Chapter 4

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Ethan POV

After school, I was really reluctant in going home. This was not like me as I was always the first one to run out of school once the bell rang because I don't really like school. But today was different, because I knew if I went home, I will be in big trouble. I am not ready to face my parents after what just happened at school earlier.

I was the last student to left the classroom, dreading to meet my mom who was going to be waiting outside the school to pick me up. Probably waiting to shout at me and punish me as well because she is always so demanding in me doing well in school. As I head out of the school, there she was, in her car waiting to pick me up after school. I surely remembered to take my time as I walked towards her car.

Sana: Come on Ethan, I don't want to pay for a parking fine.

Great, from that I can tell my mom was clearly mad at me. I got into the car waiting to get a beating from my mom. Much to my surprise, she didn't scold at me. The ride home was really quiet as I didn't want to say a word triggering my mom and she didn't say anything as well. Maybe she has forgotten about what just happened in the meeting with Mr Takahashi earlier today which is good for me.

As we arrived home, me and my mom still hadn't spoken to each other. The tension between us remained. I just followed her into the house not daring to make any noise because it will risk triggering my mom and then I will definitely get punished if I trigger her.

I got into the house, closed the door and head into my room directly ready to do some homework. Normally, I would get myself some after school snack watch some TV before I do some homework. But today was different, I need to think before I do because I can tell my mom wasn't happy about getting called to school because I didn't do my homework properly.

Sana: Where are you going young man?

Ethan: I have homework I need to do.

Sana: Oh so now you remember that you have some homework to do. Why didn't you remember it before I got called to meet your head teacher?

Ethan: Sorry mom, I just forgot to print it out. It's just Miss Watanabe being annoying and doesn't accept soft copy essays.

Sana: Don't blame it on your teacher. The rules at school are set to be followed. Now go do your homework, I will think about what your punishment is and discuss it with your dad later.

I went into my room without arguing. She didn't forget, she was just waiting for my dad so they could come up with a punishment for me. I'm really paranoid right now because I don't know what my punishment was. When I was younger, it was usually no snacks after school or no dessert after dinner. But now I seriously don't know what punishment I am going to get. Last time I was grounded with no phone and no PS5 for a week when I didn't submit my homework in time. I just hope it won't be like that this time because I really struggled without a phone.

Sana POV

Aish, this kid. He never learns from his mistakes. This was his third time this month that he didn't complete his homework properly. I really need him to remember this lesson and punish him well. Last time I took away his PS5 and phone for a week but it seems like that didn't go well. I need to come up with a bigger and heavier punishment. I need to take away something that he really likes and cares, maybe I should ground him from doing races for a month.

If you are wondering why I treat Ethan this harshly regarding the matters of school and his education. It is because me and my husband both didn't complete school. Both of us dropped out of school to chase our respective careers whether it was being an idol or a professional racing driver. From what it looks like, Ethan wants to go down this route of dropping out of school and chase his dream of being a professional racing driver. Even though both of us turned out fine without and education and qualifications, and his father really supports his dreams, only one in a million person make it into Formula 1. I mean there are only 20 seats in Formula 1 and my husband was really lucky that he managed to achieve his dreams. This is why I need to make sure he puts his feet on the ground and have another option when things in the racing world doesn't work out for him.

Time Skip To Dinner Time

Ethan POV

Few hours later, my mom came over and knocked on my door, telling me that dinner is ready. Even though I finished all my homework, I didn't dare to go out and watch TV so I just sat on my desk studying for the classes I have for tomorrow

Sana: Ethan, dinner is ready.

I walked out of my room got onto the dinner table and started eating dinner. I didn't dare say a word, my mom and dad are having a conversation talking about some of my mom's friend whilst my dad was just updating everyone about his work. Even though I am really interested in my dad's update about his racing team, I don't want to be part of this gloomy dinner table atmosphere so I finished my dinner really quickly and head back into my room to do some more revision.

Ethan: Mom dad, I finished my dinner. I'll go do some revision.

Y/N: Ok kiddo.

Sana: Hold on Ethan. You think you can get away from that punishment by pretending to revise?

Ethan: Ummmmm..... No?

Sana: Well your dad and I had a chat about it and we thought since it was the third time you messed up at school this month, we will go for a bigger punishment than usual. So no karting or racing for a month.

Y/N: We did agree to that?

Sana: Oh honey, back me up here.


Y/N: Fine, you heard your mother.

Well this is stupid. What kind of punishment is that? Why don't my mom just take my phone away or take my PS5 away. But seriously, no racing? Does she know that in the upcoming months, I have 4 races to attend which if I do well in them, I could potentially secure a move up to Super Formula Lights before I start high school. If I don't attend them, then I will have to wait for another month before I get a chance to prove myself and by then the seats might have been all taken by other drivers already. I am really angry, but since my mom has already said it and my dad seemed to somehow be onboard with this, there was no way I could fight it so I just head to my room depressed and continued to do my revision.

Fourth chapter revised. It will still be in Ethan's POV for now. If you have read this part before then you don't have to read it again. Also, if you are confused then please message me, I'm happy to explain the change.

Big yikes to Ethan there. Is his racing career over? Continue reading this book to find out.

Also, apologies if you don't really like this strict parent Sana role. But for the sake of how the story will go, it's best that I make Sana a strict parent. I used to not submit any homework all the time and get punished by my mom so I thought I'd give Ethan the same treatment. Yes I am evil haha.

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