Chapter 29

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Ethan POV

During the break, I returned home to Japan. I was still very happy about joining the Ferrari Driver Academy. It was all my dad's doing, if it wasn't for my dad I wouldn't be even close to joining the Ferrari Driver Academy. I was really thankful for my dad doing all of this for me, which is why I need to go back home and thank him. He is truly the best dad in the world, and he always tries to give me the best for my career in motorsport. If I had stayed with my mother after the fight me and my dad had in USA, all of this would not have happened because my mom wouldn't be able to get me a position in the Ferrari Driver Academy. 

Things might have been a little bit tense between me and my dad at the moment with us falling out after the race in USA. We haven't been speaking much to each other over the summer break even though I have been staying with him for a while. However, this time, I am here to make things better. I am here to tell my dad how I felt about the harsh words. As I arrived home, my dad wasn't here, I looked around the house for him but he was nowhere to be seen. I sat on the sofa waiting for my dad to come home.


It was busy at the factory during times like these as we were trying to gain access to the next Formula 1 season. With Shuhua onboard the team, she was attracting sponsors from her vlogs meaning that the team was capable of paying the entry fee to the Formula 1 grid. However, there are just so much we need to do as we need to strike an engine deal with Honda, build our own Formula 1 chassis and also do the FIA Formula 1 crash test before signing off all the paperwork confirming a spot on the Formula 1 grid.

The chassis itself was coming along at a steady pace, but it was the engine that was causing a problem. With my GT3 team running a Honda NSX GT3, it would be logical to compete under a Honda engine. But with Honda pulling out of the sport it has left us searching for a new engine deal. It wasn't easy but I have managed to find Mercedes to hoping to strike a deal with them. Because Mercedes run on European time, I will be meeting the Mercedes powertrain team at night meaning I won't return home until very late. I opened my laptop and prepared for the online meeting with the Mercedes team.

Toto Wolff: Hey Y/N, it's been a while since we've met huh?

Y/N: Hey Toto. How have you been?

Toto Wolff: I'm good. So what can I help you with?

Y/N: As you might have been aware of, I am running my own Formula 1 team for the upcoming season. I was wondering if we could do a deal for the engine.

Toto Wolff: Sure, we're looking for another customer team. I'll send you the terms of the contract and we could maybe sign the deal sometime later when you have made a decision.

Y/N: That sounds great. Thanks Toto.

Well that was at least one problem sorted. Without an engine, the chassis won't be going anywhere. Thankfully, Mercedes are in fact looking for a new customer team meaning that we could potentially get a deal with an engine supplier. Mercedes has been the best engine of Formula 1 for the past few years and with this engine deal, the team would really have a strong debut season.  A few moments later, I received an email from Andy Cowell the managing director of Mercedes AMG Petronas with the draft contract of the engine deal.

I opened up the contract and took a look into it. All the terms and conditions about sharing data seemed to be very fair and fine. However, there was one big problem. The price of the deal, it was way out of budget. Even though I did say that money wasn't really a problem with the amount of sponsor that Shuhua brought into the team. However, I still want to minimise the start up cost of the team so we could have a positive cash flow as we head into the season. The contract said that the engine cost would be 12 million Euros which was 2 million Euros over budget. With that I decided to look for other engine deals.

That night, I worked really late without even knowing it. When I left the factory, it was already past midnight and I really should head home. The city was dark and quiet as I drove home, everyone in the city was probably asleep. As I arrived home, I opened the door, the lights were still on and so was the TV. Who was at home? I am pretty sure nothing was on when I left for work this morning. I looked at the sofa and I saw Ethan sleeping. 

Poor kid, he must have fell asleep while waiting for me to arrive home. I quickly went to his room and got his blanket so he doesn't suffer from getting a cold sleeping without any cover. He keeps saying that I don't care about him, but I do care about him .I put the blanket over Ethan who was sleeping peacefully on the sofa until he started to move. 

Ethan: Dad? You're home.

Ethan POV

I waited for my dad to return home. I don't know how long I have waited but I was so tired after the flight from Bahrain and must have fell asleep while watching TV. I woke up when someone tried to put something over me, it was dad, he was finally home and was putting a blanket over me so I don't catch a cold. I looked around for the time and it was very dark outside, so it must be very late.

Ethan: Dad? You're home.

Y/N: Ethan, why didn't you sleep in your room.

Ethan: I was waiting for you. I must have fallen asleep while waiting.

Y/N: Come on kiddo, it's late. Go to bed.

Ethan: Dad, I have something to tell you.

Y/N: Come on just go to bed. We'll talk about that tomorrow morning.

Turns out after all, my dad does care about me. At least he did enough to make me think that he does care about me by putting a blanket over me when I was asleep. The more I think about the stuff my dad did for me, the more I felt guilty about shouting back at my dad. I really need to fix this relationship with my dad.

So Y/N is finally planning his Formula 1 team. Will his Formula 1 team be successful? Continue reading to find out.

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