Chapter 33:

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"Okay," Maddison said rubbing her hands together, "truth or dare, Andrew?" She smirked.

Aww, poor boyfriend. He's screwed.

"Dare" He smirked back.

"I dare you tooooo...kiss Mason!" She said, satisfied with her dare.

I grinned back at Mason, evilly.

"Alright," Andrew said shooting up from his place and going towards Mason.

Mason looked at him. Displaying no emotion what so ever.

"Mason bro, I love you!" Andrew stated before kissing him on the cheek

"Aww Andrew, love you too bro." Mason said, kissing Andrew on his cheek.

Everyone erupted into fits of laughter. Boys and their bromance..I tell you.

"Hey! Thats not fair! You were to kiss him on his lips!" Maddison pouted.

"You didn't mention where, so I chose" Andrew winked.

"No! A kiss means on the lips!"



"You didn't mention it."

"It was obvious."

"Aww hell, you didn't mention where, your loss!"

"But but but" Maddison gave up, still in her pouting mode.

We all were still laughing, turning our heads from left to right looking at Maddison and Andrew argue.

"Oh my gods! Cut it out, would ya?" I snickered.

"Fine." Maddison huffed and sat back in her place.

"Okay, Ashton, truth or dare?" Mason asked, with a smirk.

"Dare." Ashton replied, smirking too.

Mason's eyes flicked towards me for a moment, and then returned back to Ashton.

Oh boy, this ain't gonna end well.

"I dare you to kiss Anna for a whole minute. On the lips, unlike Andrew." He laughed.

"Dude, I have a girlfriend." Ashton deadpanned.

And here comes the ugly truth. I sighed.

"So what? She doesn't have to know, and plus its just a dare, come on." Mason pushed

"Yeah, and she's also my bestfriend." Ashton pointed out.

"Exactly. So it won't mean anything anyways, right?" Andrew piped in.

Oh my gods. Kill me.

"Hey! Pull it off, I ain't getting my lips anywhere near his!" I shrieked too.

Even though I so badly wanted to, I couldn't. That would be so so so wrong but yet so right. Oh my god. I'm bipolar. is me, and we are talking about Ashton Waters so thats okay. Either ways its WRONG! I can't kiss him for a whole minute thats making out obviously, I can't. Also, its a dare, he won't kiss me willingly.

Exactly you idiot. Its just a dare.

My god. I'm seriously bipolar.

"..okay alright fine fine. Geez. You guys are horrible!" Ashton caved.

Wait what? What did I miss? Was I having a mental conversation for so long? Yeah, probably.

"Hey! Where's my say in this?" I protested.

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