Chapter 26:

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"OH MY GODS!" I shrieked.

Lisa and Jeremy sprinted apart. They both looked at each other then at me, then at each other again.

"I can explain it-" Jeremy started, and I cut him.

"Save it."

I turned around and started walking off in the opposite direction.


"Diana! Wait!" Lisa called out.

I didn't stop.

"Anna!" Jeremy yelled too.

I didn't stop either, I started walking faster.

I heard sounds of someone running behind me, it didn't really take a genius to know who it was. I didn't slow down, nor did I speed up. I kept my walking pace.

A hand caught mine, and I was twirled around.

I bumped right into Jer, and burst out laughing.

"Oh gods, you should see your faces!" I cracked up.

The expressions they portrayed were hilarious. They were epic. The looked like they had been caught during a murder or something. So stupid.

"GODS! Diana, you scared us!" Jeremy yelled.

I laughed even more.

"You guys! Holy Hera! Will you tell me anything, ever?" I asked.

"We were gonna but-" Jer started, and was cut again, this time by Lisa.

"But we didn't know how to. You were dealing with Ashton and coma and yourself and your mom and everything, we didn't want you to feel left out or like the third wheel. You mean a lot to us Diana, and we thought that we would share this news with you once everything was getting a little better. So we waited. I'm so sorry you had to find out like this!" Lisa explained, surely embarrassed.

"You guys are nuts! I'm so happy for youuuuuuu" I hugged Lisa, tightly.

"Umm, I'm right here guys.." Jer said.

We both started laughing.

"See, ill never feel like a third wheel. Your boyfriend here might, though." I winked.

Lisa laughed along with me while Jer pouted. I was so happy for the two of them. I'm so damn stupid not to realise this before! The first time I met the two of them, they were always together and I thought they were just good friends: stupid. When Jer told me he likes someone I assumed it to be Chris, but he wasn't blushing because of her! Even the night we went to the amusement park, they went on the ferris wheel together! Then, Lisa asking if Jeremy and I were a thing? OH MY GODS, I'm STUPID.

"So, how long!? Gimme the deets you guys!!" I squealed in excitement.

"Not much, we have liked each other for long, sure. I asked her our when erm, when, ugh, I don't know how to say this. But it happened when you were- uh, when-"

"Jeremy Hastings, Answer me now or else I'll throw you across the school!" I yelled, not because I was angry but because I was excited to know when they started dating!!

"Whenyouwereinthehospitalbecauseofyourheadache!" He mumbled, really fast.

"Ugh, Jer? Babe, please go a little teensy bit slow and clear?" Lisa asked.

Jeremy sighed, "I'm sorry Diana, I asked her out when you were in the hospital. I was just so worried about you and thought it was all my fault because I agreed to dance with you, if I wouldn't have said yes, it would all be fine. I gave you a lame excuse of Lisa although, she did kinda convince me to say yes to you. She's always been there for me, and I never gave her a chance, now that I did, I feel like a pathetic dumb looser for doing this. I went ahead and got the one I really really like and you still.." He trailed off.

"Jeremy, its okay! I want you to be happy, and you can't shut off Lisa for me! I'm not a child, I can take care of my self. You have always been there when I needed you and I know you always will, I can guarantee that. But Lisa is my bestfriend too. I'm not that big of a bitch at least not yet. I swear I'm fine. So what if I like someone who doesn't like me back? Its life, this keeps happening. And you? You have got someone who likes you as much as you like her which is a very rare opportunity. It hardly ever comes, and when it does you have got to take advantage of it because you never know when it will slip away. Trust me, there is nothing for either of you to worry about. I'm more than okay. And Lisa, I sure as hell won't forget to kick his butt if he doesn't spend time with you. He's an ass. Thank the gods that he found you so that he can get off of me!"

We all started laughing.

"Oh wait, I don't remember when I was hospitalised.. So, date date??"

"26th november." They both said together.

"So we'll celebrate your one month and my birthday together? YAY!" I said, pumping my fist in the air. This is so cool.

I'm actually happy that Jer and Lisa are together. At least he found someone, and Lisa is an amazing person, she is someone who deserves Jeremy Hastings. They both are those made for each other types, perfect couple.

Jeremy being tall with a height of 6'3' and chocolate brown eyes, messy hair and sporty figure, while Lisa stood at 5'7' tall, but not enough. They were soooooooo adorable. She had deep green eyes and long blond curls. They made a cute picture together, I stood there admiring them.

"Dude, you're screwed." Jeremy said, suddenly. Shaking me from my thoughts.

"Huh? What, why? Huh?" I asked, confused.

