Chapter 6

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One Month Later

Ethan POV

Finally the stupid punishment is over. This month felt like a year for me. It has just been me studying and learning stuff at school and then going back home to do study the exact same things I have studied when I was at school. I literally had 0 fun at all this month, I didn't even watch much TV or play on my PS5. I spent most of the month sat in my room either sleeping or pretending to be studying. It was really boring, but that was the past and finally I could go racing again.

Since the months is over, I am once again allowed to go to my karting race. This weekend, I have a race at the Twin Ring Motegi Karting Circuit. Having learnt my lesson, I need to finish all my homework and have to do it properly. It was a deal that I made with my mom that I can only go to races if I have finished my homework for the upcoming days. This agreement was made every since the incident. I managed to finish all my homework for next week and printed it all out before my mom called for dinner.

Ethan: Mom I've finished all my homework, can I go to the race this weekend?

Sana: Yes, I am a fair person, it's been a month already so you can go. Just let me check your homework first to make sure you have done it properly.

I was really nervous when my mom is checking my homework. She was always very strict when checking my homework when I was younger. It was the same this time, she made sure I had done it in the format that the school wants it and made sure that my handwriting for written homework was readable. After a few minutes of thorough checking, she was finally done.

Sana: Pack your bags, we are heading to Motegi tomorrow.

Ethan: Yay.

The Next Day

Finally, I can go racing again. It has been so long since I have been at a race track of any sort. Since I haven't been participating in any of the kart races in the past month, I was severely behind in the progress of gaining a drive in the upcoming season of Super Formula Lights championship.

As I arrived, I heard a lot of rumours that scouting progress has begun a month ago and that one of my main rival Ren Sato has already secured a drive for Toda Racing for next season in Super Formula Lights. If I want any chance of securing a drive in Super Formula Lights next year, I will have to perform at my best and beat Ren Sato to prove myself. Taking this one step at a time, I need to first qualify ahead of Ren Sato, ideally on pole position.

Qualifying was really tough because it was in wet conditions. The track was very slippery and even on treaded tyres, the car was sliding everywhere. It feels like there was no grip at all on the track and it was as if we were driving on ice. After my first run, I came back into the pits so my dad could make a few tweaks to hopefully make me feel a little bit better on the track. I looked at the timing screens and the top 5 were really close together and I was in P3 only a few thousands behind the person on provisional pole. If I managed to get a clean lap in, I might have a shot at securing pole position.

A while later, I went out for my second qualifying lap. It wasn't that much better as the track was still wet and the rain hadn't gone away yet. But the rain was getting lighter and with the track rubbered in, a racing line started to form. There was an obvious difference between the grip of my first lap and second lap. I managed to find a lot of grip from the racing line and some off the racing line. Managed to get a feel of the track in this wet conditions, I set my sight for pole position. The lap felt good and as I headed back into the pits when the chequered flag was out, I took a look at the timing screens, I couldn't believe what I saw. I was on pole position, only one thousands of a second in front of Ren Sato. I ran over and hugged my mom and dad with joy.

Y/N: Good job kiddo, now go win the race.

Sana: Be careful out there.

Ethan: I will mom and dad. I will make you two proud.

It was race time, I was starting on pole position for this race. I have never started on pole position before so I was a little bit nervous as I didn't know what to do. A lot of pressure was on me for the race as Ren Sato was starting right alongside me and if I make any mistakes in the start phase, he is ready to pound. This was a really really good chance for me to show the Super Formula Lights teams what I could do.

I lined up on the grid, focused on the lights and not caring about the surroundings. I set my sights on the win of this race and I won't back off. As the lights went out, I got a lot of wheel spin off the line which was not ideal at all. Ren Sato came alongside me on the right hand side of the track which was a sight that I do not want to see. Thankfully, the first corner is a left hander which means I have the inside line for turn 1 and Ren Sato would have to live to fight another day.

However, between qualifying and the race, the rain has gradually become heavier which means the track was so much more slippery compared to qualifying. This means that I was struggling quite a lot, especially when putting the power down. Even though the kart isn't really that powerful, I was still sliding everywhere on the exit of many corners. Someone Ren Sato has found so much more grip on the corner leading to the straight. As he got a much better exit, he was able to get alongside me and be ahead of me heading into the next corner. However, he misjudged his braking point......

I'll just leave it there. What do you think happened next? Continue reading to find out how this race ended.

This chapter was supposed to be out tomorrow but I was too bored so I finished writing it in quarantine. Now that I am in quarantine and finished writing Trequartista Across The World I have more time to focus on this book. Make sure you follow me and add this book into your library to never miss an update from me.

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