Chapter 37

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I was absolutely devastated that Sana wanted a divorce with me. I really didn't want to sign that paper because I knew once I put my signature on that piece of paper, there will be going back. But I had no choice. This was what Sana wanted and all I could do was comply to what she wanted, she has decided on getting a divorce and there was nothing that could change her mind so I just went along with it. Even though the situation regarding me and Shuhua is just a big misunderstanding, Sana didn't let me explain to her and had to end this marriage. I don't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing but let's see what the future holds for me.

After putting my signature on the paper, I realised that it was over. The whole marriage is over and after everything that we have been through it was the end. I have lost everything, I have broken the family apart. I lost my wife Sana, and most importantly I lost my son Ethan. How could she just take Ethan all to herself without consulting me? Me and Ethan has a special bond, or at least I thought we had a special bond, I can't believe Ethan has decided to live with Sana after all. I am absolutely gutted about this and mad at myself that there is nothing I could do to salvage this. 

I was in an absolute mess of state mentally, there was just too much going through my mind, this divorce came too suddenly. I wasn't really expecting that but I should have seen it coming ever since that day when Sana moved out. Throughout all this time, I kept my hopes up high that Sana will return to me one day and we will return to a happy family of three but there was no way that it will happen now. I didn't really want to go home and face the four walls myself so I decided to go somewhere that still has a meaning for me.

My office. The factory and the team headquarters is the only place that still has a meaning for me. I figured that if I devote all my time to work, I would be able to get myself to stop thinking about the divorce and Sana. This seemed to work at first because there were still lots of stuff I need to do to prepare for entering the upcoming Formula 1 season. It was very busy times at work right now which was making me focus on my work instead of Sana. With that, I continued working until very late that night.

I have completely lost track of time because of the workload that I have given myself. As I continued to find things to work on, the time continued ticking and it was getting late. The workers left one by one as they finished off their job for the day. Lights in the factory started to turn off one by one as less and less people are in the office right now. The whole building started to become more and more quiet. I don't know what time it is, so I decided to check the clock on my table. While glancing over at the clock, I saw a photo that I didn't want to see.

It was a photo of me, Sana and Ethan. Ah the good old times. I still remember that day, it was the day when I introduced Ethan to motorsport, the first day I took him to a karting track. That day was still very fresh on my mind, how happy Ethan was when he finished his first ever taste of karting and how I thought I have everything that I ever wanted, a happy family.


Ethan: Papa, mama. I had so much fun today (excited).

Currently I am driving Sana and my son Ethan home from our local karting track. Like many married couples we decided to start our own family. Ethan our kid just turned three last month and we decided to take him on a day out to the local track to see how he does in karting. I mean his father is a Formula 1 World Champion after all so the kid might have some motorsport genes in him.

Looking at the rear view mirror, I saw my child Ethan fast asleep in the back seat. I looked over to Sana sitting in the passenger seat and grabbed her hand to hold it. I have it all, I am married to Sana, the love of my life and we have a kid together. Finally everything seems to be going fine. Nothing could separate us at last.

Flashback End

Suddenly when I was deep in thought, reminiscing the past, someone entered my office which completely ruined my moment of thought. It was Shuhua, I was surprised that she was here at this time of the day. It was already very late. I quickly wiped up the tears that was starting to form in my eyes.

Shuhua: Hey boss, what are still doing this late at night?

Y/N: Nothing much, just work. So many things we need to do before we surprise the world with our Formula 1 entry announcement. What about you? What are you doing here this late?

Shuhua: I was on the simulator the whole day just heading out. See you boss.

Shuhua was right, it was already very late at night. I should head home too. Knowing that I will be heading back home just to be alone once again really made me not want to go home. I tried to find something to do. Maybe I should ask Shuhua if she fancies grabbing a bite with me, after all, I might have lost my real son, but Shuhua is like my daughter as well.

Y/N: Hey Shuhua, you know what? I've not had dinner yet so do you want to grab some food together?

Shuhua: That's a really nice offer boss, but I'm really tired. I think I'll head home now, I'll see you tomorrow morning.

Y/N: See you tomorrow, have a safe trip home.

Well that's it then, I guess the only thing I could do now is head home alone and face the four walls on my own. I wasn't really enjoying this loneliness but life moves on. I tuned off the final light in the whole team headquarters and left the office, heading home all alone......

So that's another chapter. This chapter was supposed to be with the previous chapter but it was too long so I split it into two and let you know how Y/N dealt with the divorce himself. If you want to know what will happen next, do continue to read this book.

I know, I have updated two chapters in two days. What a surprise. However, don't expect frequent updates, I just happened to find some time to write because I don't have that many classes on Wednesday. I'm still going to be very busy but I'll try my best to update as frequent as possible.

Thank you very for all of your support even when I am not as inactive. Hope you guys are enjoying this book so far. Please vote for this chapter and comment what you think about the book. 

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