Chapter 30

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I was very happy that Ethan came back last night after his race in Bahrain. It has been a very long time since I have saw Ethan. The last time I saw him was he came to hug me after me dropping off his letter from Campos Racing. I haven't seen him since then and he has been staying with Sana during the whole winter break. Ever since the fallout we have after the Formula 3 race in USA, my relationship with him seemed to keeps going on a deteriorating spiral which was not healthy. I felt like I was losing my family, first it was Sana and now it was Ethan. However, it didn't stop me from doing stuff for Ethan behind his back as I trust that one day he will notice it and come back. That day was today, I really should treat my family a little bit better I think.

It wasn't easy during the winter when I didn't get to spend any time with Ethan because he was mad at me. Luckily I have Shuhua and Shuhua was like a daughter to me, I gave all the supportive words to Shuhua that I never managed to give to Ethan. Now that Ethan is back with me, I will be more supportive to Ethan instead of being harsh on him. I made a promise to myself and I will try and be less harsh on Ethan. 

The next morning, I woke up and prepared breakfast for me and Ethan. I will apologise to Ethan for being too harsh on him over the course of breakfast. After finishing cooking some bacon and eggs, Ethan came out with the smell of bacon. I don't usually spend this much time on cooking breakfast for anyone because of my busy schedule at work, but now that my son has come back, I am looking forward to spending more time with my son before he leaves for the second race in Monaco.

Ethan: Good morning dad.

Y/N: Good morning Ethan, how did you sleep?

Ethan: Fine, just like always. Listen, I have something I wanted to say.

Y/N: Me too, but you can go first.

Ethan: No you go first dad.

Y/N: Ok so here's the thing. I realised how harsh I was towards you about your racing. That might have demotivated you. I really should have be more supportive to you during your career and instead of punishing you for every mistake you make on track, I should teach you how to do better next time. I'm sorry the way I treated you in the past, I will try to show that I actually care about you.

Ethan: It's ok dad (sobs). After all the things you have done for me behind my back, it was enough to make me know that you do care about me. I am really thankful for having a dad like you and I just want to say thank you very much.

Y/N: Of course Ethan, you are my son after all. I promise I will treat you better and spend more quality time with you in the future.

Honestly, I couldn't ask for a better son like Ethan. He is seriously a good kid, he doesn't deserve the way I used to treat him. Ethan deserves better, with that I have decided to stop all the things I have with work and spend more quality time with my son. However, while I was trying to enjoy my breakfast, Marco from work called me. I ignored the call the first time, but the guy kept calling me like it was an emergency. 

Ethan: I think someone is trying to call you.

Y/N: It's just work, I've promised I will spend some time with you.

Ethan: It's ok dad, I understand.

Honestly, Ethan is such a good kid. He's so considerate and understands a lot of things, such a mature kid. I answered the call to see what the factory wants.

Y/N: Hello.

Marco: Boss, I have two things I wanted to tell you. Firstly, you asked for Paddy Lowe for an interview for the Technical Director role. He has confirmed it and will be available for an interview in 2 hours time.

Y/N: Well it's still 2 hours away, I'll be there soon. What's the second thing?

Marco: Shuhua is here and you promised her that you will monitor her progress on the Formula 1 simulator today. She's expecting you to be there now.

Y/N: Ok, I'll be there very soon then. Give me a moment. Bye.

Ugh work, it wasn't an emergency but there are so many things back at the factory that needed to be dealt with. I was really looking forward to spending some time with Ethan, but I guess that will have to wait. I really need to get to the factory as soon as possible because it wasn't easy scheduling an interview with Paddy Lowe, if we get him on board our team would be golden for our first season. Also, I promised Shuhua to monitor her simulator progress today and I really don't want to break the promise with her.

Y/N: Sorry kiddo, but I just got a call from work and I really need to go. It's been very busy at the factory these few months.

Ethan: Can I go with you dad? It's been a while since I've seen Shuhua and the factory.

Y/N: Sorry kiddo, I'm afraid it won't be nice for you to pop down today. It's very busy and a mess there. Don't wait up, I'll be home very late.

With that, I rushed to the factory. I hope Ethan doesn't suspect anything about my new Formula 1 team, this was supposed to be a surprise for him later on in his career. However, at least I did spent some decent alone time with my son over breakfast and with the tone he talked to me, it seems like we have finally patched things up between us.

A little bit of a short chapter about Y/N and Ethan patching up their relationship so hope you guy enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if this chapter feels a little bit too rushed.

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