Chapter 11:

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Okay. Okay. You're just delusional, Diana. How can you even think something like that? Jeremy cannot like you, of course its not you. How big of a bitch are you? Yu think the entire world revolves around you? And every freaking guy falls on your feet? WRONG. He doesn't like you, you're just friends! Bestfriends.

Yeah, we know what they say about bestfriends, at least one of them falls in love.

Oh my gods. Shutup will you?

How exactly does one shut themselves up?

Oh you know? By putting duct tape! I said, sarcasm spilling through my..thoughts.

Woah, I just lost it, like totally. Who the fuck talks to them self?

"Hey, Anna! Wait. Look up! I'm sorry!" Ashton came into my room, trying to make himself clear.

"Oh my gods Ashton! At least get a room NOT MY COUCH,! I yelled

"I'm sorry." He blushed.

"Fine." I pouted.

He came over and hugged me, and we both fell down laughing. Just like old times, Ashton and I getting mad at each other for something really really stupid, and he comes and hugs me or I punch him, then we start giggling like a bunch of hooligans.

Laying down beside him felt so good, so real.

"Hey! I think all of us need sleep, we've been up all night and morning, and well..I'm kinda you know..exhausted," he blushed.

I laughed. But, yeah, he was right.

"Yep, Jer is asleep in your room, Madds and Andrew haven't come out since last night, and Lisa had to leave, her mom called, she had something to clear up, I don't know about..Mel?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, her? She left, her dad called, she has to babysit her sister."

"Oh, okay, so that leaves the two of us, I'm actually really tired." I yawned.

"Sleep Anns, sleep. I don't think we should wake any of them up right now, we have school tomorrow anyways, and we need to wake up at 6! So, sleep. I bet no one is gonna wake up till next morning anyways." He stated.

"Actually, you're right." I replied, and went off to sleep. I was so damn sleepy that I din't even bother to get up and sleep on my bed, I just fell asleep on the floor, aware that Ashton was beside me. I know I love him but c'mmon, sleep? Who can sacrifice sleep ya? I felt him get up, carefully not to wake me up. Then I felt him come back? What is this guy up to? He put a blanket around me and slid a pillow under my head.

He kissed me on my forehead and whispered, "Night Diana."

Then left my room.

I was too sleepy to react and was taken into a whole new world of dreams!

The sunlight is so flipping annoying! Why the hell can't someone shut it off! Why the heck does the sunlight not have a fucking switch? Uhh. I groaned. I can't sleep man! I had to get up and draw the curtains.

I got up from the floor, wait floor? Then I remembered what happened and blushed so furiously.

As I moved towards the curtains, my eyes fell on the alarm clock. It took me a moment to register the time, but when I saw it, I almost died of panic!

7:30 AM!

School starts at 8! Takes 15 minutes to reach school! And 5 of us to get ready! Fuck.

I ran towards Ashton's room and banged the door harshly yelling, "WAKE UP YOU STUPID BUTTS ITS 7:30! FAST GET READY!" And left, hoping they heard me.

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