Chapter 35

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Ethan POV

My mom came home, I have no idea what she did or where she went but I just hope she brought dinner home. I am starving and I really need to have my dinner. Thankfully my mom came home just in time for dinner. However, as she entered the house, she doesn't seem right. She looks sad and her puffy eyes looks like she just cried on the way home. I don't know what happened but my mom is clearly going through something that caused her for this reaction. As much as I wanted to have dinner, I need to comfort my mother and ask her what happened. I gave her a big hug to try and help her go through whatever she has been going through.

Ethan: Where have you been? And what happened mom? Why are you crying?

Sana: Me and your dad is getting a divorce (sobs).

Ethan: WHAT!? Why?

Sana: I'm sorry Ethan, but it had to be done.

I was really shocked at this situation, it was seriously the last thing I wanted to happen but now it has finally happened. I should have seen this coming, my mom and dad are separated for too long and it was inevitable that they get a divorce. However, I really want them to stay together. With this divorce they have put me right on the spot and I honestly don't know what is happening. Clearly they did not think about me at first before making this decision, because if they have they wouldn't get getting a divorce.

Ethan: So what now?

Sana: Well I need to ask you an all important question. Who do you want to stay with?

Ethan: Mom can you not please? I don't want to pick.

Honestly, how do I pick from this situation? I love both my mom and dad very much and I really can't pick who do I love more, it was a very tough decision and I seriously have no idea which parent do I pick. I mean I really need the support from both of them. My dad doing everything he can to keep my racing career going and my mother's love and care is what make me remember that staying alive is one of the most important thing in the world. Both of them does have their flaws to live with but the pros definitely outscore the cons. I just want to continue living with both of them and not make a decision. 

However, thinking about the bigger picture, their marriage isn't working out right now so I was forced to pick one side regardless of what I want. With that, I have decided to pick living with my mother. My dad has helped me a lot with my racing career since I was young, but what I need more than someone helping me get a successful career is my mother. Even though my mom was very harsh on me when it comes to school when I was younger, she still cares and loves me a lot. Therefore, in this situation, one thing I need more than having someone helping me with my career is someone who loves and cares about me.

I mean this decision doesn't mean I don't love my dad and my dad doesn't love me. I'm sure he does care about me but only presents it in a different way. I am very thankful that he was there supporting and helping me get the best deals and raised me to a Formula 2 driver today. However, it is time I take my career into my own hands. I need to start to do things on my own or else people will think I am only just here because of my family name. While I am racing for my family name here, I am also racing my own career. With that, I have decided to pick living with my mom so I could have less connection to my dad regarding my career path.

I really took a long time to think about my decision, it wasn't easy but weighing up all the options, I decided to pick living with my mom. It was probably one of the toughest things I've ever done because whatever decision I make only one person will be happy about it. However, what's done is done and that night over dinner, I decided to tell my mom.

Sana: Hey, Ethan. Dinner is ready. I know it's not been pleasant digesting what just happened, so we can talk over it through dinner.

Ethan: It's ok mom, I'm fine.

Sana: Are you sure? 

Ethan: I really love you both but I know you two can't live together forever. Regarding my decision, I have decided to pick you mom.

Sana: What? Why me? Don't you want to be with your dad? I mean you both have a lot in common, also he basically manages your career. 

Ethan: Look mom, it's time I take my career into my own hands. This is half of the reason why I picked to live with you. I have made my name in motorsport enough to attract contracts without the help of dad's name. I just don't know how will dad take this news.

Sana: I don't know too, but I'll tell him tomorrow at the chambers tomorrow.

Sana POV

I was really surprised that Ethan has decided to live with me given my history with Ethan and him going racing when he was younger. As much as I love Ethan, I really wanted him to stay with Y/N because of his career. With the special bond between Y/N and Ethan has, I would have thought that Ethan would pick to live with Y/N. However, Ethan picked to live with me and there was no way I will let him see Y/N after what he has done to me. I just need to find a way to tell Y/N when I see him tomorrow that Ethan has chosen to stay with me for the foreseeable future.

A little bit of a short chapter today. Nothing much just Ethan making the all important decision regarding the situation of Y/N and Sana getting a divorce. 

I know I haven't been very active and updating much for the past few weeks, but I am very busy getting prepared for university. I just moved to a new country for university and I was not ready to leave home. If you are wondering I am still a bit emotionally vulnerable so don't expect me to update this frequently. 

Thank you very much for your past support, please vote for this chapter and share this book. I hope you are enjoying this book so far and please continue to support this story. 

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