Chapter 18

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Ethan POV

Going back to living with my dad after living with my mom for a few days was totally different. I don't know what has gone on with my dad but after his trip to Taiwan he seemed to be neglecting me even more. It wasn't really ideal given that my mom has left me and my dad isn't really caring about me that much. Do they realise that they both have a child that needs to be taken care of? I don't know what my dad is doing but sometimes he even forgets to make me any lunch and dinner which was a bit worrying for me.

I was staying at home alone once again today. My dad keeps going out very early every morning and coming home very late every night. When I woke up my dad has already left the house. I wonder where my dad is going. I was once again left alone at home not knowing what to do, luckily I need to pack for the trip to Spain which kept me busy for most of the day. However, at night, it was boring without my dad here talking with me so I decided to turn on TV trying to make some noise at home. I looked at the clock, it was 10:12PM, not really that late so I decided to wait for my dad for a little bit longer. 

A few moments later, I dozed off a little bit but quickly woke up when I heard the front door unlock. It was my dad, he's home. But he also brought home some girl who I have never seen. Is this why he has been coming home late every night now? He's been having an affair with this girl who is way too young for him. I mean this girl was about my age, maybe a year or two older. I don't know what she was doing here. This looks so wrong I need to tell mom about this.

Y/N: Oh hey Ethan, I thought you were asleep.

Ethan: Of course you would want me to be asleep so you could bring some random girl home. Mom left us and you decided to date some random young girl who is around my age.

I was very mad at my dad. How could my dad do this to mom. I stormed off the living room and head  back into my room in protest before my dad spoke up and dragged me back.

Y/N: Ethan wait. It's not what you think.

Ethan: I don't want to hear it.

Y/N: Ethan, look. She's Yeh Shuhua and the team's new driver. You know times are tough at work so we needed a new driver and Shuhua was able to drive for us practically for free. I just want you to meet her so you both could improve together.

Ethan: Whatever. I don't care and I never want to see her again.

I stormed into my room and went to back hoping that girl would be gone when I wake up tomorrow morning. However, the next morning she didn't leave and it looks like she will be staying here for a while. I thought about what my dad said and processed it in my mind. Maybe it was true what he said. I mean there was no way he would do this to mom right? Ugh it was so confusing, credit to her she was pretty and maybe I was being a bit too harsh on her last night. I decided to join them at breakfast the next morning.

Y/N: Good morning Ethan.

Shuhua: Hi Ethan, we haven't formally met yet but I'm Shuhua.

I refused to shake her hand and stayed quiet, I could tell my dad wasn't happy about it but I have the right to be angry like this after how dad treated me the past week and left me alone at home.

Y/N: Ethan, stop being rude. Sorry Shuhua, my son can be a bit annoying sometimes.

I was still keeping silent refusing to speak until my dad decided to use his trick of discussing my upcoming plans for my racing career. It always works and this time he was discussing my trip to Spain to prepare for my Formula 3 season with Campos Racing.

Y/N: So Ethan, you ready to go to Spain in a few days?

Ethan: Yep. 

Y/N: Sorry Ethan, I couldn't come with you to Spain. Work has been keeping me busy so I guess you will have to go on your own.

Is my dad being serious? First he ignores me for the whole week because of what he claims was work and now he can't go to Spain with me as well. This family is clearly falling apart. I couldn't take this anymore. Quickly finishing my breakfast, I decided to leave the house and go to a place where I would be happy......

Y/N: Where are you going Ethan.

Ethan: None of your business.

Ethan: Grandma, where's mom?

Grandmother: Sana honey, your son is here for you.

I ran into the house and hugged my mom. If my dad doesn't want to take care of me I will go to my mother. At least my mom knows how to make me feel happy and knows how to take care of her son.

Sana: What happened Ethan?

Ethan: Dad is so annoying. He leaves home very early every morning and doesn't come back until I went to bed. Now he is sending me to Spain alone because he is busy with work.

Sana: Well you know, your dad is a busy man. 

Ethan: But I don't want to go to Spain alone. It's so far away.

Sana: Fine, I'll go with you Ethan. Don't tell your dad though.

Ethan: Thanks mom.

At least my mom still knows how to take care of a child properly and not just send them to Spain without a chaperone. Thankfully, I don't have to go to Spain alone anymore. I mean if my dad doesn't want to take care with me I am sure my mom will do it and this plan has worked. Even though me and my mom had our differences before, she is my mother after all and she will protect me at all cost. 

Sana POV

I was really surprised when Ethan came running to me and told me about how Y/N has been treating him. Sometimes, I just don't know what goes on in Y/N's mind. His priorities are all wrong. First he prioritise Ethan's racing over school, which worked so I'll let it slide and has accepted the fact that Ethan will be a successful racing driver. But this time, it was too much, he is prioritising work over Ethan. Does he not know how to take care of a child, if he doesn't why did we even created Ethan in the first place. I was really mad at Y/N, and really wanted to take care of Y/N myself. I mean, who sends their son to a far away land called Spain alone. Sure Ethan is 19 years old already but it doesn't mean he could be sent to Spain alone. Luckily, Ethan has me as a mother, a mother who cares and a mother who would drop every responsibility she has so that her son won't have to go to Spain alone.

More tension between Y/N and Sana, also Ethan has turned his back towards Y/N. What will happen when Ethan and Sana go to Spain together, also what will happen to Shuhua? Continue reading to find out.

It is the weekend, which according to my schedule, I will be writing this book instead of Trust in Talent. There will be another chapter published tomorrow. Also I will publish the next chapter of Trust in Talent later if I have time because that book is so close to the end.

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