Chapter 3

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Ethan POV

I was currently at my History lesson. God I absolutely hate History because I really didn't bother what happened in the past. We live in the present and we should only look at the future. History are to be rewritten so I still don't know why I am here at school spending time studying about what happened 100 years ago. The only history I really should learn about is how all the F1 drivers got into F1 through karting so I could follow their footsteps.

Teacher: Right class, I suppose you all have completed your essay about the Berlin Wall. I will now come around and collect it.

Luckily, my mom had made me complete my homework before I went to the race so I had my homework completed and ready to hand it in. I opened my school bag to get my homework out, but I can't seem to find it. Crap, I had typed up my essay into my laptop and didn't print it out. I am in big trouble now, I flipped my school bag upside down trying to find the piece of paper that wasn't there. The teacher came over to my desk and I had no choice but to show her my essay on my laptop and tried to explain it. Hopefully she understands it.

Ethan: Sorry Miss Watanabe, I typed up my essay but I didn't print it out.

Teacher: ETHAN! This is your third time this month not printing out your work. How many times do I have to tell you the school only accept hard copy work? Go to Mister Takahashi's office, NOW (shouts)! This goes onto your student record.

I took all my belongings to Mister Takahashi's office. This is really bad for me, I am in really really big trouble. Mister Takahashi is the head teacher of my grade. Even though he seems like a nice person and knows I have a karting championship to compete in, maybe he will let me off the hook this time. Who am I kidding? Getting sent to Mister Takahasi's office is never good because he gets really annoyed when students do something wrong. I walked down the long hallway to Mister Takahasi's office waiting to get shouted at.

Knock Knock

Mr Takahashi: Come in.

Ethan: Hi sir.

Mr Takahashi: Ethan, what did you do today?

Ethan: I didn't print out my homework.

Mr Takahashi: The record said this is your third time this month. I'm going to have to call your parents.

Crap, they are calling my mom which means I am in more trouble because my mom is all over me when it comes to school work. My mom is the last person I want to know about my situation, I have already got into big trouble with my mom in the past when I didn't submit my homework or didn't print out my essays. To do it three times this month, I am definitely going to get punished at home, big time. I sat there, with my head down and waited for my mom to come to school.

Sana POV

I was at home, cleaning the house and preparing dinner. It was a very normal day in the house, nothing much has happened until I heard the phone ring.

Ring Ring

???: Hello, is this Ethan's mother?

Sana: Yes this is she.

???: This is Mister Takahashi Shimizundani School, could you please come to the school. We would like to talk about the current situation of your son.

Sana: No problem, I'll be there very soon.

This is not good news, the school wanted to talk with me about Ethan's situation. This usually means Ethan is in trouble. He probably didn't finish his homework, I knew I should check that he had really completed his homework before letting him go to that race. I called my husband and headed to the school together.

As we arrived, we were told to head to Mister Takahashi's room and was told that Ethan and Mister Takahashi was expecting us for a while. We entered the room and saw Ethan with looking down, the atmosphere was tense. Looks like he is in really big trouble, hopefully he isn't expelled or something.

Mr Takahashi: Mister Chou and Missus Chou, please take a seat.

Y/N: What did Ethan do this time?

Mr Takahashi: Well it's nothing serious, but it's his third time this month failing to submit his homework. So I just wanted to know if everything is fine, that he is not overworked and have too much after school activities that is hindering his studies.

This kid, I knew it. Every time I get a call or email from the school, it's always about him not doing his homework or not submitting his homework. Even if I had specifically told him that hen need to complete all his homework before he could participate in any of his karting races. Honestly, at this point I don't know what I could do.

Sana: No, not really. He has been doing his homework at home according to what he told me.

Y/N: And he only goes to karting races during the weekends. Not much is on his plate to be fair.

Mr Takahashi: Well if that's the case, I suggest that you as parents get on top of his homework as I think he isn't really able to act like a responsible student and seemed to keep forget something when it comess to homework.

Sana: We will do that. Thank you for informing us.

Mr Takahashi: Ok Ethan will let all of you go. I hope we don't have to go through this again for a while.

Ethan: Sorry and thank you Mister Takahashi.

Mr Takahashi: Don't worry about it too much. Ethan is a good kid, he's doing alright in terms of grades. It's just he could be forgetful sometimes so just make sure he remembers to print out all his homework on time. It's a pleasure meeting you both again.

Sana and Y/N: Thanks, the pleasure is ours.

After meeting Mister Takahashi, me and my husband left the school and headed back home. I was really angry about Ethan not printing out his homework. It was his third time this month, it seems like he was doing it on purpose, I really need be on top of him in terms of school and homework. I never seem to be able to give this kid a break, because if I do he will wander off and watch random motorsport races and forget all about school. I really need to punish him good when he comes home tonight.

Sana: I need to talk to Ethan tonight. It's his third time, how can he keep doing this.

Y/N: Honey, he's fine. He's a good kid just let him be.

Sana: No you heard his head teacher say, we need to be on top of him regarding this matter. I'm going to ground him so he learns his lesson.

Y/N: Why do you have to be so harsh to our kid?

Sana: I just don't want him to be a drop out of school like we did......

Third chapter revised. Just stay with me for a bit longer. I am trying to revise as quick as possible. I didn't really change much of the book right now so the first few chapters will be told in Ethan's POV about his life with Y/N and Sana. If you are still confused then please message me I'll explain it to you happily.

I know Sana is this bubbly and happy person, but for the sake of the plot and the story, I have to make her the mother who is on top of her kid and the strict parent. Who knows, maybe Sana is a strict parent in real life too we'll never know. So if you don't really like this Sana strict parent character, I'm so sorry because I don't too but it's for the sake of this story.

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