Chapter 1

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Ethan POV

The bell rang, signalling the end of school my school day. Without wasting any time, I got out of my classroom and headed out of school. Finally this school week has ended, it was Friday. I left the school and saw my mom outside waiting to pick me up. I was extra excited today because this weekend I have karting race in the JAF Karting Championship. I skipped over to my mom who was waiting for me outside the school.

Sana: Hello Ethan, how's school today?

Ethan: Ugh like always, boring.

I never liked school and have always found it very boring. The only bits about school that interest me is the opportunity to see my friends and also the sports. PE class is the only lesson I enjoy. I really want to drop out of school and focus on my karting because I really like karting and motorsport and that is the only thing I want to do right now. But my mom keeps telling me that I need to focus in school if I want a bright future.

Arriving at home, I went straight to the TV and turned it on so I could relax and enjoy the weekend. After suffering 5 days at school learning about stuff that I didn't really care about I could finally have some rest. I poured myself a big soda, got some ice cream and hopped onto the sofa to relax. However, my mom wasn't really onboard of the idea of me doing absolutely nothing during the weekend because she came over and turned the TV off.

Ethan: Hey mom why?

Sana: Ethan don't you have homework to do?

Ethan: Yes, but they aren't due on Monday so I have time mom. I just want to relax.

Sana: You can relax once you finished all your homework. Now go to your room.

Ugh, homework. I absolutely hate homework and my mom keeps making me complete my homework early. She always does this thing where she sends me to my room and doesn't let me watch TV until I have finished all my homework. I am pretty sure this is child abuse but she keeps saying that this is for the benefit of my future. I don't know why she always wants me to go to school get good grades and go to university like that is the only route to success. If anything I have learned from her is that you could be successful without graduating from high school. I mean look at her, she was once part of the most famous girl group in the world without having a university degree and she turned out alright so why do I keep having to put effort into my school work for good grades.

I spent the next hour or so just sat on my desk with my textbook opened. I was supposed to finish this exercise about simultaneous equations for maths but I just can't. Maths is one of my most hated subjects so I basically spent the whole afternoon sat on my desk doing absolutely nothing waiting for my dad to return and my mom to finish preparing for dinner. An hour or so later, I heard the door open which mean my dad has returned home. I quickly ditched all my homework and ran to greet my dad.

Ethan: Dad (hugs).

Y/N: Hey Ethan, how are you doing?

Sana: Honey, dinner is ready.

I really like my dad. He is a Formula 1 World Champion, growing up he always takes me to karting races. Since I was 5, he has taken me to every single Japanese Grand Prix which made me fall in love with Formula 1 and motorsport. My dad is an idol and a role model like me and he is really cool with me not focusing on school and has been supportive in my karting career. I sat with my mom and dad on the dining table waiting for dinner to be served.

Ethan: So dad, how's your day?

Dad: Same, there's nothing much happening cause it's off season so we are just developing the car for next season's AsiaGT Championship. I just need to make sure that car development is on track.

Ethan: Wow, I want a try in that Honda NSX GT3 car dad.

Dad: Ok one day I will let you drive in it but you are too young. You can do karting now.

My dad owns a racing team currently competing in the Asia GT series. They operate a mother chassis Honda NSX GT3 which is really cool. It is definitely one of my dream cars. Ever since the day my dad showed me his car I have fell in love with it and have been begging my dad to let me have a go in that car but he keeps telling me that I am too young to drive that car. I really need to up my karting game so I could drive in that car and race in Formula 1 one day like my dad.

 I really need to up my karting game so I could drive in that car and race in Formula 1 one day like my dad

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Y/N: So Ethan, you have a karting race this weekend right. Are you ready?

Ethan: Yes, we are going tomorrow Nara tomorrow right?

Y/N: Of course, we will spending the night near the track so Ethan can prepare for the race. Honey, are you coming too?

Sana: Ethan can go if he finishes all his homework. The last thing I want is to get called to school by his teacher because he has not completed his homework.

Ethan: Ugh, why do I have to finish all my homework first. I can finish it after the race, not like it's due on Monday.

Y/N: Ethan go do your homework after dinner then. You heard your mother.

After dinner, I went to my room and finished all my homework. This is actually torture. Why does my mom always do this thing where I can only go to my karting race once I have finished my homework. I bet she never finished her homework when she was a kid because she has spent all her time dancing and singing, trying to be an idol. I mean I love my mom and I am sure she loves me too but she is always so harsh on me that makes me want to hate her.

So the revised chapter one is here. It is exactly the same to the original chapter as I am lazy and the plot for the first few chapters hasn't changed at all. I will try and release the first 10 chapters as quickly as possible so you can continue on reading as the big change is only the ending.

This new change will mean that this book focuses back on Y/N and Sana instead of Ethan's life so it will be a Sana x Reader book and Ethan's dad will be renamed to Y/N as a result. If you are confused don't hesitate to message me. Hope you like this change and please comment down below what you think about it.

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