Chapter 13:

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Jeremy and I started dancing to 'More than this' by one direction.


Jeremy let out a laugh, "easy there." He said, as I stepped on his leg, by mistake.

"Oh, sorry." I said blushing.

Both my arms were around his neck, and his were on m waist. We were close, sure. But not that close, we were dancing like friends, yes, thats what we were. Just friends. Damn, I shouldn't have said that. Every time anyone says "just friends" they always end up together. Like, there are a thousand books where friends end up together just after saying they're just friends.

Okay, Anna, stop thinking so much.

"Hey, sorry to break it to you, but I think I'm gonna have to leave now.." Jeremy said.

"Yep, its all cool. I think I'll come by tomorrow or so, meet Jenny, say hi, its been long since I last spoke to that cute little mess."

He laughed, "Sure, then you both can play princess!"

I smacked his head.

"Okay okay, sorry," he chuckled, putting his hands up in defence.

"Hey, Ashton! Finally. Look, Jeremy had to leave the party early, and I was thinking if i could catch a ride with you?" I asked as I finally spotted Ashton

"Yeah, sure, but I gotta drop Mel first, kay?"

"Cool with me. Just tell me when you leave alright? Like give a call or something I'll be back with Madds."


"Hey, are you sure he hasn't forgotten you? I mean its been almost 2 hours since you told Ashton to pick you up!" Lisa yelled over the music.

"Yes, but I know he wouldn't leave without me, so its fine." I yelled back.

"Alright babe, I'm leaving with Andy! Sorry!"

I flashed her a smile, "never mind Lisa, you can't drop me anyways, you like live on the other side of town its okay! Move it. I'll be fine!"

"Love you, take care!" She said at last, and left with Andy.

Maddison and Andrew had left an hour ago already, or maybe just as Jeremy left, because when I went to look for them they'd already left. Maddison couldn't tell me cause she was drunk and I was lost, well not lost, just looking for Ashton. Its so late now, almost like 3 am? Where the fuck is Ashton?

I threw a small annoyed tantrum then started looking for Ashton.

I looked into ever room, every bathroom, every bedroom all the rooms you could possibly think about. I looked in the garage but mostly I'd just find couples making out or having sex. Seriously? This people have to get a life! Anyways, Ashton was no where.

I started panicking, of course I did. He was my ride home!

Frustrated of this guys jerky attitude I decided to walk home, since we lived more into the outskirts, my house wasn't that far.

I removed my heels, held them in my hands, checked my cell phone, sadly it was dead. Joy.

So, when we were coming from my house, it barely took us 10-15 minutes, so on foot I should be at my house in half an hour or so max.

I left through the front door, and waited for 5 minutes, only to decide on taking the wrong path! I had to walk back to Tony's place. Damn the dim lights! I groaned out.

So, I had been walking for about 20 minutes now, Jeremy's house was a block away, thank the gods! I could probably ask him to drop me since my jerk of a friend forgot me. Judging by how long I walked for, it must have been about 3:45 or 4ish, I'm stupid. I should have rather stayed at Tony's, and do what?

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