Chapter 64:

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Ashton, Andrew, Lisa, Jeremy, Maddison and I were seated at one of the tables around the dance floor slash stage, waiting for Mason.

He said he’d be here in about 20 seconds, and it had been a good 8 minutes since them, someone needs to re-teach him time.

After about another 5 minutes, I finally spotted Mason. He was walking through the gate, looking at the arrangements as he made his way here. Then my eyes went down to his hand, and then back up at him.

“Oh no, he didn’t” I said, shaking my head.

“Guys, I think we’re going to have to un-friend Mason, if he is holding what I think he is as his date, then, we cannot be seen around him.” I said.

“What?” Andrew asked me as he followed my gaze and saw Mason.

“Did he really just?” He asked in complete astonishment.

“Yeah, I think he actually did” replied Lisa, equally surprised.

“What is this fuss about, what did he bring alo- are you serious?” Jeremy said wide eyed when his eyes finally landed on Mason’s hands.

“I think he is drunk” Maddison said.

“I think he just ditched me for an inanimate object” said Ashton, sorrowfully.

“I think you already have a real date” I said, reminding him that I was right here.

“Hey guys, check my date out” Mason said grinning at all of us.

I smacked my forehead. It was exactly what I thought it was.

“You did not” Maddison started

“Oh but I did” Mason replied

“How did they even let you in with that thing, didn’t anyone question it?” Lisa voiced out my thoughts.

“Nope, I bought this baby a pass”

“Are you sure you haven’t hit your head sometime earlier?” Jeremy asked.

“Nope, not that I can remember” Mason replied.

“Okay, I need a drink” Jer said, getting up and walking away.

Mason scoffed at that, “He’s just jealous of my hot date”

“You dressed her up! You ditched me, Mase. You cheated on me, you dressed her up and you brought her here. Did you ever think about how I would feel?” Ashton accused Mason.

“I’m sorry bro, and I haven’t technically dressed her up, just gave her a corsage and dumped some glitter on her. She deserves to look pretty you know, she looked pale with all that brown color” Mason replied.

“I think I’m going to go join Jeremy, this is way too much for my brain to handle” Maddison said, excusing herself and joining Jeremy.

“Mason, why are you carrying a pot?” Andrew finally asked the question to which we all wanted to know the answer to.

“I didn’t want to come alone and I didn’t feel like looking for a date, I mean of course I got plenty of offers but I wasn’t in the mood to sit with her all through the night, chicks get pretty boring after a while” He said.

“And this pot won’t?” I asked.

“Nah, she’s lots of fun, look she fits in my arms perfectly, easy to carry, and draws attention like anything!” he said, excitedly.

“I’m sorry but we can’t be friends anymore” I said to him.

“And I’m sorry, you mean nothing to me anymore either, you just broke my heart. Look it’s lying there in the grass, broken and unfixable” Ashton told Mason before storming off.

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