Chapter 14

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It was really tough without Sana here. I have to take care of Ethan, bring him to school, check his homework and also manage my own team which was in a complete mess right now. Sana has recently posted about taking a break in her relationship with me meaning that most of the sponsors that she had found for the team has now walked out the door. Also without her holding the marketing and PR department, we are failing to strike new deals with sponsors. This all just means that the finances are completely ruined and I have all to do right now.

I was planning to expand Sanatozaki Racing to enter European motorsport series, but now with our current state of finances, I was struggling to keep my drivers for the Blancpain Asia GT Series, we needed new drivers and we need it quick. I somehow need to find funds to continue funding Ethan's racing career, at this point I might have to sell the team if I wanted to have enough cash to fund Ethan's racing career. Just as I thought, it couldn't get any worse, Ethan came home with a letter in his hand.

Y/N: What have you got there Ethan?

Ethan: Oh this? It's a letter from Campos Racing. I don't know why.

Y/N: Well let's see.

Even though I said I don't know what it is, I actually knew exactly what it was. A few weeks ago I helped Ethan apply to Campos Racing for a Formula 3 seat in the upcoming season. Ethan was doing extremely well in Super Formula Lights so I decided to see if he could get a seat in Formula 3. However, that was when finances are still fine for me. Right now, I honestly don't know how would I pay the entry fee for Ethan. How bad of a parent will I be to hope Ethan doesn't get the seat? Because this is what I am praying for right now.

I opened the letter with Ethan and it says

Dear Ethan Chou,

After careful considerations, we have decided to offer you a position in our 3 car lineup for the upcoming season. We would be happy to invite you for an induction, factory tour and a seat fit in Valencia. The details of the factory tour could be found below. Please respond to this offer via email and if we don't hear back in the next 14 days your offer will be automatically retracted.

Best Regards,
David Cambero (Campos Racing Team Coordinator)

Great, Ethan got an offer from Campos Racing. It was a really big opportunity for him and knowing Ethan he will happily take the offer. I really want him to take the offer because it will be a really good opportunity for him to show the world what he can do. I guess I have to fly over to Taiwan and ask my sister for help to see if she could find some sponsors for me.

Ethan POV

After reading the letter, I couldn't believe my luck. Looks like my hard work in my debut season of Super Formula Lights has paid off. I have got an offer in Formula 3 and this will be a big step forwards towards my goal of being in Formula 1. I couldn't be happier about my career path right now. I didn't know how they manage to know about my racing record, but I am assume that my dad probably applied for me behind my back since he was always pushing me to becoming a Formula 1 driver.

Maybe staying with my dad after my mom left is a good decision for me. I mean I have tried to find where my mom was but I had no luck in finding her. I guess she was living with my grandmother right now but if she was still here she would probably do everything she can to stop me from taking up this Formula 3 offer. So I guess I am thankful that I have my dad doing all these stuff behind my back trying to make me achieve my dreams of becoming a Formula 1 champion like he was many years ago.

However, I noticed that my dad hasn't been himself lately, I don't know what was happening to him but he seemed so stressed ever since mom left. Maybe it was the fact that he had to take care of me as well as go to work. But it doesn't pleasure me seeing him like that. The only thing I could do is make him proud by getting into Formula 1 so I can tell him his efforts of taking care of me isn't wasted. I don't know why but after reading the letter he went into his room and started packing. Is he leaving too? I can't lose both my mother and my father, how am I supposed to raise myself? I need to stop this before my dad leaves as well.

Ethan: Dad don't go, how am I supposed to raise myself?

Y/N: Ethan kiddo, I'm not leaving. I need to go to Taiwan for a business trip. I've told your grandmother and she'll take care of you for the Christmas break.

Ethan: Phew, I thought you were leaving like mom did.

Thank god my dad wasn't leaving. At least not for now but I was still scared that he will just dump me at my grandmother's house and leave me all alone. He won't do that right? I mean he still need to send me to Valencia for my induction and factory tour with Campos Racing so I should be confident that he will come back. That night, I couldn't really sleep well with all the problems I have at home. My mom just left and my dad has been really stressed out lately, the thought of my mom and my dad leaving me alone to raise myself kept playing in my head as I drifted off to sleep.

A bit of a short chapter today. Will Y/N ditch Ethan like Sana did? Continue reading to find out.

I know this chapter might be a little bit messy and short, but I really struggled to continue to develop the plot here a little bit so I just wrote whatever came to mind. Sorry if you didn't like this chapter. Feel free to give me some ideas on how to develop this story in the comments section.

Finally thank you very much for you support. Please vote and share this book and thank you for taking time to read this chapter. Check out my other works and make sure you have added this book to your library to never miss an update.

Also, if you haven't read the first book and got confused about the plot of this book. I suggest you go check out A Race To My Heart first as this book continues off the end of A Race To My Heart. If you are still confused don't hesitate and pm me your questions.

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