Chapter 38

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This morning, I woke up still can't believe that I am officially divorced with Sana. The spot next to my bed was empty, the house was empty and you could hear echoes of every sound you make. I did my morning routine alone and poured some cereal for breakfast. I live a simple life now that I am alone. How things have changed. This house used to be filled with happiness and noises, and even when Sana left I still had Ethan with me to make me feel less lonely. But now, I have nobody to be with me, I live in this house alone now. 

Upon finishing my breakfast, I went out the house and headed to work. Once again, I hope my busy life at work will allow me to get over this divorce quicker. At this point, I really need to bury myself with work because whenever I'm not doing anything I just think about Sana and Ethan. Both of them have been my everything for the past years and now both of them are gone just like that, this needs time to adapt and the only way I could move on is if I find something meaningful to do. At this moment, this meaningful thing is work.

However, because I was working way over time last night, I managed to get most of the work load done. Which means all I have to do is sit in my office doing absolutely nothing. Normally if I have some free time at work, I would go on dates with Sana but I guess that option is off the table now. I really need to find something to do, and for no reason at all I decided to head to the simulator room to see what I could do there.

Taking a peek into the simulator room, I saw Shuhua inside once again putting effort to get herself physically prepared for the upcoming season

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Taking a peek into the simulator room, I saw Shuhua inside once again putting effort to get herself physically prepared for the upcoming season. She is really hardworking in terms of simulator work for no reason. Every day I just see her in the simulator trying to get used to the Formula 1 cars handling model and learn all 21 tracks. I see her improve every day as well and I decided to check on her progress today given that I have nothing much to do so I just stood there and watch her do her own thing.

I don't know why but the more I watch Shuhua, the more I remember about Ethan. I think back to the time when Ethan was on the simulator at home just playing around and trying to do his best to impress me and I would be on the telemetry just to see how he was doing. Looking at the telemetry, Shuhua and Ethan have very similar driving styles, both of them really like the early braking and let the car roll into the corner to accelerate as early as possible. This was too much for me to handle, the more I watch Shuhua in the simulator, the more I think it was Ethan in there. I started to space out and tears started to form in my eye. 

A few minutes later, Shuhua came out of the simulator to meet me without me even noticing. I was still very emotional from thinking about the past and how me and Ethan would go play around in the simulator when he was a kid. My eyes were watering up and I wasn't aware of what was happening around me until Shuhua spoke up.

Shuhua: Boss, are you ok? I just saw you here so I thought I'd come out and say hi.

I froze, I couldn't give out a response. I just stood there still thinking that it was Ethan standing in front of me. Out of nowhere, I hugged Shuhua and teared up. I didn't know why I did that but I just did it. She was really surprised but a few moments later she returned the hug. It felt like I was hugging my son Ethan, everything that Shuhua has done in the simulator today just reminded me of Ethan and I just couldn't hold back from expressing my feelings. 

Coming back to my senses and realising that it was actually Shuhua that I was hugging and not Ethan, I quickly pulled away from the hug. This was embarrassing and I really hope that we both could forget about this moment. My eyes was still watering as I apologised for what just happened.

Y/N: Sorry, I didn't know why I did that.

Shuhua: It's ok, let it all out. Do you want to talk about it?

I debated if I should tell my problems to Shuhua or not, but thinking about it she is like my daughter so I decided to tell her about what happened between me and Sana. Obviously, it was difficult for me to take at first. It was still a harsh reality for me as well because I can't see my son Ethan again. I told Shuhua about all my problems, and after telling her everything it felt like a weight has been lifted off my back. I felt a little bit better because I know I have shared my problems with someone else. Even though telling Shuhua about my divorce wouldn't solve my current problem and that Sana will come back to me, but it certainly feels better to know that someone is there for me when I am at my lowest. Before ending the chat, Shuhua gave me a really good life motto to think about.

Y/N: So that's all that happened, it's tough you know. Sorry to bore you with my problems.

Shuhua: It's ok boss. Just remember, no matter what happens life needs to move on. Forget the past and look to the future.

Y/N: Thanks Shuhua.

A bit of a short chapter today, I've got a bit of free time today so I decided to give you a short chapter just to fill in what's happening and to build up to the next stage of this book. There is still a long way to go for this book so please continue reading until the end.

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