Chapter 12:

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"Are you alright?" He asked, his eyes filled with concern.

"Yes, Jer. I'm alright okay?" He nodded.

"Look, I know its too early for this and you need time and all of that, but just tag along wit us? Get your mind of it. Tony Harold's throwing a party tonight, at 8. Plus, you need some time off, and you love dancing Anna, we all think you should go." Mason said.

"But Mase, I know I know I used to party but not it just doesn't seem right I mean what if i get too drunk and go and loose my virginity or kill someone while drunk driving?" I asked.

Jeremy chuckled, "Thats what we're here for Anna,"

"Yes but all of you will be wasted! I have always been the sober one!" I counter backed.

"Wait, you don't drink!?" He asked, surprised.

"No, of course I do! I have a really high capacity so I know where my limits are and try and drink only till I'm tipsy, NOT drunk, never." I smiled, proudly.

"Woah? She's never gotten drunk?" He asked.

Everyone around me; Mason, Maddison, Andrew and Lisa nodded.

"Well. So then there's nothing to worry about, you're coming!"

"-but I don't have a ride!" I whined.

"Oh but you do." Jeremy said with a wink.

I groaned.

So I really was going.

They all gave each other hi-fives. I rolled my eyes and stormed out, well in, since I ran outta class. Right, I'm a trouble magnet.

Okay, breathe.

Everyone was staring. What the hell? Why can't they mind their own business?

I walked towards my locker so that I could get my biology books out. As I was walking back towards the classroom, I caught a glimpse of two children making out..I think. Being the nosy and impatient person I am. I decided to take a look.

Much to my surprise or not so much, it was Steven Humphrey. The school bad boy.

Sure, he was making out with one of the sluts of out school, thankfully I wasn't one of them, I would never be. I mean he is literally the bad boy, no sad feelings, no caring, no looking back. All the stories that I have read make the bad boy into a good one when he meets that 'one' girl. Steven? Nope, hadn't met her yet, he was so annoying and egoistic that I felt like smacking him across the face every time I laid eyes on him. He din't have younger or elder siblings nor did he have abusive parents or anything wrong. His parents cared about him but he was just a manwhore. Sleeping with every second chick he saw. Incredibly rich, yes. But god only knows what made him such a bad boy. If I'd have to guess, I'd say he is the son of Ares or Aphrodite, Ares because he's just too damn bossy and mean, Aphrodite because of his oversized ego.

"Hello, Missy, done staring?" Steven asked. Making me snap out of the horrible insulting.

"Staring at you making out?" I scoffed. "Yes, I did love to do that because...?"

"Because I'm just so damned good looking," he replied, there, the OVERSIZED EGO.

"Aww, sorry to burst that bubble of yours, but, you're just a smashed face chipmunk!"

Oooo that ones good, I always use it for Stefan Salvatore. Oh that show!

"Oh yeah Barbie? You will be falling on your knees and begging me too, one day." He smirked.

"Yes, in your dreams. Oh wait, you can't have me there either." I replied.

"We'll see babe, we'll see."

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