Chapter 50:

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“Who are you, and what have you done to Ashton?” I gasped.

He just grinned at me, and proceeded removing more veggies from my hair. When he had first lifted me up and sat me on the sink, he was at a good distance, but now his face was right in front of mine. He wasn’t looking at the top of my head anymore, but instead right into my eyes.

He brought his hands down placing them on either side of my waist. A hand wrapped me up and pulled me closer to him, our faces not even millimeters apart.

I let out a soft scream, my eyes wide open looking at his beautiful blue orbs.

“Ashton,” I whispered. I wasn’t sure about what to do, how to react? My brain went out of whack the moment he said I wasn’t dreaming.

Like what brain? You’re gonna let my heart handle this situation but other times you allow yourself to give opinions about what I should do?

“Shh, I want to kiss you so badly, Diana. But I won’t, this isn’t fair to you and I have finally gotten some sense knocked into me.” Ashton said, while cupping my cheeks. “I know I have hurt you a million times already and there is nothing I can really do to make up for it. I don’t ask you to forgive me; all I can ask from you right now is for time. Time for me to explain you why I did what I did, it probably won’t be enough, because I really did hurt you didn’t I?” his eyes sparkled, “All this, us going back and forth I know it’s wrong but it just seems so right, Diana. When I’m with you, things don’t matter anymore, there isn’t something called as ‘right or wrong’ You must be wondering how the sudden change of heart since I have been a dick to you all along, but please trust me on this. I didn’t mean to hurt you Anns, never in a million years. Since I first laid my eyes on you 9 years ago, I knew that there was something about you that made me all weird.”

“Ashton William Waters, how could you think I wouldn’t forgive you? If you say there is a reason behind it all, then I believe you. There is. Yes you hurt me, and I have no clue why, you let me believe all along that you didn’t care for me that way. I will give you time, Waters. All the time you need if you promise me one thing?” I asked with teary eyes.

“Anything, absolutely anything.” He said, firmly.

“You have to promise me not to hide your feelings for me, be honest with me. That is all I ask.”

His face lit up, and he flashed me a cheeky smile. The smile that I had first fallen in love with, he then said, “I promise you.”

Like he said, he didn’t kiss me. Apparently there was a lot of explaining left to do. Instead, Ashton wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his head in the crook of my neck. I chuckled, “You know I am covered in pot roast right?”

“Don’t care.” He whispered, making me shiver. 

Then we heard a thump near the bathroom door, and someone say ‘ow’ and then the person was quickly shushed.

I looked at Ashton, he looked at me, and we shared the same understanding.

He placed his finger over his lips, and I nodded. Then he gently lifted me off of the counter and placed me down soundlessly. I creeped over to door silently-feeling like a ninja, as I waited for Ashton to untangle the faucet and stretch it out as far as he could.

He motioned his hands counting ‘One, two and three.’

On three, I pulled the door open, and watched as Mason and Andrew stumbled over each other, with their eyes wide in surprise, where as Lisa, Jeremy and Maddison’s stared at Ashton and me, their jaws dropped.

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