Chapter 22

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Sana POV

I arrived at the circuit with Ethan. Honestly, I didn't really cared about if he wins or finishes last but Ethan was putting a lot of pressure on himself which was scaring me. He needs to calm down, I know Y/N's track record was giving him a lot of pressure and he really want to make Y/N proud by winning a lot of races. However, my priority is still his safety and all I want is a happy Ethan that finishes the race safely. Sometimes, Ethan really needs to stop pressurising himself so much. This pressure is just going to build up and he is going to get more and more nervous. If he stops thinking about making Y/N proud, relax and enjoy his racing, he would do great and I am confident of it. He has the talent for it but the pressure is what's causing him to not extract his maximum potential. Plus, Ethan will always be the best driver out of all the 30 Formula 3 drivers in my mind.

Sana: Ethan, you need to calm down.

Ethan: I've never raced on this track before and I really want to make dad proud.

Sana: Your dad is not here, and even if he's here he won't want you to give yourself so much pressure. Just stay calm, don't think about making your dad that much and enjoy the race. I'm sure you will do great

Ethan: Thanks mom, that does take a little bit of pressure off me.

Ethan POV

This will be my first time racing in European soil. I don't really have that much knowledge of this circuit given that I have only done a few laps on the simulator at home so I was very nervous about the race. As the session came closer and after that talk with my mother, I feel like there is less pressure on my because my dad wasn't here. Most of the times when I was younger, my dad was always pushing me for better results while my mom didn't really care about my results and just cared that I finish the race safely without any accidents. Knowing that my dad isn't watching the race made me feel like a lot of weight has been lifted off my shoulders. 

Race 1

Qualifying went alright for me, I qualified in 15th which means I will be only starting right in the middle of everything. I got strapped into the car and waited for the 5 reed lights to go out. I was very nervous in this situation. There are 30 cars and also reverse grid pole for Race 2 is just 3 positions in front of me. If I can manage a good start here, I would be putting myself in prime position to be on pole position for Race 2. But first I need to get through and avoid all the carnage that might happen in the start of this race

Alex Brundle: Formula 3 is under way for another season with a great getaway from Dennis Hauger, with Ciao Collet challenging him on the inside. Behind them it looks like Ethan Chou has made up one position on the inside line as well as 30 car charges into turn 1 for the first time this season.

The start was alright, I didn't manage to get a brilliant and only getting Roman Stanek off the line put me n 14th. I tried to go for an audacious dive on the inside of turn 1 but it didn't work as Arthur Leclerc cut me off. I tried again on the inside of turn 10 but once again the door was slammed shut by Arthur Leclerc. After the first lap, I had only gained 1 position which wasn't too bad for a rookie. However, I am a racing driver and would obviously be looking for more so I pushed as hard I could. Entering lap 3, with DRS enabled, I made sure that I was following the car in front and was within 1 second behind Arthur Leclerc. It was extremely difficult to follow cars with the dirty air I was getting in the final string of corners. However, I managed to keep it and with a slightly better exit off the final corner, I slingshotted myself past Arthur Leclerc with the help of DRS. Up into P13 I go and the next position in front will be reverse grid pole for Race 2. It was honestly very difficult to follow cars here in in Spain, which was making my fight for P12 even more difficult. Juan Manuel Correa has clean air and I don't was a big difference because he could pull away through the corners. But not giving up, I stuck with Juan Manuel Correa for the whole race and in the final corner once again with the help of DRS, I managed to blast past the ART car heading into turn 1 and take the chequered flag in P12. This is massive for me because it means I will be on pole position for Race 2.

Race 2

Lining up on pole position only gave me extra pressure. I really wanted to win this race so I could make my mark in the motorsport world. I want to show everyone that I had what it takes to make Formula 1. As I waited for the 5 red lights to go out, I looked into my mirrors and saw 30 cars lining up behind, I really need to get away well and control the race. 

As the five red lights went out, I managed to get away decently. With David Schumacher trying to challenge me down the inside of turn 1. Quickly reacting to his attack, I moved slightly towards the right hand side of the track to cover him off and with that I head into turn 1. At this moment, I seriously couldn't believe it, I was leading a Formula 3 race. I mean I had led a lot of races before, but to do it in a FIA sanctioned championship just hits differently. Once again I felt the nerves coming to me and the pressure was building with the thought of 30 cars behind me.

The pressure I was feeling didn't really change as the race goes on. Suddenly, what my mom said flashed into my mind. She told me to take it easy and enjoy the race. I decided to follow her advice and thought that this was just another race that didn't mean anything to me and enjoyed driving the Formula 3 car. Not thinking about the race really helped as I managed to put in consistent laps and build a decent to David Schumacher behind. These 22 laps came by quickly, soon enough I saw the chequered flag. Crossing the line in first, I still couldn't believe this moment. I JUST WON A FORMULA 3 RACE. I punched the air in excitement still not believing what I just did.

Jose Perez: Ethan well done, that's P1.


You could tell how happy I was as I lifted the trophy and hearing the national anthem. After the podium ceremony, I ran over to my mom and gave her a big hug. I was very thankful of her wise words telling me to loosen up during the race. I really did put a lot of pressure on myself to make my dad proud and if I didn't calmed down, I probably wouldn't have won this race. I was thankful that my mom was here to watch my debut weekend and not my dad.


Sana: I KNOW ETHAN, let me take a photo and cherish this memory.

Ethan: Thanks mom, thanks for the advice. Sometimes I wish you would be here during all my races.

Sana: I am just happy that you came back safely. 

Now I really wish that my mom would be here for my next race as well because not having dad here takes a lot of pressure off me. However, I know there was no way my dad would agree to let my mom take me to all my future races and that he will be absolutely gutted that he wasn't here to see my first ever Formula 3 race. I really hope that he will be proud of me when I get home and see my trophy for my first ever Formula 3 race win.

A very long chapter this one is, I tried my best to fit all 3 races into this chapter but I just can't so let's just say that Ethan had a boring Race 3 and call it a day haha. I hope you enjoyed this racing chapter.

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