Chapter 10:

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"Are you sure they din't see us?" I asked.

"Yes you annoying ass. I'm serious." Ashton rolled his eyes, replying.

We were back to my house safely, although I wasn't so sure we weren't being followed.

"Are you all planning to stay over today?" I asked.

All 5 of them bobbed their heads.

I sighed.

"Okay, assuming you two want to sleep together, take the room down on your left, its big and I'm sure we don't want to hear the two of you making out." I directed Maddison and Andrew.

"Okay, ma'am." Maddison said. She got up holding Andrew's hand dragging him towards their room.

"Lisa? You can come up with me," she nodded and I smiled.

"As for you two, take the guest room." I pointed at the room opposite mine.

"But thats my room!" Ashton whined.

I rolled my eyes.

"Shush, and go now. Shoo!"

"Whats going on with you and Jer?" Lisa asked me, once we were in my room.

I laughed.

"Nothing, why would you say that?"

"I saw the two of you together, I think he has a thing for you, you two are soooooooo cute together! Jeremy is hot, OHMYGODS you would make such cute babies together!" She squeaked.

"Hey there, woah! Calm down." I chuckled. "Sorry to break your bubble, but we aren't going out or like each other for that matter. And surely, we're not having babies together either."

"Damn girl." Lisa spoke, barely audible. She was already asleep. How could someone sleep so fast? Well, I am actually the wrong one to say that, I apparently sleep almost anywhere! Its just my thing, sleeping. But today I wasn't getting any. It was like 6 or 7AM! However, it still din't make me sleep.

A lot was going on in my mind. Mom, job, house, bills, dad, Ashton. I could go on and on..

I quietly jumped out of bed and made my way outside. In the backyard we had a pool so I decided to just sit there, the sun burning on my face. I let my legs hang loosely in the water.

Why did Lisa think Jeremy and I were going out?

Did it really look like that? Was it true or was she just joking to catch my reaction? But Jer liked Christiana, he said that himself. He wasn't lying was he? What if he was? No no no. I can't do this, not right now. I have to focus on my studies. Bullshit. Like that was going to happen. Man, what happened? I had a perfect life, amazing mom. And she just had to leave me in a situation like this. I was supposed to start working now, pay for my own house bills and school. I din't really need to worry about money, mom had made sure of that. She had saved so much money over the years that I could easily live off without even working. Of course there was an easy way, not to work at all. But that wasn't me. I would do this, I owed it to her, I owed it to my mom.

I felt a tear breaking through. I quickly wiped it away, staring at the sky.

There were two stars that were slightly visible, with a smile I looked back down, convinced. They were there, looking out for me, I would be the daughter they wanted me to be, I would do it for them.

My parents.

I would be a good happy teenager, help my friends, fall in love, go through heartbreaks, graduate, get married, get a job, become and amazing person. I would do all of that but sadly my parents would miss it all. Its okay I told myself. They were here, just

"Aww Ashton! Stop!-" I heard someone.

There were faint voices coming from my living room. The girl whose voice I heard was surely giggling, and much to my dismay I recognised the voices, once I neared them.

There stood Ashton and Mel heavily making out.

Mel was pressed up against the wall and Ashton's hands were all over her. Why the fuck did I have to see this? Why couldn't I have been asleep or just flipping dead?

My heart just broke all over again. After 8-9 years you might think that it gets easier, easier to handle and better. Bull fucking crap. It doesn't get better! It never does. It just keeps breaking you inside out. Waiting for you to finally give up, but not letting you move on. You have to accept the fact that he will never be yours, however, there is always that tiny little part of you that wishes he was yours, that 0.1% keeps the love burning, new, fresh and bright. That little hope you have left, that is what keeps you going. The pain just keeps crushing you down, it crushes you and crushed you till you reach that 0.1% Once that hope is crushed, you'll move on. Although, its not easy. It never is. When people move on from their boyfriend/girlfriend, its because they were never 'in love' it was just this thing called attraction. Love is painful, love hurts. Being happy in love is never possible. True love is felt by multiple heartbreaks and soul-crushing pain. It is true, you get stronger. Eventually you do, but not strong to not feel the pain, strong enough to hide it and bury it deep inside in some part of your soul where you don't have easy access too. Its still there, you just get better at hiding it. Then there is ad downfall for hiding it. Hiding it will make you feel stronger, but there will come that point when there is just SO many emotions and memories and hurt and pain filled that it will explode. Those days, they are the worst days of being in love. Being in love is just hopeless and disappointing. The heart never gets what it wants, when it does it is rare and that opportunity shouldn't be missed.

