Chapter 39:

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"Aw man!" Ashton whined, beside me.

"What now?"

"The tire! Its busted"

"Really now?"

"Not my fault."

 "Sure. You're the one driving but it isn't your fault, Gee, great!"

"Hey, you two, dumbasses, why did you stop the car?" Mason asked, popping his head out of nowhere. Man he has better ninja skills than I.

"The tire... it's busted" Ashton frowned, "Aw, don't be sad, I'm sure some mechanic will fix your 'baby'" Its hilarious how boys are so damn attached to their cars, like seriously, that ain't no living thing.

"We're in the middle of nowhere! Still about 2 hours away from Miami, we're on some highway so there ain't no mechanic around here, smarty." Andrew replied from the back. "Wow. Okay, so now what?" I asked.

Ashton-without saying a word- got out of the car, turned around, bending over all the four tires and kicking them one by one. Then he poked his head inside from the middle window saying, "Out everybody, now. We gotta fix my baby, it won't take long, just change the back tire." We were too shocked to respond, Ashton? Doing work? Well, it was for his baby after all.

"Oh my gods. I have been sitting on the road for about 20 minutes now! How long do these even take to change a bloody tire?" I glared at the cars headlights, since, one- that was the only thing I could see, and two- because I was so short I couldn't look over.

I got up, and walked towards the car, which was currently parked on the side of the lane, it was already late night, and you couldn't see much either. "Hey boys, any progress?" "Nope, nothing at all in fact." Ashton answered. "That's because you don't know how to change tires!"

"Really Diana, quit yelling. We've been on this for half an hour, covered in sweat, and tired from driving all the time, so could you please stop annoying? If you don't have a better idea, then leave us alone" Mason snapped.

What the fuck?

Fine, they think they are too smart right? Five boys together couldn't fix a dammed tire.

I fished out my phone from my purse in the car, googling 'how to change a tire.' If only, they'd thought of this earlier. There were a bunch of videos and a few sites with photo explanations.

"Okay move. Call one of the girls or one of you stay, the rest move. This won't need more than two people, and it will be less cramped up and fussy."

"Wait what? Whoa, Anns? You know how to change tires?" Andy asked, surprised. The rest of them were standing speechless.

"No but Google does, now move."

"Shit, she is smart, why didn't I think of that before?" Jeremy muttered.

"Its Ashton's car, let him stay." Andrew winked and hauled the other 4 boys, leaving us alone.

I squatted down beside Ashton, once the boys moved. "Umm, is the spare tire and jack out?" I questioned, he nodded in response. "The jack is, help me get the spare tire?" "Sure."

We rolled up the heavy tire together, dropping it beside the jack. I checked what's next, "Okay it says that you have to place the jack under the frame near the tire." Ashton did as I instructed. "Uh, yeah I guess that look about right,"

"Now you lift the jack, but make sure you don't lift the car, its just supposed to support it in place of the tire so we can easily change it." Ashton lifted the jack, slowly supporting the car, it took hell a lot of time then I thought it would, and lifting this thing isn't easy. As he put more strength into turning the jack, his muscles flexed, making me stare at them like a retarded love struck puppy. Damn this guy wasn't just hot, he had skills. Ha ha, I just said skills?

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