have believed him and not hoped that in the end the girl who he would chose to be with-would be me. I was stupid, and immature. What was wrong with me? How couldn’t I see it?

I turned around, after a long time and walked out of the room. I didn’t say a word to him, and he didn’t come after me. Good, at least he knew me well enough to give me privacy. He chose not to sleep with Mason tonight because he knew Mason saw us kissing and he knew that he wouldn’t be able to hide the fact that Mel and he patched up again. Mason being Mason would kill him for what he did.

I knocked on the door, “Mase? Can I come in?” I whispered, trying not to wake anyone else up in the house.

“Diana? Anns? Is that you,” He asked, from inside.

“Yes silly, open!”

He opened the door in a pair of grey shorts and shirtless, I looked up at him, he wasn’t sleepy, and he looked wide awake. Perfect, I needed him to stay awake with me anyways. His sea green eyes had lost their sparkle today; it might be the night light.

“What’s wrong?” were his first words as soon as he saw me.

I chuckled and ruffled Mason’s chocolate brown hair, “Chill out, how can you know something’s wrong?” I asked, entering inside as he made way for me to enter.

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