Chapter 59:

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“Are you fucking crazy?” Andrew yelled, “THIS IS WHAT YOU DO ON MY BIRTHDAY? YOU LISTEN TO MASON’S IDEA? Out of all the people and numerous ideas, you choose to listen to Mason Fucking Walker?

I yelled back, “I told them it was a bad idea, don’t blame me”

Jeremy came and smacked me behind my head.

Bye Bye, brain cells.

“Okay, okay, all I said was that this wasn’t going to be fun, and I agree this is kind of exciting but mostly, I am scared I’ll die.” I re-stated.

“Oh so you find this exciting? WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!” Andrew said, gulping. Well it looked like he was. I couldn’t see his exact expression though, he wasn’t facing me.

So, let me tell you how this happened, and where we are right now, and why exactly are we plunging to our deaths.


“No, no, no, no there is no way we are going there!” Maddison protested once Mason presented his idea. Yes, we’d already been to Miami alone, but at least there were no chances of sudden death out there.

“It will be fun! We’ll be back in no time, and it will be just us hiking around the mountains” Mason said.

I glared at him.

“No, there is nothing we can do either.”

“Alright then let’s extend it to camping, we can go camping also!” He said.

Who doesn’t like a good ol’ camp? All of us, excluding Mason.

“Dude, no. What if we get eaten by a bear?” Jeremy asked, terrified.

“You won’t.” Mason deadpanned, “There are very, very, very rare cases of bear attacks, or actually animal attacks in general out there”

“WHAT IF WE ARE THE RARE CASE!?” screamed Ashton.

“WHY ARE YOU GUYS SO SCARED?” Mason shouted back this time, “It isn’t like we’ve never gone camping before!”

“We have, sure. But we had Coach Brown with us! That guy can scare away a grizzly bear” I said.


“Geez, you are so annoying! All of you! Fine. Does anyone have a better idea, or even an idea?”

The sad part was that none of us had an idea, no idea at all. I could think of tons of girly stuff, but for Andrew? The party was totally out of question, there’s no point in inviting half the school only to get wasted and end up cleaning all day with a massive hangover.

We could just go for a dinner, but then again it’s is 18th.

“Okay fine, so none of us have ideas. We do, but they are too lame and there’s absolutely no point, so if we go with yours. And I mean if, what will we do?” Jeremy questioned.

“Exactly, how will it be fun?” Lisa joined in.

“What can we possibly do to keep this memorial?” Maddison asked, next.

“That, you leave it to me.” Mason said, smirking.


And here we are, a couple days later, on some mountain which Mason said he is familiar with. We were supposed to go towards the trekking track, and find us a spot, plant a tent, roast some marshmallows and say scary stories, do the whole movie thing. But instead, we are lost.

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