Chapter 41:

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He leaned into me, pressing his lips on mine. The touch was so soft and it blew my mind away. His hand reached out to mine, holding it in place. He entwined our fingers together making my heart beat ten times faster. His free hand travelled up to my chin guiding me closer to him. Titling my head up; I almost lost myself. Lost myself in this new imaginary world, it felt so real yet so dreamlike? Was this reality? It can’t be. Ashton Waters is kissing me. Actually kissing me.

His mouth curled into a smile, and I couldn’t see it, I could actually feel it against my lips. Wow. No words can describe this moment, this time, this- whatever the heck this is.

Those elephants were back in my stomach, and this time they brought an entire party of monkeys and butterflies and cheetahs. I was so queasy and light headed I thought I would melt right in. Ashton’s hand moved over to my cheek pulling me closer. Reacting on instinct I put my hand over his and allowed myself to forget and just get lost in this little bubble of happiness.

All these emotions and feelings I was holding together just came out in one night. It was like every single thing I felt since I was 7, just came crashing down on me. I couldn’t hold it inside anymore, it was beginning to crush me inside out. Even though it already has on several different occasions, but that’s not the point.

I was living my dream today, but as we know, dreams don’t last forever. They last for one night. If one night is all I can get, then hey, I don’t care.

We pulled back, resting our foreheads together, breathing heavily. Still dazed about what just happened. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “But I couldn’t help it. Don’t ask me what does this mean because honestly? I don’t know.”

“I wasn’t planning on it.”

“Sure you weren’t.”

“Okay geez, why do you know me so well?”

“Everything happens for a reason you know. This, I’m sure there is some meaning to this although I don’t know what it is right now. I don’t know what else to say except I am sorry, Diana. I know I have hurt you a lot. I have broken you and trust me I am guilty and I hate myself for it. I thought you would get over it but you never did. I don’t know how you could keep going on and on and on loving m-”

“Ash, don’t. Don’t say it. I don’t want to hear it out loud, not from you.”

“Don’t do this Anns, let me just say it?”


“Geez, fine.”

“Hey! Don’t geez me, and stop doing drama. You’re a guy remember?” I laughed.

And it was all better again. The room looked brighter, the walls seemed alive, the air was chilly but perfect, the windows were open-allowing the icy breeze flow in.

“I know I have been saying this a lot, and it’s true. I miss you. I have been missing you so much lately, it’s not even funny.” Ashton spoke.

“I know that feel.” I laughed at a memory of us not a year ago, playing at the back of my mind “I miss you too. The last time we were together was like this, was during the night of the attack.” I shivered at that memory.

He groaned, “Don’t even remind me. I was going to crush Mason.”

“Hey now, you know you love me.” Mason spoke casually, strolling in.

“Uh….how-how long have you been here for?” I asked, nervously. There was nothing to hide; Mason was going to come to know about this sooner or later. So were Jer and Madds. Thinking about this, I haven’t had Jer time in long. I think I’m going to kidnap him in the morning or something, yeah, smart thinking.  Well except the fact that he was tall and strong…oh well, I can hit him on his head with a bat or something?

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