Chapter 40

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Sana POV

If I am being honest, I wasn't prepared to see Y/N and was very surprised that he showed up in front of my door. I thought I had made things very clear with him in the chambers last time, we are divorced and shouldn't interfere with each other's lives anymore. Seeing Y/N was obviously awkward because I wasn't really over him even though I was the one who came up with the divorce. Thankfully, he wasn't here to explain anything and was only here to drop off something for Ethan. Also, I have managed to keep my cool in front of him so he won't get any ideas of having a chance with me in the future.

I debated if I should give the thing that Y/N gave me to Ethan. I have made it very clear to him that I will take care of Ethan alone and he really shouldn't mind any of my business. For the past few months after the divorce, Ethan and me have been living very peacefully and are having a very good life. He has just completed his rookie season in Formula 2 and finished 2nd in the standings and is now looking at the options for next season. I had a thought about what Y/N said.

Y/N: I'm here to give this to Ethan. As much as you hate me and don't want to do this, just give this to him please. It's for the best for his future. If you want Ethan to have a bright and successful future, give this to him please.

He said that this was for the benefit of Ethan's future. I really wondered what it could be. Maybe I should open it and have a look myself before giving it to Ethan. I went to find some scissors so I could open the envelope until I accidentally bumped into my son.

Ethan: Hey mom. Who was at the door?

Sana: Nobody.

Ethan: I think I heard dad's voice.

Sana: Yeah your dad was here.

Ethan: Can I see him?

Sana: No, I told him to go away. He did tell me to give this to you. I was going to open it and see what funny business is he playing this time but since you are here now, I'll give it to you.

Ethan POV

Honestly, I really missed my dad. I haven't seen him for a very long time. I thought I will be fine after this divorce and the situation regarding living with my mom. I really wanted to see my dad and was gutted that I didn't get to see him. Without my dad, I had seemed to lost all connection to the racing world and even though I finished at a lofty 2nd place in the Formula 2 Championship, I didn't really have a drive in Formula 1. Truth is, I wasn't fine without my dad here with me. Luckily he didn't leave empty handed, he gave me an envelope and I was desperate to see what he has left me. Maybe it was a contract for a Formula 1 drive. I opened the envelope and read what's inside.

Congratulations Ethan Chou,

You have been selected for a Formula 1 drive with our team for the upcoming season. Please read the terms and conditions of the contract below and sign on the bottom. Once this is completed please return this form to the address below and we will schedule you a seat fit upon receiving your decision.

Best Regards,
Y/N Chou (Founder and Team Principal of Sanatozaki Racing)
Paddy Lowe (Technical Director of Sanaotzaki Racing)

I couldn't believe what I was reading, I actually got a Formula 1 drive for the upcoming season. To make it even better, I will be racing under the team that my dad has created. This made me miss my dad even more. My dad has always thought about my future and had kept me in his plans even when he didn't need to take care of me anymore. This was a really big surprise to me because I really wasn't expecting my dad to start a new Formula 1 team and more importantly, I never thought about him potentially giving me a drive.

Without thinking, I signed the contract. Racing in Formula 1 has always been my dream, it was what I wanted to do since I was a kid and now I have finally achieved this dream. There was only one person that I could thank for making all of this possible to me. This person has introduced me into the world of motorsport, and have provided me a career in motorsport. I really looked up to this person and I idolise him a lot. This said person is my dad. I know that if he wasn't there for me, all of this wouldn't happen and I will not be who I am today and achieved what I have achieved. I was really thankful for what my dad did for me and I need to make sure I tell him.

After signing the contract, I rushed out the door without saying anything to my mom. I need to go to my dad and thank him and I need to do this now. Ever since the divorce, I picked to be on my mom's side and have forgotten that my dad is the one who really cares about my career and my future. I thought I would be alright taking my career into my own hands, but it was easier said than done. If it wasn't for this contract from my dad, I think I would be out of a drive for the upcoming season. I went out the door and immediately headed to my dad's team headquarters. 

Once I arrived, the receptionist tried to see who I was looking for, but I just ignored her and went to my dad's office. As I tried to enter my dad's door, his secretary tried to stop me from barging in but I disobeyed the orders from his secretary and went in anyways.

Secretary: Sir, have you got an appointment with the boss Mister Chou?

Ethan: Nope, but I got a family emergency.

Secretary: Sir, the boss might be in some sort of online meeting now.

Ethan: I don't care, just let me in.

His secretary tried her best to keep me outside, but with pure force and strength, I barged into my dad's room. My dad was surprised to see me and his secretary clearly wasn't happy about the situation.

Secretary: Boss, I tried my best but he insisted that it was an emergency.

Y/N: It's ok, I'll handle this.

The secretary went out with a disappointed face, and upon shutting the door, the room was silent. I didn't know what to do. It was my first time seeing my dad for a very very long time. I just froze and waited for him to speak up.

Y/N: So Ethan, what brings you here?

I didn't answer, I just ran over and hugged my dad and teared up a little bit. I was really lucky that I have a dad who would start a Formula 1 team just so he can fulfil his son's dream of racing in Formula 1.

Ethan: Thank you dad.

Y/N: Wow slow down kiddo. 

Ethan: Thank you for everything you done to me.

Y/N: I'm guessing your mom gave you that envelope. What's your response to the offer?

Ethan: I can't decline that offer. Here's the signed contract.

Y/N: Son I've been waiting to say this line for a long time. Welcome to the team.

So that's another chapter. Finally a Formula 1 drive for Ethan. Will this be the beginning of the reunion of the Chou family? Continue reading this book to find out.

Thank you very much for you past support. I know the updates haven't been as frequent as before. But I have just started to settle into to university so I have a little bit more time to update my book. My aim is to finish this story by the end of the first term, but that might change depending on the workload I have.

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