"Smarty pants, Andrew asked you to be out by 5 right? Its 5:45!" He laughed.

"Fuck" I bolted, waving them goodbye and telling Lisa that our conversation isn't over yet, and I need the details and the first date and stuff. Told ya, I'm right out of a romance novel!

"Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry" I started rambling as soon as Andrew was within hearing distance.

"Seriously? Girl, can you get any more late!?" He yelled.

"Sorry?" I blushed.

"Just get in already,"

I nodded a yes and got into the car. As I was about to get on the backseat, I found Mason fast asleep there. So I slipped into the passenger seat.

Andrew's house was close to mine, so it was about 20-25 minutes drive. While mine was 15. After about 10 minutes of listening to music I got bored.

"What are you doing?" Andrew asked, as he saw me remove my sharpies.

I plucked out: Black, Pink, Red and Green.

Andrew was still looking at me weird. I winked at him and leaned towards the back seat.

"Shit. Why didn't I think of that?" He said, chuckling.

"You're not that smart."

"Oh please, I just forgot Mason and you are very similar when it comes to sleeping and food."

"True true. But none of you had the guts to paint my face after I kicked you in the balls." I laughed.

"Not funny. You're fucking mad!" He half yelled.

I ignored that, it was kinda my fault.

As I got closer to Mason's face, I pulled out the red sharpie first and made two circles on each of his cheeks and filled into them, I then pulled out the black one and applied it on his eyelids so that it looked like a liner, don't get me wrong though. The lines I made were thick and dark, i kinda covered more than half of his eyelids..

I applied pink on his lips. Now what about green?

"Dude, I don't know what to do with the green one?" I asked Andrew.

"Well, he hates, just I don't know write green on his forehead or something?"

I did that, exactly.

I admired my master piece for about 10 seconds before we reached home.

Aah, Mason and his sleeping.

We all got down, yeah, Mason woke up too.

Andrew and I were trying our best to suppress our laughter. Mason looked hilarious. He sure didn't make a good looking girl, heck, he beat all the jokers!

Not being able to control further I burst out laughing.

"What?" Mason asked,

My eyes went wide. Shit.

Then Andrew burst out laughing with me..

"Nothing bro, we just were laughing about your little incident with your mom" Andrew replied. Ah, nice cover.

"Ugh, I hate you guys!" Mason groaned.

"Dude, it was all your fault!" I lightly punched his arm.

"Ouch. Dang it woman, keep your hands off me!"

Laughing, the three of us entered inside.

"Oh my holy molly! Who the hell is that!?" Alana screamed as she spotted the three of us.

Andrew and I cracked up.

"Who?" Mason asked, looking behind.

"Mason? Honey, why would you do that? No girl will want you if you go around like that.." Alana said, surprised.

"Uh, what are you talking about?"

"Please, go take a look at your face."

Mason nodded and walked into the bathroom.

2 minutes later he came out, yelling.


"Oh shit." I muttered under my breath, running and hiding behind Alana.

She smiled as Mason entered the kitchen.

"So, I see she has gotten to you, again." She said, directing Mason.

"Diana, get out!" He growled.

I started laughing.

"Like hell I am!"

We ran around the house for 15 minutes, Mason trying to catch me and Andrew butting in and helping me escape.

We pretty much would have passed as 4 year olds.

"Stop right there you two. Mason, go clean up, and come back here, Andrew and Diana, come with me to the living room, we have things to discuss." Alana commanded.

I stuck my tongue out at Mason and walked in behind Alana.

We sat down, Andrew beside me and Alana opposite the two of us.

"Darling, there is something I have been meaning to tell you since your mother passed away. We should have told you before but it was only to protect you, I swear. Now since you have got legal problems and stuff with guardians its time for me to step up." Alana explained.


"First of all, I'm your legal guardian. I know its hard to believe, but I'm your mom's real sister. 2 years elder to her. We were separated at birth and when Amanda found me, we grew close. Your mom and I kept this a secret so that we could protect her two children."

"Two children?" I asked,shocked and confused.

"Yes. Two."


"Andrew, Andrew is your real brother."


Hello everyone, thankyou so much for the birthday wishes<3

There was no wifi so I couldn't update, sorry!

And, there are comments saying that you're disappointed in me and hate me and all. All i wanna say is I am listening to you all but I have my story line too. And read the blurb as well as my title. 'I love you, bestfriend.' No matter what, Diana will always love Ashton. If you have been in love you will know, its not easy to get over someone just because the other one is sweet and kind to you. When you love someone, the flaws don't matter.

I'm sorry if you hate me or are disappointed

Love you guys:*

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