Chapter 2

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Ethan POV

Because my mom had forced me to complete all my homework before I went can go to the karting race this weekend. We ended up heading to the track a day later than scheduled which means once I arrived, I needed to get readied as soon as possible for qualifying. I don't really like rushing the preparations for any race and nor does my dad because he is in charge of the setup and if he is rushed there is a higher chance of him getting the setup all wrong.

Luckily, my dad managed to tune my kart just in time before the session started which means I was able to take part in qualifying. There are a lot of cars for this race with the wildcard racers around the Osaka prefecture. It was really tough to put in a good lap with all the traffic in such a tight track. As I was trying to push for a clean qualifying lap, I felt my kart wasn't feeling that right. The steering was a little bit off and not very responsive, there was definitely something wrong with the kart. I need to tell this to my dad after qualifying so he can fix this before the race. I ended up qualifying 10th, not really bad but then again not really good. I think if my dad managed to tune the car to the way I like, I am in a good chance for a good finish in the race.

Y/N: Ethan my boy, well done. You qualified 10th.

Ethan: Thanks dad, but I think there are some stuff we need to change.

Y/N: What's wrong kiddo?

Ethan: The kart isn't as responsive as I want to be maybe the steering is not done properly?

Y/N: Right, I'll make sure it's done properly this time without rushing.

I left my dad to fix my kart because he doesn't like to be bothered when he is tuning karts and working with cars so I went to bother my mom. I head over to my mom who was having some chit chats with some other mothers. She excused herself from the conversation so she could give me the packed lunch she had made for me. I know she doesn't like me doing these karting stuff but she puts on her best efforts to come to every one of my race so I remember to drink water and eat some food and I am thankful for that.

Sana: Ethan come have some food and drink some water.

Ethan: Thanks mom.

Sana: What's your father doing?

Ethan: He's fixing my kart.

Sana: I'll go tell your dad to have some lunch too. Stay here Ethan.

Sana POV

I went over to my husband who was really concentrated on fixing Ethan's kart. He really likes cars and stuff like these which I'm happy for him because every man needs his hobbies. But also, they need a wife who reminds them to eat and make sure they stay alive and thankfully he had a wife like me who would just do that.

Sana: Come on honey, you need to eat something.

Y/N: Hold on darling, I need to fix Ethan's kart, he said the steering was a bit off so I need to make sure he's comfortable in the race later.

Sana: You still need to have you lunch tough.

Y/N: I would be having my lunch right now if I had more time to tune and setup Ethan's kart.

Sana: What are you on about?

Ugh I hate it when he does this. Like my son Ethan, my husband always puts karting over schoolwork. Does he not know the importance of school for Ethan? I know his tone, he was blaming it on me because I made Ethan finish all his homework first before we could come he so he didn't have enough time to tune the kart correctly.

Sana: Are you saying that I was the reason that you can't tune the kart properly?

Y/N: I'm not saying anything.

Sana: Fine I'll leave your lunch here, eat it if you want. I'm going back to look after our kid.

Ethan POV

I saw my mom coming back towards me a bit annoyed and angry. I wonder what happened between him and dad. Even though what they argue about is not my problem and they always say that I shouldn't go into the business of the adult world I still want to make sure that my parents are happy together.

Ethan: Mom what happened?

Sana: Nothing Ethan.

Finishing my lunch, it was almost time to go to the race. My dad finished tuning my kart and hopefully this time he had done it right. We all went to the track and got ready for the race, I was starting 10th so right in the middle and there will be cars everywhere around me so I need to take it easy but also be aggressive.

Y/N: Ok kiddo, show me what you can do. Don't let me down.

Sana: Take care Ethan, don't get injured.

Visor down Ethan. It's go time...... (The OG readers will know where this is from)

The race went very smoothly for me, I managed to start really cleanly and race my way through the field easily. I definitely had my dad's racing DNA in me as I was able to make up 5 positions in the first lap and put myself into P5. The rest of the race was just me trying my best to catch up to the three podium drivers. It wasn't easy, but at the end I managed to finish in 2nd behind Ren Sato who has been dominating this championship so far. It was fine finishing behind him as he is going off to race in Super GT and Super Formula Lights next season. After celebrating the podium and getting the trophy I ran to my dad.

Ethan: Dad, mom. I did it.

Y/N: Well done kiddo. That's my son carrying the Chou family name in motorsport.

I hugged my mom and dad and took some photos together with the trophy. But like mom said, I do have school on Monday so we went back to Osaka. During the journey home, I hugged my karting trophy as I slept in the car......

Second chapter revised. I know it's really confusing right now but if you read the first book and then this book it will make so much more sense. This book now focuses on Y/N's and Sana life of raising Ethan Chou. 

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