Chapter 17

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Ethan POV

Living with my mother for the past few days has been really fun. I don't know if it was because I have missed her so much or it was just boring living with my dad but it feels different. Also, my mother seemed to act differently now. Usually she would be very strict towards me and make me do a lot of revision, but during the past few days she was pretty chilled with me and gave me a lot of freedom. I really wished she had given me this much freedom when I was younger but I guess better late than never.

I really enjoyed living with my mother, but like all good things, it has to come to an end one day. Today is my last day living with my mother and my dad will be picking me up once he arrives back in Osaka from his trip to Taiwan. I really wanted to continue living with my mother so I really need to persuade her to come back to me and my dad.

Ethan: Mom, can you please come back? I really missed you.

Sana: Sorry Ethan, but I can't. You know things are kind of awkward and difficult with me and your dad right now. 

Ethan: But I really liked living with you?

Sana: I promise I'll come back when I'm ready.

Ethan: When will that time be? How about I stay here and live with you?

Sana: And ruin your racing career? Your dad never gave up on you when you were younger and only he can provide a route to success in racing for you. I don't know anything about motorsport so living with me will just ruin your racing career and your future. 

I really want to continue staying with my mom because I was really happy with her. However, thinking about what my mom said, she was right. She doesn't know anything about motorsport and staying with her might mean that I put my racing career at risk. I have worked so hard to get into Formula 3 with Campos Racing and I don't think I am ready to give it all away right now. I really did thought about giving up my racing career and live with my mom but I thought better of it. This is really difficult for me but for my long term and my career it's best I stay with my dad for now.

Sana POV

Meeting Ethan once again made me really happy. I can tell from his actions that he has matured a lot while living with Y/N which was a big relief for me because he really treated me well for the past few days. Also, I can tell that he really missed me and wanted to continue living with me with the way he kept persuading me to come back to live with him and Y/N. However, I always avoided an answer when it came to this topic.

I mean I really missed my son Ethan because he is my son. Even though sometimes I get mad at him he is still my son and I really love him and I really want to be with him with Y/N as a happy family. However, I can't do this just yet. I am not ready to face Y/N at this moment, not after what I did to him after I left him and Ethan that day. What would he think about me if he sees me again? He must be very mad that I left him alone to deal with Ethan. Thankfully it was Y/N and not some other random guy because Y/N also really loves Ethan and will give the best to Ethan. But still, it doesn't change the fact that I left him alone with such a massive responsibility.

Soon, Ethan came down all packed. I was a bit emotional having to let Ethan go back to Y/N and I don't know when will be the next time I see Ethan again. I really wanted to keep Ethan with me but I can't because he needs to go back to Y/N so Ethan can have a successful racing career. He told me that Y/N will pick him up in about 15 minutes. With that, I took it as a signal and went back to my room and hide. Yes, I was still avoiding Y/N because I am not ready to meet him again and I don't want to risk him finding out that I was living with Ethan all along. Ethan kept persuading me to go with him back home but I really didn't want to.

Ethan: Mom, please come back with us.

Sana: Sorry Ethan, I am just not ready to meet your dad yet.

Ethan: But I really miss you and I'm sure dad does too.

Sana: Oh Ethan, you are still too young to understand marriage. Now I need to go before you dad finds out I live here now.

Ethan: Why do you need to hide?

Sana: One day you will get married and when leave your wife after an argument you will understand. I'm not saying you should do it but if you ever need to do it you will understand why I made the decision that day. I'm sorry Ethan, I had to leave because I was hindering your racing career. I always knew you had what to make it to Formula 1 but my mother instinct just didn't want you to end up in a crash and in hospital. 

Ethan: Mom, you know I wouldn't do it if you didn't want me to.

Sana: I know, now go downstairs and wait for you dad before your dad finds out you have been living with me. Also, keep this as a secret please. Don't mention you have lived with me in the past few days.

Ethan: Ok your secret is safe with me mom.

After that conversation, I quickly hugged Ethan before Y/N arrived to pick Ethan up. My mom asked me if I want to come down to say hi but I refused. I peeked through my window as I watched Ethan greet Y/N and enter his car. As they drove away back home, I sat on my bed thinking that big question. Did I really make the correct decision that day?

Ethan POV

I looked back and saw my mom peeking out the window watching me as I left the house. I really wanted to wave goodbye to her but I can't or else it will spoil her secret. On the journey home, I kept thinking about what my mom said. She said she had to leave because she was hindering my racing career. So all those time she was trying to talk me out of racing was because she didn't want to see me crashing and ending up in hospital? This really made me think twice about my racing career. However, I live with my dad now and there was no way that he will let me quit racing. Maybe I should do really bad in Formula 3 next season so I can get booted out of racing which will definitely make my mom feel more secure. Nah, don't be silly, I really like racing and it took me so much hard work to be in this position. If I want to make my mom feel better and make my dad feel happy, there is only one thing I could do. Win the Formula 1 World Championship.

Yes, I'm back to updating this book. It's been a long while but I really want to finish my other book - Trust in Talent first. So with that in mind, this book will be updated slowly and there will be new chapters published every weekend for now. 

I was planning to publish this chapter last night but I can't finish writing it so here I am publishing this chapter on a Monday night. The next chapter will probably be published on the upcoming weekend because I will focus on my other book first. If you haven't, go read Trust In Talent, it's about a young racing driver trying to find funding to get himself a Formula 1 seat.

Thank you very much for 700 reads on this book. If you haven't please read the first book A Race To My Heart first or else this book might be confusing to read. Please vote and share this book as well, and thank you very much for your support and please keep continue supporting my works. Your support is motivation for me to continue writing.

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