Chapter 34

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I was in the middle of discussing the data and results with Shuhua, someone barged into the room. It caught both of our attention as I looked over to see who it was. Usually nobody barges into the simulator and interrupt me working. But as I looked over, I saw someone that I really didn't expect to see. It was Sana. It has really been a long while since the last time I saw Sana and it was a really big surprise that she showed up in the factory. She doesn't even show up to the factory back when we were together so it makes me wonder why she bother to come to the factory now that we are separated.

Y/N: SANA!? What are you doing here?


Y/N: What was that for?

Sana: You know what that was for. I just can't believe you are really doing this to me.

Y/N: Can you please explain to me what is happening? You can't just storm in here and start slapping me.

Sana: Do you seriously don't know what you did? You get with a girl behind my back and to make things worse, the girl is the same age as Ethan. Do you seriously have no shame?

Y/N: Wait Sana, let me explain.

Sana: I don't care, I'm filing for a divorce.

After that, she left. This was a massive confusion between me and Sana and I didn't even get a chance to explain the truth to her. I mean I would never date another girl behind Sana, I still love her and I will never do anything that will break her heart. Getting a divorce was the last thing I want, but she looks like she has made the decision already. This was bad, I seriously have no idea how to salvage this but I still need to save this marriage. 

If I am being honest, I still have no idea why Sana was mad and came into the factory to slap me. I have never done anything behind her back or dated any other girl. All I did was help Shuhua on her road to Formula 1. Speaking of Shuhua, how does she know I have been close with Shuhua lately and more importantly why would she think that I am having an affair with Shuhua behind her back? So many questions popped up on my head but this whole thing about me and Shuhua is clearly making people around us confused regarding our relationship. I really need to explain my relationship with Shuhua and hopefully salvage this marriage. 

Sana POV

I walked away from Y/N after slapping him. I know many people would say that I should give him a chance to explain himself in that situation and that I didn't know the truth between Y/N and that girl named Shuhua. However, on paper, I am Y/N's wife so I am entitled to have such reaction when I see him being this close with another girl. Y/N doesn't deserve to have a chance to explain himself. Even though many people might say that I am the one who broke the family apart in the first place which is what caused Y/N to go around dating other girls behind my back. 

After giving Y/N what he deserved, I went home. There was no going back from this, I am filing for a divorce with him. It was the only decision and nothing can change my mind. It was about time that we both end this relationship. I always thought not filing for divorce is the best for Ethan but turns out after everything that has happened, the only way was to get a divorce. 

On the way home, I cried a lot because I really thought I have found my match when I first met Y/N and I just can't believe that he did this to me after everything we have been through. I bought some dinner on the way home and when I arrived home, I cleaned myself up so I didn't leave evidence of me crying when I see Ethan. However, Ethan is my son which is why when I went into my house, Ethan already asked me what happened.

Sana: I'm home. I brought dinner.

Ethan: Where have you been? And what happened mom? Why are you crying?

Sana: Me and your dad is getting a divorce (sobs).

Ethan: WHAT!? Why?

Sana: I'm sorry Ethan, but it had to be done.

Inside myself, I really felt sorry for Ethan. He has been through a lot and had suffered a lot with the things me and Y/N has been through. However, me and Y/N can't stay like this forever. It was time that we end it and ask Ethan the big question.

Ethan: So what's next?

Sana: Well I need to ask you an all important question. Who do you want to stay with?

Ethan: Mom can you not please? I don't want to pick.

Poor Ethan, I couldn't imagine what is going through his mind now. He has always been a really good kid and has been very nice to me and Y/N. I couldn't ask for a better son than Ethan. This was a really big decision for Ethan and I know Ethan loves both of us. He would do anything to keep us together. It must be tough making a decision right not to decide who he wanted to stay with. 

As for myself, I would not mind if Ethan goes with his father Y/N. Ethan going with Y/N is the best option for him because I can't give him what is best for his career. As much as I want Ethan to be with me, I need to think about Ethan's future too. I wouldn't force anything for Ethan because this was his decision after all, I just hope he understands that there is no going back regarding me and Y/N's situation and thinks about himself before making this tough decision. 

So a bit of a short chapter today, but Y/N and Sana are having a divorce. What do you think Y/N will do to try and salvage this situation? Comment down below what would you do if you were Y/N and I might take some of your ideas to continue writing this book.

Thank you very much for all your past support and sorry if I am not updating my books as frequent as possible. I am extremely busy in preparing for the start of a new school year and I am flying to Europe next week so I have a lot to do before I leave home.

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