I felt a tear threatening to come out. Turning away I found myself on my way to Ashton's room. Why? He was down there, making out with his girlfriend and breaking my heart.

I opened the door, the curtains were shut down allowing no sunlight to pour in.

Jeremy was awake, thank god.

"Hey," I whispered.

"Anna? Morning! Why are you here?" He asked.

"Oh you know, just saw sneaky Ashton hook up with Mel," I replied, sarcastically.

"Damn that guy, I will hit him hard on his head one day, believe me some one needs to knock in his senses. Come here." He said, patting the little space on the bed, next to him. I quickly went there and leaned into him, he was half sleeping, half sitting. Boys and their laziness I tell you.

Jer wrapped a hand around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him, as if on cue, I laid my head on his shoulders. And let my tears fall, there were only these many people int he world who knew me; the actual me. That person who let the feelings get in her way, but din't show it. That girl who has a 1000 hidden tears behind every smile she flashes. As if meant to be, i met Jer and he became that guy, just within minutes.

Its so funny right?

How you loose one person, but there is always another one who enters your life. Even though I love Jeremy so so so much, there can never ever be an other Ashton in my life. I don't know whats wrong with him? Why the hell is he being such a dick?

"Hey, you alright? Better?" Jeremy asked.

"Yep, better." I smiled.

"Look, I will do anything in this world to help you get Ashton, but its your call."

The way Jeremy said it, he already knew the answer, he just hoped it would be different but no, it wasn't it was what everyone would expect from me.

"You know it already Jer, I can't do that, not to him."

He sighed. And nodded.

"I-I din't ask Christiana out, she, well, I don't think I feel the same about her anymore. Someone else came in my life, and now its just so much better." He said.

"Ooooo, who's that lucky girl?" I asked.

He lifted a strand of my hair and tucked it behind my ear. "You'll know eventually, you'll know." He smiled.

"Hey! Don't get all mysterious on me! I read a lot of Percy Jackson and Divergent. I know many ways to torture you and you know, make you tell me the truth," I winked.

"No shit, Sherlock. But don't forget, I'm as much of a fan as you are." He smirked.

Oh guys and their smirking!

"I will slap that smirk off your face Jer, wait and watch,"

"I'm waiting." He chuckled.

I just rolled my eyes.

"Wait, can you here that?" I asked.

"I-no, wait! Fuck. Yes!" He said, as surprised as I was.

"They're-they're doing it! On my fucking couch! Ewwwwwww! Gross!" I panicked.

"Come, I guess its time for us to make a dramatic entry, say what?" He chuckled.

"That will be even more yuck! I don't-I don't wanna.. See them, you know.." I muttered.

"Hahahahaha. You're so innocent Anns, come, at least let me do the honours to break them apart, please?"

"Fine, whatever."

We walked down and just as we had expected, yup, they were totally..doing it.


"Fuck. Shit. Sorry, we din't! Oh gods, we din't really. Sorry," Jeremy started.

Ashton and Mel were so surprised that their mouths were hanging wide open and their eyes were ready to pop out any moment!

"We were just..we..we were just.." Ashton stammered.

"Not on my couch!" I came in.

I had closed my eyes on the sight of them, not wanting to see anymore..

"I gods. Jer, please take me to my room before I vomit," I said. "And you two, please for the love of olympus! Get off my fucking couch."

Jeremy was trying sooooooooo hard to keep the laughter inside.

Well, unlike me who started laughing as soon as we turned around.

We ran into Ashton's room, locked the door and burst out laughing like mentals! No, I'm not joking, we were actually rolling on the floor, crying but laughing and banging our heads and hands and legs on the wall. Trust me, NO JOKES or exaggeration.

"Fuck! Anna, that was hilarious!" Jeremy said, getting himself up.

But too his unfortunate luck, he slipped on his own shoe! And tripped, falling down on me. Yes, literally on me! Luckily he had enough senses to put out his hands to stop the fall or at least not out his entire weight on me. I was now caged between his arms.

The laughter had died out, he was just staring down at me. Why?

"Jeremy." I whispered.

"Sorry, oh sorry." He chuckled.


Hey guys, sorry for the late update. I love you x

Don't forget to vote! And leave a comment if you want to give suggestions or ask questions about something you din't understand.


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