Chapter 27

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I opened the letter from Campos Racing, I know this is so wrong and I shouldn't read the letter because it was my son's privacy. But I was desperate to figure out what is inside the letter. This was a matter about my son's future so I really need to find out if Campos Racing has sacked him after failing to win the championship last year. I opened the letter and started to read it......

Dear Ethan,

We are pleased to inform you after a successful season in Formula 3, we will be willing to take you on another season and promote you to Formula 2 for the upcoming season. If you have any issues regarding funding or external factor that might prevent you from continuing with us for the upcoming season, please contact me as soon as possible. Congratulations on the promotion, we are delighted at the prospect of seeing you again in the upcoming Formula 2 season.

Best Regards,
Adrian Campos Jr
(Campos Racing Technical Director)

After reading the letter, I couldn't believe what my son has achieved. He has go promoted to Formula 2 after one season in Formula 3. I knew he had the talent like his old man. I was extremely excited and happy for him and I need to tell Ethan about this as soon as possible. He was one step closer to his Formula 1 dream and I couldn't be a more proud father at that moment. Getting into my car in no time, I drove towards Sana's mother's place which was where Ethan was staying.

On the way to telling this good news to Ethan, I thought about my actions and how I treated Ethan in the past regarding his racing. Maybe I was too harsh on him and I was giving him too much pressure. I recalled his Formula 3 race weekend in Spain when I wasn't there to watch him, he was disappointed but he did so well, he won on his debut weekend which was a very proud moment for me. Maybe the problem was not at Ethan, the problem was with me. Giving him too much pressure caused him to turn in below par performances. I have pushed him too much in the past and that caused him to completely leave me. With that in mind, I promised myself to let Ethan do whatever he wanted in his Formula 2 season and not be too harsh on him. I mean he was so close to his Formula 1 dream.

I arrived at where Ethan was staying with Sana. I wasn't expecting much, Ethan probably is still mad at me and wouldn't want to see me. I rang the doorbell expecting Sana to open the door so I could tell her to pass the letter to Ethan and be on my way home. As I rang the doorbell, Ethan answered the door which made it very awkward for both of us. 

Ethan POV

I was chilling at home enjoying my winter break. My drive for next season still hasn't been sorted but I am sure that my dad would be sorting it out for me. I haven't really heard about my dad for a while which was making me a bit nervous about my future in motorsport. All my contact details for the teams was my dad which means my future depended on him. He was like my agent and I have just left him. This was a very big risk and I was getting paranoid about my future in motorsport, so much so that I was very close of taking matters into my own hand and email the teams myself. 

Suddenly, in the middle of my thoughts, I heard the doorbell rang. I have no idea who it was but as I went to the door and opened, it was dad. This has made stuff very awkward as I still don't know how to face him. I mean I have just shouted back at him when he was teaching me a lesson. I really expected him to be really mad at me but he didn't speak. We just stood there looking at each other not saying anything. After a while of awkward silence, my dad spoke up.

Y/N: Uhhh, Ethan a letter came and it was for you.

Ethan: Thanks dad, just give it to me.

Y/N: Sure. It was nice seeing you I guess. I'll be heading back home now.

Ethan: Nice seeing you too dad.

It was very awkward seeing my dad, I didn't know what to say. Thankfully he managed to open up a conversation and shortly left. However, he gave me a letter which was from Campos Racing. I wonder what it was about, and as I was opening it I realised the envelope has been opened before. I knew it, my dad has opened the envelope and read mail that was addressed to me. What a way to invade someone's privacy. Anyways, what's happened has happened and there was no time to get bogged down with who's read the letter before it got to me. I was desperate to read what's inside. I teared the envelope apart and started reading the letter.

Dear Ethan,

We are pleased to inform you after a successful season in Formula 3, we will be willing to take you on another season and promote you to Formula 2 for the upcoming season. If you have any issues regarding funding or external factor that might prevent you from continuing with us for the upcoming season, please contact me as soon as possible. Congratulations on the promotion, we are delighted at the prospect of seeing you again in the upcoming Formula 2 season.

Best Regards,
Adrian Campos Jr
(Campos Racing Technical Director)

After reading that letter, I jumped around in joy. Getting promoted into Formula 2 was a very big deal for me because it means I am one step closer to my Formula 1 dream. Even though I really hated the way my dad was harsh at me, I wouldn't be here without the help from him. My dad supported me through my junior category, he taught me a lot and corrected a lot of my mistakes in the past. I was really thankful that I had a dad like him, and thinking back, he was only being harsh on me because he wanted me to be successful. I really shouldn't be mad at him when he wanted me to be successful. I need to apologise to my dad for shouting back at him. Without further thinking, I head back to my house.

Knock Knock

Y/N: Ethan?

Ethan: Dad, I'm sorry.

I gave hugged my dad. I was really thankful to have a dad that have been supportive of my racing career so far. With that, I promised myself that I need to make it into Formula 1 no matter what. I need to make my dad proud.

And that's the end. For this chapter only haha, don't worry the story isn't going to end. The upcoming few chapters will be about Y/N preparing a surprise for his son Ethan and Ethan trying to make it into Formula 1. Therefore, Sana wouldn't be playing a big part for the upcoming few chapters.

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