Chapter 32:

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"You look beautiful!" Jeremy exclaimed,

"Thankyou Jer, and now stop flirting," I said rolling my eyes. "You'll do great on your date man, just chill out a bit, alright?"

"No no no no, its not that, okay maybe it is, but, argh!" He whined. "Why am I being such a girl about this? I've gone on a lot of dates before, I mean come on, look at me. Who wouldn't date me? I would totally date me, just saying.." He said, gesturing himself.

"Woah woah, slow down there, I can't hear you because of all the ego in the middle."

"Hey, I do need a confidence boost, okay?" He smirked.

"Yes Jer, you do, but you don't need a confidence boost." I pointed out.

"Hello, the best way to boost a guys confidence is to boost his ego" he said in a duh tone.

"You do have a point." I admitted.

"I always have a point," he stated proudly.

I slapped him on his chest.


"Oh shush, it didn't hurt that bad."

"You want me to hit you?"

"Where did your manners go? Don't ya know, you shouldn't hit a girl?" I asked.

"Who said I'm hitting a girl?" He chuckled.

I glared at him. He simply did the silent motion of sealing his lips and tossing the key over to me, which, I gladly put in my pocket.

"So, you seem..cheery?" Jeremy observed.

"Well.." I said in a high pitched fake voice, which I knew wouldn't work with Jer, but hey? I had to try..right?

"Uh huh, don't well me bro, spill?"

"And what if I don't?" I smirked.

"You and I both know you can't keep that inside you for too long. Either ways I'm gonna know, if not sooner then later." He smirked back.

Damn that annoying bitch had a point.

"Oh, its not that big of a news.." I mumbled.

"I-uh, well, Ashton and I uh, we-we kissed.."

"YOU DID WHAT!?" Someone yelled.

"Yeah that, but I don't think those words left my mouth.." Jeremy looked at me confused.

"Here you idiots!" I heard a really familiar voice.

Jer and I both turned around to face an extremely shocked Mason.

"Great. Now that goof knows too!" I whined, rolling my eyes.

"HOW IS THAT NOT A BIG DEAL?" Mason exclaimed?


"Oh no girl, don't you well us! DETAILS NOW!" Jeremy demanded.

"I'm with you on that one, bro!" Mason demanded too.

They both looked at me with wide eyes, ready to pop outta their sockets. Well that would be funny, you know those spring kinda things..? Okay Diana, stop.

"I-uh! You're like nosey girls now!" I whined, again.

"Okay wait." Mason paused me.

Then he suddenly ran into the kitchen.

I glanced at the direction he went, then back at Jeremy. We both were clueless.

"Damn you, Mason. If you've gone to get food i'll personally kill you."

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