Chapter 19:

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"I hate you.

"And I think you're overreacting," I pointed out.

"She can't do that! She is a bitcccchhhhh!" 

"No, is not." 

"Is. B-I-T-C-H: Bitch,"

"Oh my gods. Both of you! SHUTUP!" 

"Nope" Lisa pouted.

"Absolutely not" Maddison said firmly.

"Fine!" I threw my hands in the air, over exaggeration. 

They were wrong. Mel wasn't a bitch and I was gonna let her have her way! This is so not fair, she loves him too. I saw it in her eyes, Yeah, I did think she was faking it at first and that what she said was rehearsed but I got over it. Why would she do that? She has no reason to. Lisa and Madds were going over the top! Mel was just trying to feel loved and she deserved a chance too.

And you did not?

I do, but-

But nothing! 

"Ready?" Maddison asked.

"I...uh, I'm not really sure if I'm ready to face school, and everyone.."

Maddison strolled across the room and hugged me, tightly.

"Look, you have me and you have Lisa. Why are in either one of your classes, so you won't be alone. If not us, Jeremy, Andrew or Andy are there. So suck it up. If they do stare or talk, you aren't gonna quiver. You hear me? You are Diana Summers! Dude, people love you and respect you, and if they have forgotten what respect is, we'll show them." 

I smiled. Ah, my friends are so wonderful.

"I love you, Maddison Houston. You know that right?" 

"Hey, what about me?!" Lisa pointed.

"Haha, we love you Lisaaaaaa!" Maddison and I said in union.


Wow. Who knew I'd have doubts going to school? I have always love going to school. Like always. Maybe it was because of Ashton. Without him everything seems so dark and lonely. He was literally the shining star. That idiot who said anything without giving a second thought, that one person who always cared about someone. That guy who always gave the best advice and solve any damn problem. He wasn't there here. 

But he will be, soon.

As we reached the school parking lot, I asked Lisa to wait with me for a few. I needed a little time, because the last time I came to school, it wasn't pretty.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Don't wait up for me after school, I'll catch a bus or something and go to the hospital. It’s been two days since I was discharged and I need to see him now." 

"Sure, Anns. Do you want be to drop you?" She asked.

"No, no, Gods no. You have all been doing so much for me lately, I don't know how to payback! So-no. Just go do whatever you do after school, don't dare wait for me. And please, don't tell Jer. Let him figure it out. If he does come to know what so ever, I will have to sit on a wheelchair. Trust me, I had a lot of been taken care of on Saturday and Sunday."

Lisa cracked up. "He's just taking care of you!" 

 So since I lived home alone, Jeremy thought it was a good idea if he companies me. At first I thought it was a formality, but turns out he was dead serious. He made me food, okay that I give in. I can't cook for nuts. He has been making sure I take pills, take rest, don't run around the house, and also made me study! Can you believe it? He forced me to talk about my feelings and I don't really mind opening up to Jer but it feels like I need to be taken care of, like I'm weak. I don't want to feel weak.

"Yes true, but please?" 

"Alright alright, ready?" She asked.

I nodded.

I took a deep breath and got out of the car. Maintaing my posture I walked up to the corridor. 

Why are you being like this?

Why are you here?

I'm your conscious, now answer! 

Fine, then if you are a part of me, you should know!

Gods you are impossible.

So are you. 

Seriously? Just stop being fake already! Remember the times you have spent in this school: those amazing moments. People love you here. You aren't an outsider. Okay? 

Okay, but what if they knew about the almost r-raped t-thing.

They do. So what? You fought, you survived. You're the stronger person here. 

Okay, thank you.

"Anna! You keep zoning out!" Maddison tugged my arm.

"Yeah because apparently I keep wanting to talk to me" I replied.

As to my friends, instead of answering I was met with total 'what-the-hell-are-you-talking' faces.

Well, if you go to think about it, I just told them I talk to myself..It’s weird alright.

"I..uh..I need to..umm..go to help..Mrs. Lauren." Andrew said, and left.

"Fine fine, you all can make excuses and go. I'm not weird, promise. It’s just that okay fine I'm weird." I said with a straight face.

All of them burst out laughing.

