Chapter 57:

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“Bye Anns, I’m gonna go pick Jenny up from school, fill me in on the plans for Andrew’s birthday later. I’ll be free around 2, but Jen will be home alone so I won’t be able to leave the house for long.  Jeremy said as he exited the door.

I sighed.

Just great, now I was left with the gay couple- Mason and Ashton.

I was currently sitting on the couch waiting for Mason and Ashton to bring me back a bowl of popcorn. We were all supposed to sit and watch movies, but no, one by one everyone left; almost everyone.

They both insisted they were going to go make me some popcorn. They left 15 minutes ago so I assumed they would be coming any minute. Boy was I wrong? Another 5 minutes later I heard scrambling in the kitchen. I just rolled my eyes and let them be.

Ashton came out first, empty handed.

“Whaaaaa?” I began to protest, “Where is my popcorn?”

Ashton grinned, “You won’t need that.”

“I won’t?” I asked, very confused.

“That’s right.” He sat down on the couch beside me. I sitting with my legs folded on the far end of the couch. He used his hands to shift me so that not only I but my body was facing him as well. He slid me closer to him, so now my legs were on his knees and I was lying down on my back.

“Thanks man!” Mason’s said from near the door. “I’ll bring her back in one piece, I promise!” Then I heard the door open and close again.

I frowned. “What’s he talking about?”

“I bribed him” he shrugged

“Bribed him for what? And why?”

“What: to leave the house and why: so that I could do this.”

Before I could ask him another question, he lowered his body on top of mine. He pecked my lips first, shutting my up instantly. I turned into the color of a tomato.

After all this time, he still had the same effect on me when we first started dating. Which wasn’t long ago, but you get my point. He placed a kiss on either side of my cheek, then my forehead, then my chin and then placed a last one on my nose.

I smiled at that.

He looked at me, more like stared at me with his gorgeous blue eyes.

“Have I told you that I love you?”

I shrugged purposely, “Maybe once or twice.”

He chuckled. “I have said I love you so many times you probably lost count.”

“But not that you’re in love with me” I smirked.

He laughed at that memory. “You made me say that all the three times together. You couldn’t get enough of me saying that, could you?”

I flushed. “I’ve waited for those four words to come out of your mouth for years!” I said defending myself.

He scrunched up his eyebrows. “Four?”

“I’m in love with you.”

“That’s five, dummy!”

I made a face; I was so sure it was four. So I brought up my hands to count, but instead Ashton swatted them away.

“Let me count” I said.

He grinned at me again, “Count.”

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