Chapter 54:

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I woke up rubbing my eyes, feeling warm and cozy. Ashton's arm was wrapped loosely around my waist. I tried to wiggle slowly out of his grasp, trying to be as subtle as possible to avoid waking him up. He looked so peaceful sleeping like this.

"Morning beautiful,"

I turned around facing him, blushing lightly. I chirped back "Morning!"

"Where were you running off to?"

"To go get some food and wash my face." I replied.

"Wash your face, are you serious?" he fake-gasped.

I glared at him.

"Oh please, I am a clean woman."

He scoffed at that, and I glared at him again. Way to go boyfriend. I was so wrong in thinking he'd be sweeter to me after becoming my boyfriend, but no. I just can never have a decent person in my life. I live with a bunch of weirdos.

"Okay move, I need food as well."

I chuckled and hopped off of the bed, Ashton following suit. I walked into the washroom, while he walked out towards his room which he has hardly been in.

I brushed my teeth and splashed water on my face, scrubbing it properly to wake me up fully. I thought about waiting for Ashton, but knowing him- he'd already be down munching his way through whatever was there.

Taking my own sweet time, I plopped back on my bed and checked my whatsapp's, instagram, facebook and all the crap which I call boring but am addicted to anyways. Holding my phone in hand, I made my way towards Andrew's room. It was empty, great, they were both awake. So was Jer's, which leaved Mason.

I was one hundred percent sure he was still asleep, since I have been waking him up for the past couple of days.

I casually walked into the room like I owned this place, funny I actually did.

He was obviously still sleeping, poor Mason.


He didn't move. "Aw Mase, come on! Move already or I'll try one of my extreme methods"

I pouted when he didn't move, and then realized he couldn't really see me.

I walked around the bed and climbed on top of it, crawling towards Mason's side. Then I sat on my butt and pushed my legs out, kicking Mason right off the bed. He fell down with a loud thump, groaning loudly.

"I hate you so much, Summers." He muttered, getting up, rubbing his sides.

I grinned at him, "I told you I would go to the extremes"

He mumbled something under his breath and stomped off towards the bathroom, I was sure he was awake now so I jumped off the bed and made my way down.

"Morning!" Andrew greeted me as I came into view.

"Morning," I chirped taking my seat next to Ashton who was stuffing his face with pancakes. I don't blame him though, they did look delicious. I stretched my hands all the way over his arms and towards his plate, stealing one of his pancakes.

Turns out, I'm not as sly as I thought I was.

Ashton was quick to notice my actions and he swatted my arm away, and I dropped the pancake back. I grumbled.

He hissed at me, "Stay. Away."

I rolled my eyes and mimicked his words causing Andrew to shake his head at our childishness.

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