"I gots to pick some things from my locker, I'll meet you in Dance class later. Oh, I forgot to tell you. We have dance first, everyday for 3 hours. Inter school competitions are starting next month and this time we need to get the trophy home!" Maddison said, fist bumping the air.

Was it just me or was fist bumping the air her new thing?

Nah...just me.

"Wow, thank you for telling me that just a minute before we have practice!" I said, my voice filled and over flooded with sarcasm.

She put on her lame face and left, after sticking her tongue out. Yes, we are still 5 years old.

"Hii! Anna! We missed you!" 

"Oh my god, where have you been!?"

"Are you alright?"

"Can you dance!?"

"We need you to choreograph; the competitions are a month away!" 

"God. We would have lost without you!" 

"Girls girls girls! Chill out! I'm fine, I'm alright. It’s just that I get dizzy sometimes, so I won't be doing lifts. Otherwise I'm as good as yesterday! Wait, I wasn't good at all yesterday..I mean as good as you saw me last time. Ah whatever!" I threw my arms up in exaggeration.

All of them came and hugged me tightly. 

I did actually miss them. 

So, we weren't the cheer team. We hated them! Our school had two teams, thanks to me. I didn’t want to have to do anything with cheering just dancing, so I got a group of some amazing dancing bitches like me. We participated in annual days and everything, and we always got home the trophy.

"Uh! I missed you Anna, you know when you weren't here and Maddison gave the worlds crappiest excuses to leave school, we had to dance under Brittany!" 

Brittany- Captain of the Cheer team. 

"Oh shit." I was shocked, that must have been so hard on my girls!

"Yep, that’s what we said." Lana replied.

Lana, Madds and I were the choreographers and then there were the other girls who were as good as us- Marcie, Nora, Taniya, Alisha and Chloe.

We were totally 8 dancers, which was good enough. 

"Where's Madds?" Nora asked.

"She'll be here, gone to her locker or to make out with Andrew, either one" I replied.

They all started giggling. 

"So, tell me something more about the competition at least!" 

"Oh ya ya, its in a month, and we were thinking of contemporary with hip-hop." 

"Thats sounds fun, but if we are taking two so different dances, I think we should mix them up rather than doing them one after other." I suggested.

"I didn't understand, what do you mean?" Chloe asked

"Okay look. We'll do a little contempt, and then freeze in our position at a part where the music is very slow, and then we'll mix that track up with a fast one and start breaking, then again to contempt. Instead of doing them separately, like half a minute one form and the other half another, we should mix them up." 

"Wow! That's actually amazing, see, that’s why we need you!" Marcie squealed.

We all started laughing.

"So contemporary and breaking it is."

Everyone nodded.

"We are mixing?" Maddison asked, wide eyed, as she strolled into the room.

"Yep, and I was thinking 'bout pairing up with the guys, get 3 amazing dancers and stuff. We need to make it LEGEND-"

"-Wait for it because we are superbly amazing awesome dancers-"

"DARYYYYYY!" We all shouted at once.

Now I wonder why I had thought about not coming to school

"Okay okay hold up, which 3 guys and which 3 girls?" Nora asked.

"Vote?" I suggested.

"Oh shush! No voting needed. You, Madds and Lana. Fixed, now shoo!" Chloe commanded..

"Yep agree!" Everyone agreed.

"But but guys you nev-" I wasn't be able to complete my sentence.

"No buts, it’s final." Taniya chirped. 

I gave up, arguing with these peeps was impossible!

"I was gonna take Andrew's name, but you and I both know he can't dance for gods sake!" Maddison pouted, "I think I'm gonna ask Mason?" She said popping her eyebrow.

Mason was an amazing dancer! Shit, why didn’t I think about him?

"Damn girl." Lana said.

"I'm gonna ask Steven Humphrey!" Lana squealed.

Sure, why not. The school bad boy, amazing looks. Everyone drooled over that shit. But I had to give him that, he was a fabulous dancer.

"I'm gonna ask Jeremy." I stated.



Hello amazing peeps<3

So since you didn’t know, my name is-Drishti, but I prefer Dri.

And,can you do me a favor? 

Give a shipping name for Ashton+Diana and Jeremy+Diana.
Comment them below..

For eg: Nathan+Haley=Naley.

So, think of something cute and post it below. I thought of something as well, but I would love to use your ideas rather than mine!


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