Chapter 11

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Sana POV

I was at home, waiting for Ethan to come back. Praying that Ethan doesn't get involved in another big accident. They should be home any time now. Finally hearing the apartment door open, I sighed in relief. I saw my husband and Ethan walk through the door and most importantly Ethan was all fine. Thank god that nothing bad happened to Ethan this race. Ethan looked really happy after the race. After seeing the trophy in his hands, I figured out why. He was happy that he had won the race. But for me, as his mother, the real win is that he managed to come home safely without any injuries.

Sana: Ethan, you are home safely thank god. Mommy was really worried.

Ethan: Look mom, I won the race and even better. Dad's friend offered me an opportunity to race in Super Formula Lights.

Sana: What's Super Formula Lights?

Y/N: It's a single seater series in Japan. This will then hopefully send him to Formula 3, Formula 2 and then Formula 1.

Sana: So what do you think about it?

Y/N: Well I'd say let him race. It's a one in a lifetime opportunity.

Sana: We don't have to settle on this so quickly. I'm sure there's time for us to think it through. Ethan go take a shower and go to your room. I need to talk to your dad privately.

I really didn't want Ethan to go to Super Formula Lights. I just want Ethan to stay at school and do well, but I am pretty sure that my husband Y/N will do everything to let Ethan race in single seaters. Ethan is still young and even though he likes racing so much right now, I still want him to stay at school and discover new opportunities. Even though I dropped out of school when I was young to chase my dreams and do what I thought was the thing I liked back then and has become successful in it, my biggest regret still remains as not staying in school and discovering other opportunities. Thinking back, school was the most fun times of my life. Being with friends and every one in school thinks you are cute. I just want Ethan to have a happy school life and not waste his childhood on motorsport. Clearly Y/N wanted something different, but I am willing to discuss about this matter with him. Just hoping that this doesn't end up in another one of our heated arguments like our previous discussions.


Well Sana wanted to talk to me about something. This usually isn't a good sign because lately whenever she tries to discuss something with me we always end up in a big argument. It seems like we no longer have the same to things anymore and we aren't going anywhere. I followed her into our bedroom hoping that we don't create another big argument.

Sana: Are you sure you want Ethan to do this?

Y/N: Of course, I mean not every kid gets an opportunity to race in Super Formula Lights. 

Sana: But what about school.

Y/N: We both dropped out of school to chase our dreams so why can't Ethan do the same? He's found something he likes, let him chase his dreams.

Sana: One in a million dropouts make it as an idol or a Formula 1 driver, the other 999 thousand ends up making bad decisions and getting themselves in jail.

Y/N: Oh please, you are such a dream crusher. 

Sana: Well I won't apologise for making sure OUR kid doesn't end up in jail.

The argument got really heated, just like how most of our discussion ends. I really wanted Ethan to be happy and at this moment his happiness is with motorsport. I was always behind Ethan supporting his motorsport career but Sana on the other hand wanted Ethan to do well in school. I still don't see how is it wrong to make my kid happy and let him do what he wants but according to Sana, anything that doesn't involve doing well in school is not the correct decision for Ethan. 

We both really have a big difference in how we want our kid Ethan to grow up. I mean it is important for a child to do well in school, but it's also important for a child to have dreams and have a heart to follow their dreams. I still don't get why Sana isn't allowing Ethan to drop out of school and follow his dreams. I mean she keeps saying that if Ethan drop out, he is going to end up in jail or something. Of course, I don't want Ethan ending up in jail but I mean look at us, we both dropped out of school to chase our respective dreams and we both turned out alright. Sometimes I feel like Sana is over protective of Ethan. 

Ethan POV

After taking a shower, I heard some noises coming from my parents room. Deciding to know what is happened I decided to go towards their room and give a listen and see if everything was fine in their room.

Y/N: Oh please, you are such a dream crusher.

Sana: Well I won't apologise for making sure OUR kid doesn't end up in jail.

As I listened, I figured that they were having another argument or as they like to say it to me a "heated enthusiastic discussion". It was probably about my offer from Super Formula Lights. I know my mom wouldn't want me to accept the offer because that would mean dropping out from school. My mom is very protective of me and never would want me to drop out of school. Knowing my dad, he was probably trying to persuade my mom to let me drop out of school and race in Super Formula Lights, which probably resulted in an argument. They have been arguing a lot these days and the argument has only increased ever since my visit to the hospital and it was always about me and my future.

Well another heated discussion between Y/N and Sana. What will happen between them after this argument? Continue reading to find out.

I have recently revised the first few chapters of this book so this is no longer a Shuhua fanfic but instead a real sequel to A Race To My Heart. I can't guarantee if Shuhua is going to appear in the book but there is a chance that she will feature it as well. Also instead of focusing on Ethan's life, this book now follows Sana and Y/N's life in Ethan's view to make it more interesting and relatable. So if you haven't read the first book do go read it first or else it will be confusing. If you have any questions don't hesitate to message me, I'm happy to explain the change of this book to you.

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