Chapter 23

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Ethan POV

After the race, I went back home to Osaka and my mom dropped me at my house so I could reunite with dad. My dad was really proud of me with that win and said that we should go celebrate my win. It was very rare that my dad would put his work things aside and go celebrate me winning a race since we haven't really done any celebrations for my previous race wins in Super Formula Lights. I really wanted my mom to come because I want to reunite this family, so I texted my mom if she wants to come celebrate with us. 

Once again my mom gave her usual excuse of her not being ready to meet my dad

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Once again my mom gave her usual excuse of her not being ready to meet my dad. I don't know why but my mom kept saying she's not ready to see my dad so she could avoid my dad on purpose. I really wish my mom is here to share this special moment with me but sadly she isn't. I guess I will have to wait for another day when she is ready to face my dad again. It's not really that much I'm hoping for, all I hope is my mom and dad would reunite and give me a happy family.

Because my dad was busy with work as usual so I went to the restaurant on my own first waited for my dad to meet me up. At least my dad still cares about what food I like because he booked a table at a Okonomiyaki restaurant in Dotonbori. I really like eating Okonomiyaki so I ordered a few things on the menu before my dad arrive. After about half an hour, my dad arrived with Shuhua. What is she doing here? I don't really know why she is here because this has nothing to do with this win at all. Instantly, I turned my smile upside down into a frown.

Y/N: Hello Ethan, sorry I'm late.

Ethan: It's ok dad, I've just ordered something while waiting. Wait, what's she doing here?

Y/N: Shuhua? She's here to congratulate on your win too.

Ethan: She's not really family.


Shuhua: It's ok boss I'll leave.

Y/N: No, sorry Shuhua my son can be a bit rude. Stay, he'll open up a little bit.

Ethan No I won't.

Y/N: Ethan you need to be polite to her and once you get to know her you will start to like her.

Ethan: She's not going to be my mom so don't even try (mumbles).

Y/N: What did you say?

Ethan: Nothing.

I really don't like this Shuhua girl, she is always with my dad. I don't know what she wants from my dad and my dad always just says she is one of the drivers for his team. There is no way I am calling Shuhua my mother even if my dad and her get married or something. I mean she is around my age, she will not be my step mother. I only have one mother and that is Sana Minatozaki, so if my dad marries Shuhua and forces me to call her my mom, I will leave my dad once and for all. I just don't have a good feeling about this Shuhua girl.

However, coming to think about it, I have really been harsh with her ever since I met her. Maybe I should start being nice to her. I mean we are both racing drivers so it shouldn't be that difficult to find a topic. I don't really like talking to girls because I went to an all boys school but I really should try and talk to her. My dad always told me to be nice to her and if my dad was going to marry her I still need to be on her good side because if she doesn't like me she will probably abuse me. I mean what could possibly go wrong. With that in mind, I decided to start a conversation with Shuhua.

Ethan: So Shuhua, you like cars and racing?

Shuhua: Yeah I'm racing for your dad's team but my dream is to be in Formula 1 or W Series.

Ethan: Nice, well I'm in Formula 3 currently.

Shuhua: Is single seaters tougher than GT cars?

Ethan: I don't know my dad never put me in his car before but it's quite physically demanding.

Shuhua: Nice, congratulations on your win by the way.

Ethan: Thanks, and sorry for being rude. I guess I didn't really like the fact that my dad brought home a girl that isn't my mom. But you seem like a pretty friendly person.

Shuhua: It's ok, I understand your situation with your family. Don't worry I'm not here to ruin your family or anything. I'm just here to race.

Little by little, I started to open up myself to Shuhua during dinner. Therefore, she get to know more about myself and I also get to know more about her. I was really thankful when said she was only here to race and not ruin my family. I mean previously, I have been neglecting her just because I think she was here to be my step mother or something, but maybe it was just me overthinking about things. She turns out to be a very nice girl and has helped my dad a lot with his team when my dad was struggling with financials in the team. Also, much to my surprise, prior to her joining racing, she was does vlogs on YouTube and is a good friend of my aunt Tzuyu. She still does vlogs on YouTube from time to time recording the races she goes to which I think I might start watching in my free time. Also, have I mention she is very pretty which now that I opened up to her, I think I might have a crush on her knowing that she isn't my dad's girlfriend.


Over dinner, Ethan seemed to have opened up with Shuhua as they started to chat about their respective lives. I still don't know why Ethan hates Shuhua and kept thinking that Shuhua will be his step mother or something. All I want is for Ethan and Shuhua to get along and be friend, because currently I am working towards getting both of them a Formula 1 seat with my team. Ever since Shuhua joined and her sponsors came, we have a lot of spare cash so we can expand to Formula 1 and I can fulfil Ethan's dream of racing in Formula 1. If I want this plan to work I really need both of them to get along and thankfully it seems like it was going that way. 

Also, there is another reason that I want Ethan and Shuhua to get along. For his whole life Ethan has been into cars and racing, he has been in an all boys school meaning that he didn't really have much chances to interact with girls. So if a girl who is a racing driver and likes racing who is age appropriate for Ethan is available, I need to set them both up. I had this plan ever since I met Shuhua back in Taiwan. Ethan isn't the smoothest and the smartest when it comes to chatting with girls because he's not met many in his life so this is the best way to make Ethan have a life that isn't just about motorsport.

Another chapter done. What will happen between Ethan and Shuhua in the future? Also, Y/N and Sana's relationship, will they patch up or will they end up getting a divorce? Continue reading to find out.

Finally, this book has reached 1K reads so thank you very much for all your support on hitting this milestone. I will try my best to find motivation on updating this book more frequently. I know there are a lot of people who like this book. Please vote for this chapter and share this book, it really means a lot to me. 

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