Chapter 36

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Sana POV

I woke up this morning in a very bad mood, knowing that today will mark the end of my relationship with Y/N. As much as I don't want to do this, there was no choice because there was no way I could allow the thought of my husband being with another girl in my mind. I had to end it with Y/N, it was for the better of the both of us. After waking up, I did my morning routine and left the house so I could go to the chambers and end this relationship with Y/N once and for all. As I arrived at the chambers, I met Y/N. He seemed a little bit depressed and a lot different compared to when I first time I met him all those years ago.

Sana: Hey, let's go into the meeting room shall we?

Y/N: Do we really have to do this?

Sana: I'm sorry we had to end it like this, but it's for the better of the both of us.

Y/N: Sana, please hear me out. It's not what you think.

Sana: Let's not make this difficult shall we? There's no going back from this.

As we entered the meeting room, the lawyer was already there prepared with the paperwork and it was just for us to sign it. The room atmosphere was cold and I could tell by the way Y/N was acting that he doesn't want to sign it as much as myself. However, we need to move on with our respective lives and even though the both of us doesn't want to sign the paper, we have to do it. It was for the better of us both and for both of our lives.

Alice Park: Hello Mister Chou and Miss Minatozaki, I am Alice Park, the lawyer and I will be settling the divorce for you. So everything is settled, Mister Chou you will not need to pay any settlement fees for Miss Minatozaki. All you both need to do is sign on the dotted line and everything will be done.

The lawyer started to talk about the forms that we need to sign, and the terms about the paper and what will happen after we both have signed the paper. It was all very simple until he started to talk about how to settle the problem of our kid, Ethan.

Alice Park: So now onto the final bit. If I am correct, you both have a son named Ethan Chou right?

Y/N: Correct.

Alice Park: Well luckily for you both he is over the age of 18, which means none of you will have the responsibility of taking care of him anymore. However, from what I understand, he doesn't have his own property which I suppose he will be living with one of you. Is there any agreement of how you would like to share duties of taking care of your son so we could put it in the document to prevent any future arguments.

Y/N: We had an agreement where he lives with me Thursday to Sunday while she gets Ethan on Monday to Wednesday.

This is where it gets complicated, there was no way that I am going to share Ethan with Y/N. He has another girl and most likely will be remarrying after this divorce. I am not going to put Ethan in a place where he might get treated unfairly by Y/N's new so called family. I need Ethan to live with me so I could protect him.

Alice Park: Ok that sounds good, I will just add it to the documents.

Sana: Actually, I will take full responsibility of Ethan.

Alice Park: Miss Minatozaki, are you sure?

Sana: Yes.

Y/N: Wait what (surprised)!? Since when did we agree on that deal? Ethan is our kid, shouldn't we share the responsibility of taking care of him?

Sana: I can't let Ethan live with you and that girl you are getting with.

Y/N: For the last time, she is not my girlfriend. You will understand the whole story if you would let me explain.

Sana: Once again, let's not do this the hard way.

Y/N: Fine, let's ask Ethan what he wants. Then we'll decide.

Sana: I already asked, he said he wanted to live with me.

Alice Park: I guess that's settled them. Mister Chou, you will not be responsible for any problems that Ethan Chou gets into and we will write down Miss Minatozaki as Ethan Chou's primary contact.

After all these negotiating, we both put our signature on the paper. This was it, this signalled the end of our marriage and relationship. Honestly, it wasn't how I pictured this relationship will end but sometimes these things happens. I could see that Y/N was very disappointed and didn't want to put his signature on the paper, but he did it anyways. Once everything was sorted, we left the chambers and headed on our separate directions so we could get on with our respective lives.

Y/N: I guess this is it then? It's goodbye.

Sana: Unfortunately, it is a goodbye.

Y/N: After everything we've been through, it ended like this.

Sana: Goodbye Y/N.

Y/N: Goodbye Sana.

I turned around, still not believing that this has happened. After everything we have been through we end our relationship in a divorce. I didn't picture this on the day we got married, we really have been through a lot over the years. We have been through many separations in the past but we still managed to get back together. But this time, it was different, the relationship can't continue one. The damage was done too much for us to repair which is why we ended up having a divorce.

I walked the opposite way to Y/N and made sure I never looked back, knowing that if I looked back I will regret what I had done. I walked away pretending that everything was fine but actually it was not. Once I arrived home, I went into my room directly and locked myself inside my room. Started crying my heart out. It was just too much for me to take, the feelings I had for Y/N was still there. Remembering how we first met and everything we have been through, I can't hide my feelings anymore. I need to release my feelings as I cried and think about the stuff me and Y/N have gone through on my bed.

Goodbye Y/N, I'm sorry we have to end it like this but you will always be the first one I loved, my first husband and I will never forget about the stuff we have been through. I will cherish our memories forever.

Soon enough, I cried myself to sleep.

THE END......

Of the chapter haha. Once again you have been pranked. If you want to know what happens next be sure to check out the upcoming chapters.

Honestly, I did thought about ending the book here because I didn't really enjoy writing this book as much as I started it but I know most of you won't like this ending so I will continue writing until the ending that I have planned.

I know I haven't been as frequent and as active as I have been but school has just taken too much time on my life for me to focus on writing. I am trying my best to update as frequent as possible so stay tuned for the upcoming chapters.

Finally, thank you very much for all your support. We have finally hit 2k reads on this book so thank you very much. Remember to vote for this chapter and share this book if you liked it and most importantly, please continue to support my works.

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