Chapter 20

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Honestly I didn't know why Sana was here and said she would be taking Ethan to Spain after how she left me and Ethan. Also, how did Ethan manage to meet Sana after what happened? It was very weird that Sana and Ethan are suddenly in contact with each other. It was like both of them are ganging up on me and setting up a big revenge plan. I can't afford to lose Ethan, I have been the parent that has given Ethan a good path for Formula 1 and Sana is going to come in and ruin everything. Maybe I should talk with Sana about this.

Y/N: Sana, you want to sit down and have a talk?

Sana: I guess that wouldn't hurt. We really need to discuss about Ethan and his future.

Y/N: I think so too. But let's do it without the argue.

Sana: Yes, both of us need to calm down.

With that, me and Sana both calmed down and decided to put our differences aside and focus on discussing about Ethan for once. We went to a cafe inside the airport and sat down prepared for a nice chat and see what should Ethan's future should be.

Sana POV

Y/N wanted to discuss with me about Ethan's future. If I'm honest if he wanted to I'll let him keep Ethan and I will stay away from Ethan. We both know that with Ethan's future in motorsport, it will be beneficial to Ethan for him to stay with Y/N since I have no links and no clue to anything about motorsport and Formula 1 teams. Obviously I wanted Ethan to be successful in the world of motorsport so for that I am willing to give up Ethan for the better of things.

Sana: So what do you want to talk about?

Y/N: Nothing really, just want to know how Ethan managed to find you again. I thought you didn't care.

Sana: Well he's my son as well so I would care if he came and talk to me which he did.

Y/N: It didn't look like you cared when you just left us (mumbles).

Oh my god, I can't believe this guy. He is doing it again, he is trying to start another argument. I can't have an adult conversation with Y/N every since we had Ethan. Every time I try to talk to him about Ethan, he says words that just triggers me and made me look like the one who started the argument. What does he mean I didn't care about Ethan? Ethan is my son, of course I would care about him. The only reason I left was because I don't want to argue with Y/N again and now he thinks me leaving was because I didn't care about Ethan. I really wanted to shout at him for saying that and thinking I could't hear what he said, but I need to keep calm so we could have a talk like adults do. This is the only way that we could solve this problem with Ethan.

Sana: I'll pretend I didn't hear that but if you want to know I have been living with my mom so when you sent Ethan to her, we reunited and he seemed to be happy living with me too.

Y/N: It's nice that Ethan likes you.

Of course Ethan likes me, I'm his mother after all and I also really miss Ethan. I want to live with him again but I don't think if I could face Y/N again. Me and Y/N have very different thoughts ever since we had Ethan. While Y/N wants to let Ethan explore new opportunities and try dangerous stuff like racing, I really want Ethan to stay safe and live a life with minimal danger. This always results in arguments and I know it was bothering Ethan so much. Hopefully me and Y/N could come up with some arrangement where we both could have some alone time with Ethan.

Sana: I want to see my son as well but I don't know if I could live with you without arguing again.

Y/N: Fair point, I don't think if I could keep calm when living with you. We need some arrangement.

Sana: How about Ethan lives with me and my mom on Monday to Wednesday and then he can come to your house on Thursday to Sunday. 

Y/N: I think I could do that. We'll sort out special arrangements if anyone of us are not free.

Sana: Yeah we can tell Ethan to maybe stay a day or two longer if we are busy when we are responsible for taking care of Ethan.

Y/N: I think it's best for Ethan.

Sana: I think so too, and I suggest next time we meet, if we do meet we keep our mouth shut for Ethan.

Y/N: Agreed, he was very embarrassed. Just so you know, you can come back anytime. Whenever you feel ready, me and Ethan will be welcoming you home.

Sana: Yeah, I guess that's my house too but I'll come back when I feel ready.

Y/N: Hey, I'm not pushing you. Have a nice day, I need to go back to work.

Sana: Bye Y/N, was nice finally seeing you you know after the......

Y/N: I know Sana, it's hard. Bye.

With that Y/N left. Finally we managed to have a conversation without shouting into each other's face. It was nice to speak to him in a calm manner, actually he was still the nice guy I met all those years ago when he doesn't get angry and starts picking random fights and arguments. If I could live with this calm Y/N again, I will be moving back home but sadly I don't think I am ready to go back just yet. While my heart told me to go back, my heart kept thinking about what will happen in Y/N and I argue everyday after me going back. I just can't afford to leave again, the argument is not healthy for Ethan and me leaving once again is not good for Ethan's teenage years as well. 

As for the arrangement, I am alright with it. I get to spend some time alone with Ethan without me and him having to sneak around and meeting up secretly. I will be spending Monday Tuesday and Wednesday each week with Ethan which was good enough for me, I get to spend three days with my son is more than enough and more than I want. All I want is to spend a little time with Ethan to know how he has been doing, a little catchup about his life and his racing career. I think this is the best for me, for Ethan and for Y/N that we both still share responsibility of taking care of our son Ethan even though if we are not living together anymore.

So is this new arrangement going to pull Y/N and Sana back together? Continue reading to find out. I know Ethan now sounds like a child of divorced parents but just a reminder Y/N and Sana are still legally married.

Now that Trust in Talent has finally finished, I will have more time to write this book. However, this would not be my main book because I feel like writing about football which is why I published a new book. Rivals on the Pitch is a Yeji x Y/N plot where Y/N plays in La Liga, and my first ITZy story. So if you like ITZY, football or La Liga do go check it out.

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