Chapter 7

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Ethan POV

I was battling Ren Sato, when he got a much better exit than me heading into the straight. He pulled alongside me and was predominately ahead heading into the next corner. I can't really fight back because he had so much more top speed compared to me but he misjudged his braking point had a wobble and we made contact heading into the next corner.

I didn't really know what happened next but the next thing I saw was the barrier becoming larger and larger in my sight. This doesn't look good, I was heading into the barrier, I tried to stop but the track was so wet so my car just end up sliding towards the barrier. All of a sudden, my vision went completely black.

Sana POV

I was watching Ethan battle the car behind. If I am being honest, this kid does have some talent in racing. He must have got it off my husband. I mean he managed to qualify on pole position in a wet track after missing one month worth of racing. I was extremely proud of Ethan but I can't show it because in front of him, I had to be a responsible parent and tell him he need to do well in school.

Watching the race, Ethan seems to had it under control until the car behind him suddenly seemed so much faster. I don't know what was happening but the car behind Ethan was overtaking him, it was such a tense moment for me and I was hoping Ethan would manage to fight back and re overtake the car which is now in front of him. Until I saw what happened next.

It was so tense, I held on to my husband as Ethan made contact with the car in front. It was such as high speed crash and he was heading into the barriers. The car hit the bump on the grass which sent the car to the sky. Ethan's car hit the barrier while it was still in the air as it bounced around before landing on top of the barrier. I closed my eyes, didn't want to see that scene ever again and the race was stopped because it was pretty big crash and it was a horrible sight to see as the medical crew put him into a stretcher.

I ran onto the scene of the accident. It was a pretty big accident and the first thing I did was not caring about any hazards on track and ran straight to Ethan. I need to see if my son is alright after that accident. As I headed to the accident scene, Ethan was already on the ambulance bed and the ambulance was ready to take him to the hospital. He couldn't really talk but he was still conscious. I let out a big sigh seeing that he was conscious, as he held onto my hand trying to me something.


Paramedic: Who is his guardian?

Sana: Me, I'm his mother.

Paramedic: You can follow him to the hospital.

I got onto the ambulance, still very scared about what just happened to Ethan. I looked over to my husband to see if he wants to get on as well but he was too busy fishing the kart out of the crash scene and analysing the damage done to the kart. Ugh, this man, even though our kid is in serious condition he still only cares about the kart. Since I didn't want an argument when Ethan is in this condition, I kept my mouth shut and head to the hospital with Ethan alone.

As I arrived at the hospital, Ethan was sent to do further checks. He wasn't in the best condition, but at least he was still breathing. It wasn't looking good as during the ambulance ride, he closed his eyes. I was so scared that he passed away there and then, but luckily the machine still shows he has heartbeat and they were giving him oxygen. I followed him all the way until they didn't allow me to go further anymore.

Nurses: Ma'am, you can't go in there.

Since I can't go to the doctor's room, I sat outside praying that Ethan was ok. This was not good, and this was why I didn't really like Ethan being a professional racing driver. He was my only son, my only child and I am not ready to lose him just yet. I just want him to be happy and grow up like a normal child. I started crying as the picture of the crash kept replaying in my mind, I really wanted my husband here but he was probably still watching the race or fixing Ethan's kart.

All of a sudden, I started thinking about a scene that I never want to think about. The crash of my husband back when he was racing in that Super GT race at Fuji. He also suffered a big crash and ended up unconscious in hospital. That was one of my darkest moments in my life. I thought I had lost my husband. I am just hoping that Ethan doesn't suffer the same, I can't lose my only child.


We were currently filming out comeback in Jeju, having a break everyone was on their phone playing games or scrolling through social media. I was doing the same when Tzuyu suddenly shoved her phone into my face.

Tzuyu: Sana-unnie, this article has my brother on the title but I don't read Japanese can you translate it for me.

I took Tzuyu's phone over and started to read the article. However, before I even finished reading the title of the article, my heart sunk. I dropped Tzuyu's phone on the floor without even knowing as my whole body froze after reading the article.

 I dropped Tzuyu's phone on the floor without even knowing as my whole body froze after reading the article

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Tzuyu: What happened?

I completely blanked out as I don't know how to react to what I just read. Gavin, my boyfriend had an accident and nobody told me? The fact that the news said that he's in the hospital while being unconscious makes me even more sad. What if he dies from this crash? He can't just leave me like this we both still have so many to achieve together. I started crying in my heart, but I can't let it out because I need to prepare for the next shoot. Stay strong Sana.

Sana: My boyfriend is in danger. Sorry but I can't continue the shoot.

End of Flashback

I'll just leave it with a flashback. If you have read book 1 A Race To My Heart then you will understand this part, so if you haven't read that book yet go read it first or else some parts would just be confusing.

Now that I am in my quarantine I have so much more time to write chapters since it's really boring. So make sure you add this book to your library to never miss a chapter and follow my profile to never miss out on any new works or announcements from me.

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