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Ethan: Papa, mama. I had so much fun today (excited).

Currently I am driving Sana and my son Ethan home from our local karting track. Like many married couples we decided to start our own family. Ethan our kid just turned three last month and we decided to take him on a day out to the local track to see how he does in karting. I mean his father is a Formula 1 World Champion after all so the kid might have some motorsport genes in him.

Looking at the rear view mirror, I saw my child Ethan fast asleep in the back seat. I looked over to Sana sitting in the passenger seat and grabbed her hand to hold it. I have it all, I am married to Sana, the love of my life and we have a kid together. Finally everything seems to be going fine. Nothing could separate us at last.

I saw Ethan with a photo in his hand. It was a photo of me when I won the Formula 1 World Championship with Mercedes in 2016. I still remember that race. It was in Abu Dhabi and Sana was there, we have only just met back then.

Y/N: Yeah that is me in 2016, when I won the Formula 1 World Championship.

Ethan: Wow you are so cool papa. I want to be like you one day.

So I have completely changed the plot of this book towards the end which means there will be tiny changes to the first few chapters of this book. Shuhua will no longer play a major role in this book so sorry gidle fans. But instead it will focus more on Y/N's life with Sana after the birth of their child Ethan Chou. Hope you like this new change. 

If you haven't then please go check out the first book beforehand. A Race To My Heart is the prequel of this book and if you don't read that book first you will find this book very much confusing.

Please vote and share this book and comment down below if you like this new change or not. I'm so sorry for those who are in the middle of reading this book but I promise this change will make the book better and more relatable to A Race To My Heart.

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