Chapter 33

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Sana POV

Ethan: Dad just brought a girl home and said that she was part of family.

Sana: WHAT!?

I am a little bit confused about what Ethan just said. The only bit I managed to catch was that Y/N brought home another girl which really surprised me. I don't know how Y/N said that girl was part of his family given that me and Y/N are still legally married meaning that he can't remarry a random girl. I am both confused and angry at this moment, thankfully Ethan was here so I could ask him more about who this mystery girl was.

Sana: Who's the girl?

Ethan: I don't know if I should say it.

Sana: Just say it.

Ethan: Ok fine, it's Shuhua. I don't know what's going on between them but dad has been going to the factory very early and coming home very late. I thought he was having an affair but I honestly don't know. Please don't kill dad, I love both you and dad very much.

After forcing Ethan to tell me everything, I was hoping that I didn't find out about Y/N's private life after I left him. Putting all the puzzle pieces together, I think Y/N is seeing another girl behind my back. I knew this was going to happen anyway, but I just can't believe that it was Shuhua. I mean that girl is the same age as Ethan. Honestly, I did thought about if Ethan was just making it up since the more I thought about it, the more it doesn't sound right. I guess the only way to find out if Y/N is dating Shuhua is to catch them going on a date red handed.

Sana: Ethan, I'm going out. Be good ok? I'll be back soon.

Ethan: Where are you going.

Sana: Nowhere. Don't worry I'll be back in time to make dinner.

The only way to find out the truth about Y/N is by catching Y/N and Shuhua being together. I need to head to the factory to investigate if he has something going on with Shuhua. I don't really trust what Ethan said. He might be exaggerating and most importantly, he doesn't have any evidence. It was down to me to find evidence on my own. With that, I headed to the factory so I could see if Y/N is doing any funny business behind my back.

I arrived at the factory and it was the same as the last time that I was here. I have heard that Y/N has had some problems with the finances ever since I have left him, but from what I am seeing in front of my eyes, he seems to be doing alright. Most of the staff here know me from being married to Y/N so they recognised me when I came through the doors of the factory.

Receptionist: Hey Sana, it's been a while since you visited.

Sana: Yeah, where's Y/N.

Receptionist: The boss is in the simulator room I think. Do you want me to call him?

Sana: Thanks, and it's ok. I'll go find him myself.

After entering the factory gates, I went directly to the simulator room to see what was going on with Y/N. From what Ethan said, he said that Y/N spends a lot of time in the factory. Honestly, I don't know why he was spending so much time in the factory anyways since everything seems to be under control. As I looked into the simulator room, I saw Y/N and some girl in there discussing something. I have no idea what they were discussing, but it seems like it wasn't anything serious or work related because both of them are laughing and chatting happily. 

Since Y/N still hadn't spotted me, I continued standing outside looking at every move that Y/N makes with that girl. From my sixth sense, I don't think their relationship is as simple as colleagues, there is definitely something more between the two of them. I don't know who that girl was, but I don't really like what I am seeing. Thankfully, one of the engineers at the factory spotted me so I could as him everything about that mysterious girl.

Engineer: Oh hey Sana. If you are looking for bossman you could just walk in. I'm sure he won't mind.

Sana: It's ok, I just want to know who that girl is.

Engineer: You mean Shuhua? She's our star driver, I don't know how Y/N knew her but she's really good. 

Sana: What relationship are they?

Engineer: I honestly don't know but they seem really close together.

That's it, I can't stand it anymore. I need to go in and confront these two. I can't believe Y/N is doing this to me. Y/N dating behind my back was already tough to take even if we are separated, but with a girl that is the same age as our son? That is too much to take. I didn't even care what they were doing at this moment and I barged into the simulator room creating a lot of attention.



I spent the whole morning with Shuhua in the simulator. She was putting some consistent lap times in the simulator, and I was analysing the data that she had put in. She was progressing really nicely and looking like she would be prepared for the next Formula 1 season if she continues like this. 

Y/N: So, from the simulator you seemed to be matching most of the Formula 1 drivers over a singular lap, but on the long run you are still lacking a bit of pace. I think that's the physical side. 

Shuhua: Yeah, I think so too. I always get a bit tired after about 20 laps of driving.

Y/N: Well you need to get your fitness up, there's not long to go before the start of the next Formula 1 season and our team's entrance into the Formula 1 grid has been approved.

Suddenly, when I was in the middle of discussing the data and results with Shuhua, someone barged into the room. It caught both of our attention as I looked over to see who it was. Usually nobody barges into the simulator and interrupt me working. But as I looked over, I saw someone that I really didn't expect to see. It was Sana. It has really been a long while since the last time I saw Sana and it was a really big surprise that she showed up in the factory. She doesn't even show up to the factory back when we were together so it makes me wonder why she bother to come to the factory now that we are separated.

Y/N: SANA!? What are you doing here?

Uh Oh, drama and tension looks to be building between Y/N and Sana as there seemed to be a massive confusion between them leading to this argument. What will happen between Y/N and Sana? Continue reading to find out.

I know it has been a while since I have updated this book, but I was extremely busy in the past week. Since I will be flying to a foreign land in the next week for school, I have been busy with packing and also some having some alone time with friends and family. Sorry for the lack of updates and please don't expect that I will be updating my books frequently during this hectic time.

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