Chapter 41

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Ethan POV

Y/N: Son I've been waiting to say this line for a long time. Welcome to the team.

Ethan: So dad, who will be my teammate?

Y/N: It's Shuhua.

Ethan: Shuhua? But isn't she?

Y/N: You aren't going to side with your mom to go against Shuhua and reject this offer right?

Ethan: I mean...... It's difficult because this is an offer I can't reject.

This was an offer that I can't reject. At the moment of my dad welcoming me to the team, I was very emotional. Ever since I was a kid, I had dreamed about racing in one of the race cars that has my dad's team livery on it. I used to beg my dad every day to let me have a go in the Honda NSX GT3 under his team's livery. Now I finally get a chance to race under my dad's team and most importantly re-enter Formula 1 with my dad's last name. I went home and decided to tell my mom the good news.

Sana POV

Sana: Ethan dinner is prepared (shouts).

Sana: Ethan? Ethan can you hear me? Are you here?

Hmmm weird, Ethan wasn't responding to my shout to dinner. He usually runs out to the dining room when he hears me say dinner is prepared. I started to search around the house looking for Ethan, but he was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't in his room and he wasn't in the simulator room. I was getting a bit worried about Ethan, I know he is an adult and he is capable of taking care of himself. But in my mind, he will always be a little kid and him going missing is the thing that worries me the most. I dropped everything and started to panic.

I got dressed quickly and headed for the door. I need to go and find Ethan as soon as possible. This was really worrying me and as I opened the door, I saw Ethan standing outside the apartment. I was relieved to see him standing there, but also surprised to know that he went was out without telling me. 

Sana: Oh thank god you are home (hugs).

Ethan: Yeah I was just out. 

Sana: Where have you been? And why didn't you tell me that you were going out?

Ethan: I just went to see dad.

Sana: You...... wait...... YOU DID WHAT(shocked)!?

I was shocked at what Ethan just said. I can't believe that he just went behind my back and went to see his father without telling me. I knew Y/N has some funny business when he was here saying that he needed to give something to Ethan. I need to know what Ethan said to Y/N and make sure that Y/N doesn't get anywhere near Ethan again. Call me greedy but I can't afford to lose Ethan.

Sana: What were you doing with Y/N? From now on you can't see your dad without me being there with you.

Ethan: Calm down mom, dad just gave me an offer in Formula 1.

I really didn't know how to react, because I didn't want Ethan to have any affiliations with Y/N. But at the same time, Ethan looked very happy about finally getting a Formula 1 drive. I was very conflicted because I know this was what Ethan wanted when he was young. Growing up he always wanted to be a Formula 1 driver and now he has finally reached his dreams. I could tell he really want to do this and is ready to ignore whatever I say about not having affiliations with his dad just to achieve his dreams when he was young. 

Ethan: Mom, please I really want to do this. You know how much this means to me.

Sana: Ugh fine, it's not like I can stop you from doing whatever you want anyways.

There was no way I could stop this, Ethan really wanted this and I could tell how happy he was at the prospect of being a Formula 1 driver so I just let him be. There was no point to fight this anyways. All I could do now is be a supportive parent and give Ethan what he wanted.

Few Days Later

It has been a few days since Ethan joined Y/N's team and he has been seeing him a lot for the past few days which definitely annoyed me. But I was also happy that Ethan comes home from the factory every day in a very good mood. Today Ethan went out early because he had a press conference that he needs to be part of so they could reveal their new entry to Formula 1. I turned on the TV so I could watch the press conference and there was Y/N with Ethan and much to my surprise Shuhua together. I don't really like what I am seeing but my gut feeling just made me keep watching as Y/N introduced their new team.

Y/N: Hello, welcome to today's press conference. I am happy to announce that I can reveal a project that I have been working for so long. We are proud to announce that Sanatozaki Racing will enter Formula 1 in the upcoming season with drivers Ethan Chou and Yeh Shuhua. We hope to have a successful long term development in Formula 1.

Once Y/N introduced Shuhua to the team, I started thinking to myself. Is this really just a massive confusion? Have I really blamed Y/N for something that didn't happen? All this time, I have thought that Y/N was cheating on me and all that stuff, but it might have just been me overthinking stuff. Maybe they were just co workers after all. I started to blame myself for ending the marriage and forcing Y/N to get a divorce when none of us really wanted it. As it seems like right now, the problem isn't with Y/N, the problem is with me all along and I need to try my best to fix this.

So a little bit of a short chapter today. Just giving you a little bit of light showing that Y/N and Sana's relationship might improve in the future. I'm not promising anything but if you want to find out what comes next do continue reading this book.

Also, most of the upcoming chapters will be mostly based on racing as the story builds up to the final few chapters. Please stay with me until the end, not long to go.

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