Chapter 6:

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"Jeremy you annoying idiot! I have been waiting for you to open the dam tent since fifteen minutes! If you do not open up this instance I swear on river Styx I will rip the door apart!" I yelled, frustrated.

There were only 2 bathrooms in the entire area. Those little cabinets that you find at parks sometimes? We had just two of them out here. I wanted to pee real bad, and Jer had occupied one of those for the past I don't know how many minutes! I couldn't make a run for it to the other cubicle because it was far away and I'd surely pee in my pants on my way there.

"I'd like to see you try." Jer replied. I could literally hear the smirk in his voice!

Okay. That's it.

Just as I was about to barge in, the door was pulled open revealing a smirking Jeremy. I pushed passed him, making a mental note to get back at him for this, and ran towards the washroom.

Walking back towards where Jer stood, after finishing my business, I found him waiting near a tree. I glared at Jeremy. "YOU ASSHOLE! I NEEDED TO PEE!"

Jeremy burst out laughing, clutching his stomach so hard.

I smacked him on the head.

"Ouch," he faked the pain and dramatically rubbed the sides of his head.

"You do that again Mister and I will throw another coconut on your head!"

He pouted.

Laughing we both walked back and joined our friends and Coach near the bonfire area. It was 5 freaking am! And he woke all of us up! For God only knows what?

"Is everyone here?" Coach yelled.

There were bunches of "yes" "here" "no we died"

Coach Shot a warning look at us and everyone shut up.

Rubbing his hands, Coach began. "Okay my little brats. Today we are going to climb a mountain. It isn't steep or a mountain where you need safety gear. Just make sure to watch your steps, the path could get rough at times, and please! Watch out for animals. There are sightings of a mountain lion, but don't worry they are most likely rumors but, there are snakes, so, do not get frightened. Just take hold of the one next to you and DO NOT under any circumstances panic! Okay? Good. Also, there could be monkeys so I suggest to not taking any belongings along. Water will be provided to you at breaks."

"When are we leaving?" Someone behind me yelled.

"Right about, now. Are you all wearing sneakers? If not go quickly and change!" Coach ordered.

Luckily I chose to wear my sneakers. Everyone was ready in 5 minutes and we were set on our journey to the mountains. I was so sleepy that I kept taking support of the next best person. Jeremy, Lisa, Andy and at one point Ashton too. But, bitch Mel stole him away.

The sun was still not out; there was very faint light around us. However, I being me loved the view and atmosphere and surroundings. Everything left me in awe.

"Hey, are you alright?" Jeremy asked beside me.

"Yes. Why?" I asked, confused.

"Well... Uh, I don't know how to put this? But, I, uh..." He was being weird...

"Gods Jer. Shut up and spill,"

"Well there is a snake around your leg..." He said, looking nervous and pointed at my foot.

Before even looking down I yelled. Real loud! Okay, snakes were so creepy. They scared the shit out of me. I have never in my life seen the movie: anaconda and I cried during every snake scene in Harry Potter. You could call it Snakophobia or whatever but they were shit scary.

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