Chapter 38:

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“No no no, no. No! How the hell does that help me, Mase?” I yelled, for the 7th time! Yeah, I counted.

“Jesus Diana, will you hear me out? I know, I know alright, I know that you love him and all, and finally he is responding or whatever. But Anns, you can’t see what I am!”

“Fine, okay, tell me, what exactly do you see?” I asked, annoyed now. We’d been over this before but for some reason I don’t recall, he isn’t telling me!

“I will, I will, just- Will you stop moving? Can you please sit down next to me, and stop pacing back and forth? I don’t even know what’s gotten you so upset,” He questioned.

“Well for starters, Ashton is finally paying attention to me! And we kissed and everything is like I had always imagined-”

“Except that he has a girlfriend” he pointed out.

“Yeah and that...” I sighed, “Okay sorry, so, tell me.”

“Okay, look, you see Ashton as your saint and the perfect guy and all, but Anna, I know him for a long time too, maybe not as long as you, but I do. He’s really cool and nice and all no doubt, he really cares about you, that is obvious. But he cheated Anna, he cheated. He kissed you, and that’s huge. I don’t hate you, and I hate bitch Mel, but all I’m trying to tell you is-look at things from someone else’s point of view, even if it’s Mel’s. You felt bad for her, didn’t ya? Put yourself in her place, how would you react to Ashton cheating on you? Kissing another girl behind your back? What he did, it wasn’t right. Not the slightest bit. I didn’t choose rooms with you because I don’t want you spending time with him, I’m team Adiana forever. All I wanted was to tell you that forget for a second about your happiness, not in the wrong sense though, I’m just trying to..Okay I don’t know what exactly, I can’t say it to you without sounding like a dick.”

“It’s ‘kay Mason, I know what you’re saying. I was in my own bubble feeling happy for myself to get my dream come true and all. I mean it’s all I’ve ever wanted, I have waited for us to happen for so long, and honestly, I am tired too, I guess I’m stringing on to little hope and forgetting about everyone else. That’s not me. It’s true, if someone cheated on me, I’d be devastated and even though it wouldn’t be the girls fault, I would still hate her. You’re right, why didn’t I think about this earlier?”

“Because you love him- that always changes the way people think and respond, you Diana Summers, you always see the good in people, I mean c’mmon, you saw the good in bitch Mel!” he complained.

“Hey! She has a lot of problems too!”

“Sure,” sarcasm spilled through his words.

“Wait, did you just say Adiana?” I asked, confused, remembering his speech earlier.

“..uh, yeah?”

“What or who is that?”

“You and Ashton, fucker.” He replied, as a matter of fact.


“Ashton+Diana=Adiana” He smirked.

“oooo, I like that shipping name, its so CUTE!” I squeaked.

“Woman calm down! My eardrums broke.”


“Whatever.” He playfully rolled his eyes.

I sighed, falling on my back, safely landing on the comfortable bed. Mason dropped down beside me.

“I’m not that mad that you’re here actually, we haven’t had Mason & Anna time in long.” I said, staring up at the ceiling, speaking my thoughts out aloud.

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